Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 140 Cuihua Po And The Golden Boy! (3 More Updates Please Subscribe)

"So when you went to the cabin in the forest again, you went at night?"

Jiang Ye asked the frightened old Feng, who nodded heavily.

"Yes, I went there at night. But I also went there during the day, and it was peaceful inside during the day. I kept telling myself in my heart that I couldn't go there at night... something would happen if I went there at night. But in my heart, I am a paper maker and a person who fishes for vaginas. Although I don’t know how to deal with the evil, I have to figure it out. "

"I was involved in all of Yang Xiaoshu's death, Cuihua Po, and the paper man whose eyes were dotted. I'm already infected with this matter. What can I do if I don't figure it out?"

What Lao Feng said is right, at first glance it sounds like he is seeking death. But if you think about it carefully, it's not the case.

Just as Lao Feng himself said, he has already been involved in the matter. Most of the time, he doesn't really care about it just because he says he doesn't care about it.

Go at night and you will discover the most.

So Jiang Ye did not interrupt Lao Feng at this moment, and the latter followed up again:

"That night I went to the wooden house. There were many wooden houses there. Not just one. The first place I went to was the wooden house where Face 03 appeared. That night the mountain wind was still very strong, even stronger than the wooden house. It was even bigger that night when I arrived at Yang Xiaoshu. As soon as I entered, the leaves in the forest were beating.

"Even when the wind is strong, when it blows into the gaps in the leaves, it's like people crying. Wu... Wuwu... The sound makes people's skin crawl. I went in Once, I backed out before I even got close to the cabin. I was afraid, because as soon as I entered, I felt like I could see the cabin not far away. I walked out outside the forest. After smoking several cigarettes, I went in again with a strong heart."

"When I went in for the second time, the wind did not decrease at all. But I walked very fast, and I went straight to the wooden house. They were all dark wooden houses. Many of them collapsed. Every building is in disrepair."1

"Before I walked into the wooden house, I went to the window first. That night with Yang Xiaoshu, I was sure that the peeling on the door and window was also damaged. It was also contaminated with a lot of dust, so that night Yang Xiaoshu and I actually The face I saw was actually very blurry. But when I saw it that night, I felt that it was Yang Xiaoshu. When Yang Xiaoshu saw it himself, he thought it was him. "

"But when I stood there again, I was thinking, was the face I saw really Yang Xiaoshu? Why could I see it clearly from dozens of meters away? Was it the dead Yang Xiaoshu, who deliberately wanted to follow What did I reveal?"

"When I thought about it, I began to wonder if Yang Xiaoshu died because he came to this wooden house in the woods. With this thought, I opened the door, and there was a damp smell inside. After entering, I used a flashlight to shine everywhere. There was nothing inside. After the epidemic ended, everything in the house was burned. Originally, some people said that even the house had to be demolished and burned, but they didn't know what happened later. Just say it and don’t do it.”

"I stood in the house and saw something. There were many scratch marks on the walls of those wooden houses. I remember that the people who got sick at that time were just like colds and fevers at first, and then their bodies gradually collapsed. From the beginning They were all very weak in the end, so the real patients didn't have the strength to scratch on the wall like that. I think the people who were isolated in this house were just locked up by mistake due to fever.

"It's a pity that no one dared to take the risk of releasing a fever patient. At that time, the disease was well known throughout the country, and people were as feared as tigers and as fearful as devils. Especially since it was a new type of infectious disease, and no treatment drugs had been developed yet. , no one dares to take it lightly. Looking at the scratches on the wall, I can feel how broken the heart of the person who was arrested was."

"I walked to the wall and reached out to touch the marks. But just as I was touching it, suddenly...inside the wooden house, which was so quiet that I couldn't hear a sound, something else suddenly appeared. The voice is there.”

"Ha... Ha... Ha... Ha... Ha..." Just like this one after another, like a person who can't breathe, trying desperately to Breathe. When the sound came, I was completely confused. I even forgot about my fear and kept walking toward the wooden house. The sound seemed to come from the back door of the wooden house.

"The back door is also a wooden door, bolted from the inside. The closer I get to the back door, the more I can hear the heavy breathing outside, ha... ...ha...og!"

"I stretched out my trembling hand and landed on the door bolt. But when I opened the door, I still had a trace of reason controlling myself. The door couldn't be opened. If it opened, I would be dead. But my hand couldn't Just obey, I forced myself to hold the door open and looked out through the crack."

"In the darkness outside the door was a very thin figure, with a hunched back and strands of white hair scattered in front of her face. Her head was stretched out so long. When I looked through the crack in the door, she was also looking into the room. . As soon as I pressed it against the door, Mrs. Cuihua immediately put her face over. "

"I can see that old face 097 clearly, but it doesn't mean how pale her face is. On the contrary, her face has a dead gray color, but I can see it clearly, as if there is light. She As soon as I stretched my neck, I instinctively moved back, but my hand pulled the door bolt open at this time.

"At that time, I was screaming alone in the wooden house. I don't even remember what I yelled. A gust of wind blew the door open, and Cuihua Po was not the only one standing outside. There were also tattoos on her left and right hands. Pulling a child. Isn’t that child her great-great-grandson and great-great-granddaughter who died a few years ago?”

"I sat down on the ground, and Cuihua Po walked up to me step by step with her hunched back and her great-great-grandson. But the bodies of her great-great-grandson and great-great-granddaughter were made of paper, and only her head looked like a human being. Unfortunately, the three of them looked dumb. Only Cuihua Po's breathing kept coming. She didn't know what they were doing in the house, but they just kept searching. Finally, they stopped. Come down and stop in front of the marks I touched before."

"At that moment, I remembered that Cuihua Po's wife was one of the patients who was quarantined that year. In this wooden house, it was her wife who was quarantined that year!"

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