Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 152 You Really Didn’T Disappoint Me! (3 More Updates Please Subscribe)

Things are almost figured out.

Ding Hao's mother was already so vicious when she was a human being. Will she become even more vicious after her death?

Not everyone can regret everything they have done in their life when they are dying, and not everyone can understand everything and change their past mistakes after death.

If death is the end, then why would the underworld set up eighteen levels of hell to punish evil spirits?

Ding Hao actually knew that her mother could do it, just as her mother said when the two parties broke up:

"You want my son to watch Hope die of illness alive, so... Very good, if one day he really dies, I won't be able to live! After I die, even if I become a ghost, I won't I will let you go! I want your life to be worse than death!"

This is what a mother said, and it also tells everyone that not every kind of maternal love is great.

Some mothers hide extremely deep malice and selfishness. They only love what they love. As for whether the children they don't love were born to them, they don't care at all.

"Miss Ding, you are waiting in your room now. But don't remove the spiritual case. Do you have a photo of your unrelated brother? If so, replace the ring.

Jiang Ye asked 753 Ding Hao, although Ding Hao was suspected of refusing to save him.

But no one can say that Ding Hao did something wrong, and no one can accuse Ding Hao of not saving him.

She was destined to bear the consequences of donating a kidney for the rest of her life. What's more, she knew she was just being used, so she had no reason to do this.

Ding Hao shook his head: "I don't have any photos of them."

"Then do you remember that woman's birth date?"

"Remember, oh, by the way, she died in Jinjiang, and my younger brother also came to Jinjiang for treatment."

"Of course, otherwise I wouldn't be able to clear you up."

Jiang Ye said something, and Ding Hao nodded and said, "I remember, I asked her before."

"Okay, you write her birth date on a piece of paper, and then use two incense sticks to stick on the spiritual table."

Ding Hao did what Jiang Ye said. After finishing it, Jiang Ye said: "Sweep away the paper money, put out the incense candles. Turn off the lights, just wait.'

The light in the room suddenly disappeared, and the incense paper money was not cleaned up. Only the (adbh) birth date horoscope on the other case was still there.

"Why don't you get out yet?"

In the darkness, Jiang Ye's voice was extremely cold.

Finally, there was a soft sound from the door, and there were no lights in the hall either.

But when the figure came in, the darkness seemed to be a bit greener.

The figure who came in, her face looked particularly clear.

As soon as the person was clearly recognized, Ding Hao's voice also sounded: "It's really you!"

"Bitch girl, you are so lucky to have such a big backer! I hate it!

The woman who came in was about fifty years old.

But his face was extremely mean, and his eyes were full of gloom.

But in the next second, her face suddenly turned into Ding Hao's face again, but as soon as it changed, it seemed as if a hand appeared invisibly.

After directly tearing away that layer of shame, the woman's original appearance was revealed again.

"You're so brave. You know I'm here and you still want to make a fool of yourself, aren't you?"

Jiang Ye stared coldly at Ding Hao's mother, who gritted her teeth and said: "She refused to save him and watched her brother being tortured to death by the disease. Shouldn't she be punished?"

"Why should she be saved? Why should she be saved?"

"Just because she was born to me!"

"Then you know that if you live without nourishment, you will be punished by cutting off your fingers?" Jiang Ye said coldly.

Upon hearing this, the woman said in a deep voice: "Then break her finger, break it off now!"

"Fuck, anchor... I don't know what to say, strangle her to death... Damn it, I'm going to Jinjiang right now, and I'll strangle this bitch to death with my own hands!"

"It's so poisonous. Is her heart actually grown from flesh? It's so bad that she actually wants Miss Ding to cut off her fingers!"

"When she was a human, her heart was already vicious enough to make people fearful. After her death, she turned into a ghost and she didn't expect that she would be even more vicious. I couldn't bear it anymore. For the first time, I had the urge to kill!"

The audience in the live broadcast room were all furious, but Ding Hao didn't feel anything at all. Instead, he sneered and said, "Do you think you are still qualified to ask for my finger?"

"Although I didn't raise you, you were born to me, and you must repay me for the kindness of giving birth to you!"

"She has already repaid you. You abandoned her for more than 20 years, but she still accepted you when you came back. She has repaid your kindness a long time ago. Do you really think you can only repay it by cutting off your fingers?"

Jiang Ye sneered, and the woman's face changed drastically when she heard this, and then she burst into tears:

"It's not fair, it's not fair!"

"Fuck you, are you fair to Ding Hao? What obligations and responsibilities does she have to help chase you, the mother who has abandoned her for more than 20 years? People have to be self-aware, but you keep saying that you are committed to her. Well, have you ever asked her, if she knew in advance that she had a mother like you, would she be willing to be born?"

"Because you gave birth to her, you can do whatever you want? It's ridiculous. Of all the parents in this world, no one can be as bold as you by the grace of giving birth to her! People like you can't expect to be reincarnated as a human being in the next life. ”

Jiang Ye couldn't hold back his anger anymore. The woman lay tremblingly on the ground, not daring to raise her head to look at Jiang Ye.

"Ding Hao, you decide her fate. Let her go to the underworld to accept punishment, or be annihilated on the spot, it's up to you."

Jiang Ye left the choice to Ding Hao, who gritted her teeth and looked at the mother she should have respected.

"Forget it, let her go to the underworld [to see if she can be reincarnated into her own creation."

Although Ding Hao hated her mother very much, if she was asked to beat her mother to death herself, she couldn't do it.

It's not that she is merciful, but that she can never erase the relationship between the two.

Her mother can deny it, and can even be so cold-blooded as to use her daughter as a mere object.

But what about her? She still couldn't do it.

Jiang Ye smiled and nodded at this time, which is why he was willing to help Ding Hao. And this choice couldn't be better.

However, what Ding Hao didn't expect was that the prostrate woman suddenly raised her head.

"You killed my son. I don't need your mercy. Even if my soul is gone, I still want you to stay with me!"

"You really didn't disappoint me!"

Just when the woman was about to rush towards Ding Hao, Jiang Ye's laughter rang out in the live broadcast room. .

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