Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 138 Dropping Eyes! (1 Update Please Subscribe Automatically)

"Did you go into the cabin?" Jiang Ye asked Lao Feng at this time, and the latter took a long breath. "............." After he exhaled a long breath, he said: "No, Xiaoshu and I were too scared at that time. Because I saw it with my own eyes, and Xiaoshu saw it himself. I looked at him, he looked at me for help, and then I dragged him and ran out of the forest madly~." "Later we ran out, Yang Xiaoshu was still very scared. Because we have a saying here, mainly because the forest is too evil, so many people died there, and they all died of illness. After this person dies, it is said that he has a lot of resentment. Those who died of illness, died young, and died in an accident, I heard when I was very young that these people are easy to turn into evil spirits after death." "So Xiaoshu's face appeared in the forest, and I was thinking at the time that this kid would really die soon. Right? But he is a living person in front of me, if I can save him, of course I will save him. Even if he used to be idle and relied on his father's reputation, always fooling others as a paper-making craftsman. But Yang Xiaoshu is only in his twenties or thirties. Although he is not a good person, he is not a bad person either, so I still dragged him to his home as if my life depended on it. "

"Yang Xiaoshu lives with his mother, wife and children. The house is still the old house of the family, a blue brick and tile house with a yard. When Yang Xiaoshu came out to find me, he forgot to close the door in the yard. Even the main door of the hall was not closed. I ran in with him. There were still a lot of bamboo strips and oilcloth paper in the yard. Those are all materials for paper-making, but as soon as I entered, I suddenly thought of something. "

"I asked Yang Xiaoshu, I said Xiaoshu, you just How did you find me? Xiaoshu said I ran over to find you. I asked again, "Did you pass through the forest?" Xiaoshu said I did. What did you see when you passed through the forest? Xiaoshu shook his head, but I really started to panic at this time. "Yang Xiaoshu was obviously possessed by evil spirits, why didn't he encounter anything when he went to find me, but when I followed him through the forest, something happened? I was wondering if it was me or him who was possessed by evil spirits. I stared at Xiaoshu's face, and then I shouted loudly into the house: Yang Xiaoshu, get up the fucking hell." "In just a few moments, a man ran out of the house. After he saw me clearly with a flashlight, he asked Uncle Feng, "Why did you come to find me so late at night!" "Do you know that I saw Yang Xiaoshu running out of the house at that time? What was your mood when you came out? How scared was I when I found out that Yang Xiaoshu, who was standing behind me but I didn't even see, suddenly disappeared? That person who came with me suddenly ran out of the house yesterday? He asked me with sleepy eyes, "Uncle Feng, why are you here?"

"I was standing in the yard of Yang Xiaoshu's house at that time. Because of my shout, his mother, wife and children all ran out. They were all woken up by me and looked at me like a madman. At that time, I didn't know how to answer. I thought for a long time before I said that I had just had a dream and thought you were looking for me."

"This excuse is very bad. Even Yang Xiaoshu didn't believe it. But the two families are considered to be relatives in the village, and they know each other, so his mother and wife didn't say anything. Yang Xiaoshu also invited me in. When I sat with him, I kept wanting to see the golden boy and jade girl he made for Cuihua's mother-in-law's family. I asked him, "Have the golden boy and jade girl of Xiaoshu and Cuihua's mother-in-law been prepared?"

"He told me that they were ready, but he seemed very hesitant and asked me, Uncle Feng, do you think it would be taboo to let the golden boy and jade girl wear the clothes of Cuihua's mother-in-law's great-grandson?"

"When Yang Xiaoshu asked this, I made it clear that there has never been a golden boy wearing the clothes of the dead. The ancestors didn't say it couldn't be done, but why didn't the ancestors do that?

It’s very possible that there’s a reason for it, don’t ruin things just for some money!”

"Did Yang Xiaoshu listen to your opinion later?" Jiang Ye asked at this time.

Old Feng sighed: "He nodded when I said it, as if he understood what I meant. But later when Cuihua Po was at the funeral, I saw with my own eyes that the golden boy and beautiful girl was covered with clothes."

"Then have you seen the pair of golden boys and girls that Yang Xiaoshu tied up? Have you touched the eyes of the golden boys and girls?"

Jiang Ye asked, and Lao Feng took a deep breath again as before.

"When I arrived at Yang Xiaoshu's house that night, it was already early in the morning. I couldn't stay any longer, and I couldn't ask to see the golden couple. Because both of us were paper-makers, it was because I refused Cuihua's husband's family, so this voice fell on Yang Xiaoshu. If I said it, Yang Xiaoshu might be unhappy. And what I didn't say was what happened that night. People might not believe it, and they might even tell it. I thought he was uneasy and brought him here in the middle of the night to curse him."

0…Please give me flowers………………

"But no one expected that Yang Xiaoshu suddenly had a stomachache at that time. He said he was going for a convenience, which meant that I should leave quickly. I said yes, but in fact I didn't leave. As soon as he went to the bathroom, I went to his workshop. There were a lot of paper figures there, and I couldn’t tell which pair Cuihua’s husband wanted, but I should be able to find them one by one.”


"So I looked at them one by one from left to right. But among all the paper figures that were made, there were no eyes, only eye sockets. Just when I was about to leave, I suddenly discovered that the original work There was a pair of heads on the stage. The heads were of two children, a boy and a girl. I walked to the workbench by accident. "

"There was a writing brush next to the table, and the writing brush was placed next to the head. When I turned right and stared at the eyes of the two heads, my whole body seemed to tremble suddenly.

The eyes of a man and a woman were clicked!"

"One of those eyes is painted under the eye socket! You should still remember what I just said about the pair of great-great-grandchildren of Cuihua's mother-in-law, the boy's eyes were picked out by wild boars, right? Let me tell you , the eyes on the face of the paper man are exactly the same as the eyes of Cuihua’s great-great-grandson who was singled out at that time! I have never seen such a scary paper man, even if I have been piercing the golden child my whole life [I have never seen it] Saw it!"

"After I was frightened, the first thing I did was to look for Yang Xiaoshu. As soon as I turned around, Yang Xiaoshu was standing by the door. The moon was out at that time. It had rained when I came and there was no moon in the sky. But when I turned around, there was no moon in the sky outside. The moon was extraordinarily round. Yang Xiaoshu, he was motionless behind the door, his body was hanging high, he was hanging from the wooden beam in his house!"

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