Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 133 Do You Have A Story? Want A Drink? (Please Subscribe For 5 More Updates)

Jiang Ye was laughing, but the laughter was cold.

He said someone had crossed the line.

What does this mean?

Xiaoxi had already walked out of the hospital, and she came to the outside of the tavern called Qinghe.

This tavern is a popular place for artistic youths and petty bourgeoisie. It has a unique style and a very eye-catching spray painting on the door:

You have a story, I have wine, would you like a drink?

Looking at this slogan soliciting customers, Jiang Ye felt deep malice.

Why does this feel like he is stealing business?

But Jiang Ye doesn't need wine, he always tells stories with nothing.

Xiaoxi's camera first looked around the outside of the tavern, and then Xiaoxi asked Jiang Ye: "Anchor, do you need to go inside?"

"Where's that trash can? Are there any- around here?"

Xiaoxi looked around, and sure enough, he saw a trash can in the opposite corner.

After just taking a look, Jiang Ye said: "Let's go inside the pub first and have a look? I just don't know if the pub is closed now or not."

At Jiang Ye's signal, Xiaoxi entered the tavern.

Seeing that there were only two customers on the few tables in the tavern, a man and a woman, Xiaoxi also found a seat.

The layout of this pub is a bar counter with a wine cabinet, and there are more than a dozen chairs on the bar counter.

The space is small, but you can stand close to the bartender and chat.

That little brother is the owner of the tavern.

Seeing Xiaoxi coming, the tavern boy showed a smile on his face and said: "Welcome, the list of our tavern is written on the light sign above our head, please take your time to read it."

Xiaoxi took a look and ordered a glass of wine. After all, this was a tavern and it wouldn't be appropriate if he didn't order wine. As for whether to drink or not, that was Xiaoxi's freedom.

The little brother mixed the wine. Xiaoxi sat there and saw that the young man and woman seemed to have their heads lowered all the time. Their moods seemed very low.

Covering the phone on the table, Xiaoxi followed Jiang Ye's prompts and asked: "Boss, what does the story told at the door of your pub mean?"

"Oh, if you drink with dry grass, the more you drink, the more bitter it will become. For our tavern, sometimes the best food to go with the drink is the story in each guest's heart. Or happiness

Either happy or sad, there are many stories anyway, and my original intention is that this kind of behavior can make many customers remember my tavern. "

Xiaoxi nodded subconsciously. Indeed, such a tavern made her feel that her memory was more profound.

But after taking a look at the price displayed on the light sign above her head, she also felt that this pub was not something that ordinary working-class people would be willing to spend.

"Boss, among the stories you hear, are there more happy stories or sad stories?"

After hearing this, the boss thought for a while and said bitterly: "It's more sad. My original intention was to let everyone hear some happy things from the dialogue with the guests, let them share happiness with each other, and let the happiness be infected. Everyone. But I don’t know why, happiness is always so rare, but sadness and misfortune are full of life in nine out of ten cases.

The little brother was shaking his head slightly as he spoke, not quite understanding why people today always have so much sadness and misfortune.

"Why, why do you want to break up with me? Give me a little, and I will meet all your mother's conditions sooner or later!"

The boy among the two guests on the side suddenly spoke louder. The girl glanced at Xiaoxi with some embarrassment and said, "Don't be so loud. I know this is hard for you to accept. I feel pain in my heart too, but it’s not easy for my mother to raise me for more than 20 years. I spent nine years of my youth with you. Isn’t that enough? 11

"But we have just graduated two years ago. Can you give me some time? I really can't afford the five hundred thousand yuan gift..."

"You are wrong, not only about the bride price, but also about the house... My mother also said that she did it for my own good, and in fact it is true. I have spent my whole youth accompanying you, and now I want to Is it too much to ask for a place to settle down after marrying you?"

The boy lowered his head in silence, held the wine glass tightly, and said: "I know your family is in trouble between the two of us, but dear, you know my family situation. If you give me a gift of five hundred thousand, Can your family give you a gift in return?

"It's impossible to recall. I have a younger brother who also needs to get married...so if I want my mother to agree to this matter, I must agree to her conditions. In the past two years, I have felt that there is no Money is hard to come by, and all the requests my mother makes are just for my own good......

The girl's tone was decisive, and the boy's expression was downcast, as if his hands were about to crush the wine glass.

The tavern boy at the bar sighed softly and shook his head, saying: "I wonder when I will have some happy stories.

The girl left, leaving only the boy alone.


He raised his head, looked at the tavern boy with red eyes, and said: "Boss? Am I really not worthy of being entrusted with my life? She and I met in high school. She was an excellent student and I was an average student. In order to be able to I tried my best to get into the same university that she applied for!"

"It was also because I ranked higher than her that she agreed to my pursuit. After graduation, I still worked like crazy. I just wanted to bring her a better life, but... .But I have only worked for two years, and I really can’t give her what she wants at this time. Am I wrong?”

The tavern boy could only smile bitterly, and Xiaoxi didn't say anything.

The boy drank the strong wine in the glass in one gulp, his eyes filled with bloodshot eyes.

"I really hope that someone can help me at this time. You can't understand the look of contempt in your eyes, let alone understand that when I tried so hard to protect her, she felt that everything I had came easily. . But, she is not much better than me!"


The boy said as he put the wine glass on the table and walked out of the tavern with his head lowered to the extreme of decadence.

The boy looked at him and smiled apologetically at the stream: "I'm sorry that you encountered such a depressing scene on your first visit. I may not want to continue opening this tavern. It was originally People who come here in search of happiness and joy, but don’t know why, fill my tavern with an atmosphere of decadence, negativity and even despair. I should think carefully, what is the use of making money like this? I don’t know. I feel like I will be depressed soon... feeling depressed all the time..."

The little brother said and turned around. Xiaoxi picked up the phone and glanced at the message sent by Jiang Ye. So I paid for the drink and walked out of the tavern.

At this time, she saw the young boy lying next to the trash can.

He also held a doll in his hand, and his eyes were staring blankly at the doll, as if there was a trace of obsession flowing in his eyes.

But at this moment, the rag doll that was facing the boy suddenly turned its head.

Her dull eyes showed shock at this moment.

Just as he was about to break free from the boy's hand, he heard Jiang Ye saying:

"Do you want to leave? You love all the negative emotions of people so much. Does it come from your own fear and you don't enjoy it at all?"

"Huh?" Jiang Ye finally hummed, full of sarcasm. .

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