Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 136: The Skin Is Scratched But Not The Heart, And The Finishing Touch Is Not The Finishing T

"Paper-making? Of course I've heard of this. It's a traditional skill. In ancient times, it was also called the Yinmen profession. Nowadays, I'm afraid there aren't many paper-making craftsmen.

Jiang Ye responded, and for some reason there was a soft "bang" on the other end of the phone.

The sound was like it was covered with a wooden board. After thinking about the sound, the papermaker Lao Feng cleared his throat and said: "You are right. There are not many people learning the papermaking craft nowadays. I’m afraid they will all become extinct in a few years.”

"This is also a very helpless thing. After all, the times are changing too fast today. It's not that many ancient crafts are impossible, but that fewer and fewer people will accept them."

"Yes, these crafts are indeed incompatible with today's times. That is to say, people like me who have been trapped in the mountains all their lives can inherit their father's business. After all, they have to support their families. I can only do this little paper-making in my life, even if it is If I go out, I’m afraid it will be difficult to find any suitable job.”

"I also used my mobile phone to search some things on the Internet tonight, and then I entered your live broadcast room. It's a pity that I just came here not long ago, but judging from what the big guys said, you should be a good anchor. Are you an expert?"

"I am not an expert. Mr. Feng thinks that I am a person who likes to listen to stories. If Mr. Feng has any problems, I can also help you solve them.

After Jiang Ye finished speaking, Lao Feng on the other end of the phone chirped twice and seemed to be smoking a dry cigarette.

"I make paper, and the anchor just now said that this is a yinmen profession. In the past, the craftsmanship was passed down by the ancients, but there are actually many taboos. But if you really want to say it is evil, there is nothing evil, it is just that some people always like To exaggerate those of us who work in the yin profession. At least that's what my father told me. He said that no matter whether it is a yin job or another profession, the outside world is very particular about our profession. Mysterious, in fact there are only two taboos in our industry.||

, it hurts the skin but not the heart. "

"Two: the finishing touch."

"The so-called skin pricking without pricking the heart means that when pricking the paper figurine, just prick the outer skin. Don't take the time to make a heart for the paper figurine. As for the finishing touches, it is just as the name suggests. Paper figurine The origin of this emphasis on having eyes but no eyes is as people say today, the eyes are the windows to the human soul. This paper man is a paper man, and you can give some comfort to the dead person. By dotting the eyes, doesn’t that mean giving it a spirit?”

"Throughout the ages, these two major rules among papermakers have been passed down from generation to generation. Regardless of whether it is the north or the south, or a place with strange customs, there are many rules, but they cannot escape these two points. When my father first taught me how to make paper, He asked me to carry it repeatedly, even when I was eating and sleeping, and even sometimes he would knock on the door for me twice when I was squatting in the cesspit, telling me to carry the two taboos that I should not do. "

"At that time, I really didn't understand why my father had to insist on insisting on me again and again, and only a few words about me. Not to mention reciting these two sentences backwards, even if there were thousands of changes in these two sentences, I could read them out to him immediately. But I My father is very fierce. I was afraid of him when I was a child, so I would do whatever he asked me to do.”

"Later, as I grew up, my father began to let me take on some paper-making business. I could make things like ghost houses, horses, boys and girls, and so on. Oh, by the way, everything. Among all the paper bundles, my favorite is to tie up boys!”

"Boys' paper-making craftsmanship is simpler than that of girls, and when we test whether a paper-making master's skills are good, everyone likes to see it from the golden boy. If you are a golden boy and can make good paper-making, others will be willing to work with you. Doing business. I don’t know how many pairs of golden boys and girls I’ve pierced over the years, and I’ve never had any problems. But a few days ago, Mrs. Cuihua from Wangjiakou passed away, and the pair of golden boys and girls I pierced died. Something happened!"

"At that time, according to the request of Cuihua Po's grandson, he said that the fair and fat golden boy and beautiful girl should be braided. I said that it would be easy to do and not a problem. Then he said that golden boys and beautiful girls should all wear braids, so I said that It's also simple. Then he made another request, saying that it was his grandmother's last words when she passed away, saying that the golden boy should put on her clothes after she was tied up.

"I said I could tie up the clothes and feel free to worry about it, but Cuihuapo's grandson said that the clothes must be worn by his son and daughter. I was stunned when I heard that Cuihuapo's grandson was a miserable man. Some time ago When a pair of children went to pick mushrooms in the mountains, they encountered a wild boar. The wild boar killed them and left their bodies in a mess.

"I went to the mountain to see him at that time. When he was brought down, the boy's eyes were picked out. The girl's was better...but it was also chewed up beyond recognition. Then For a while, the people nearby were frightened and no longer allowed the children to run to the mountains, because everyone thought that all the wild animals had been wiped out. But now there are wild boars in the mountains. If the children run into the mountains and encounter wild boars, That's no way to survive."

"ˋ々When I think of the death of Cuihuapo's great-great-grandson and great-great-granddaughter, I don't agree to dress the golden boy in their clothes. And at that time, his pair of great-great-grandchildren had been in trouble for many years, so I just said that the child Why don't you burn the clothes for them? Cuihua's grandson replied to me and said that the two clothes were very expensive. The family's financial situation was not good, and he wanted to make do with them when he had a new child, so he didn't have them. Not willing to throw it away.”

"When I heard that, I wanted to curse. How could these clothes of a dead person be worn by a living person? But then I thought about Cuihua's husband's family never having a newborn, so I swallowed it back and said It’s better not to wear it, it’s unlucky!”

"Unexpectedly, Po Cuihua's grandson got angry and said that if you don't give me clothes, then I won't do this business with you. If I don't do it (money, Zhao), I won't do it. Find someone else! He said He really left, and I was not the only one in our area who knew how to make paper. So after he left, he asked Yang Xiaoshu from another village to make paper. Yang Xiaoshu was not just a paper maker, he was also taught by his father. Yes, he knows a little bit about crafts, and his favorite thing to do on weekdays is idleness. When I heard that he actually found Yang Xiaoshu, I was a little angry, but I can't make irresponsible remarks when a business is not done right, right?"

"I didn't finish Cuihua Po's business, and I had a lot of leisure during that time. I went to bed early every night, until the first two nights before Cuihua Po's funeral. It would be one or two in the morning. At the end of the day, Yang Xiaoshu suddenly banged on my door. He banged on my door with great force and shouted: "Uncle Feng, please get up... please get up..." ....The golden boy I stabbed was clicked in the eye!"

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