Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 161 Ghost Delivery! (6 Updates Please Subscribe)

Jiang Ye's words are very puzzling.

The child died before he was born, perhaps this is what fate should be.

But that fall made someone anxious. Was that person Hong Gu?

"The child was conceived, but the child was being watched. Even if he really spent ten months of pregnancy, he would never be an intact child after he was born. In other words, the child would be able to Not being able to live is also a problem.”

"So being able to take it out earlier is beneficial to Ms. Lu as a mother. Because all the nutrients the fetus absorbs come from the mother, but if there is a ghost baby in the body, what it absorbs is Ms. Lu's essence. Qi Shen, Ms. Lu should understand what I said, right?"

"I...I understand."

"What I'm saying more simply is that if the month is really full, it is very likely that both of you will not be able to survive on the day you give birth. This possible probability is 99.999%. In a certain sense, your fall is A good thing."

Jiang Ye explained, but the next person who was anxious was Liangzi.

"What about the anchor, Xiaoqing? Is Xiaoqing okay?"

"Of course nothing will happen."

"Then is she really pregnant?"

"As a boyfriend, don't you know better whether she is pregnant with a child?"

“I…………It seems that I haven’t taken any measures a few times.

Liangzi was a little embarrassed on the phone, but he reacted quickly and said, "If Xiaoqing is really pregnant, will the child in her belly not be safe?"

"I'm here, how can I still protect you? As long as it's not your fault, I will naturally give you a fat and white child in eight or nine months. Of course, in today's society, children are not a guarantee. Will we be able to stay together? Together, it is your decision whether the child will be born in the end."

"I know, what should I do next?"

"Don't do anything, wait...wait for Xiaoqing to join you. If we can arrive safely along the way, then everything will be fine. Oh, by the way, let Xiaoqing talk to me々

As Jiang Ye said, Liangzi went to notify Xiaoqing again. Soon another call came and Jiang Ye answered it.

"Hey, you...are you the powerful anchor that He Liang mentioned?"

"It's me, Xiaoqing, are you leaving now?" Jiang Ye asked.

"Let's go, on the way now!"

Jiang Ye said favorably: "How many people are there in the car?"

"The seats are all full, me, my parents, my brother and sister-in-law. They just got married today, but they came after hearing about me.

Jiang Ye smiled slightly: "That means everyone in the family is here, right? Your family is very united, especially your sister-in-law."

"Ang, my sister-in-law is very nice. Today was supposed to be a good day for them, but because I have to run around... wuwuwu."

When she talked about her grievances, Xiaoqing couldn't help crying.

Jiang Ye didn't ask her to stop crying. Instead, he waited for her to stop crying before asking, "Have you seen Hong Gu? She may be a woman in a red skirt."

"No, but let me tell you anchor, I have seen that family of three many times. If He Liang hadn't told me that there was another person named Hong Gu, I wouldn't have known that this person was still there."

"By the way, do you have anything in the trunk of your car?"

"Ah? Do you want to put something in the trunk too?"

Jiang Ye frowned, slightly blaming himself.

He neglected to think about the seats and even the roof of the car, but he forgot about the trunk.

"Anchor, is there any problem? The trunk is empty. The car... The car was given to me as a dowry from my sister-in-law's family when my brother got married. Woohoo... It's still a car. The brand new car is all my fault!"

Jiang Ye smiled softly at the other end of the phone and said, "Don't be afraid. Tell your brother and sister-in-law to relax. Who is driving now? Your brother?"

"Well, it's him."

"Ask your brother to stop the car first, and then ask your sister-in-law to open the door. Cover your head and be sure not to show your face, okay?"

"Okay, I'll do it right now."

There was obviously the sound of parking on the other end of the phone, but the phone was now in another person's hand.

"Hey, Mr. Jiang, I... I am Xiaoqing's sister-in-law. The car has stopped. Xiaoqing just covered her head and lay in my mother-in-law's arms. What should I do now?"

"Go and open the car and get together with your husband. By the way, you're not pregnant, are you?"

"No...not yet."

"That's good, you go to the back of the car, then close your eyes and open the door based on your feeling."

The couple closed their eyes as Jiang Ye ordered, and then Xiaoqing's sister-in-law went to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, I heard Jiang Ye say in my ear: "Reach into the trunk, what did you touch?"

"I don't know, it smells like mud. Wait... I touched my shoulder!"

The woman's voice suddenly raised a few points, and Jiang Ye said in a deep voice: "Don't open your eyes [Is the shoulder you touched a woman's shoulder or a man's? If you're not sure, just go down a bit."

"`々Female, female...it's so cold, her body is so cold, and it's all wet."

"I know. When you put your hand on her belly, do you feel how big it is?"

"I feel it, it's huge... It feels like I've been pregnant for several months."

Jiang Ye paused and said: "The car belongs to you, and you will definitely have to drive it from now on. Although I don't know what your family background is, a car can cost tens of thousands, or cost tens of millions. So this car? , I will help you keep it. If you think the car is not important, you can change to another car now.

"It's important. This car cost us hundreds of thousands. It's the first military car in our lives."

"Well, you put both hands on her belly, and then slowly open her legs."

"Ah? What do you want to do?"


Both on the phone and in the live broadcast room, everyone fell into silence at the moment.

"I know you are scared and don't even know what to do (Li Zhaohao). But just put your hands there, and you will naturally know what to do later.

"Good... Good sound."

There was already something wrong in Xiaoqing's sister-in-law's voice, but if she wanted to keep this car without turning it into an evil car, she could only do it bravely.

Within a few minutes, Xiaoqing's sister-in-law suddenly screamed: "Head, I touched a head!"

"Pull him out slowly, remember... Never open your eyes. Even if you are curious, you are not allowed to open your eyes. And Xiaoqing, don't show your face!"

Jiang Ye said seriously again, and each of the five people at home and abroad had their eyes closed.

But Jiang Ye was the only one who really understood everything. His eyes seemed to see a car hundreds of kilometers away at night with its trunk open, and a man and a woman sitting there.

The faces of both men and women were swollen and swollen, especially the woman's hair sticking to the rotten face, which looked even more ferocious. .

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