Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 166 Someone Else! (Please Subscribe For 5 More Updates)

Jiang Ye's words made everyone turn their heads.

Behind them, a wet figure suddenly stood.

Her hair was draped down, her head lowered, and her red dress was particularly conspicuous.

The hair was very long and had reached the female ghost's abdomen.

When he lowered his head again, that look made many people look nervous.

"Hong, Honggu?" Zhou's mother stepped forward and called out.

Honggu is her sister’s nickname, which she has called her since she was born.

When Zhou Ling's husband saw the woman, he immediately said: "It's her, she was the one sitting in the car at that time!"

"Aunt Hong, why are you doing this?"

Zhou's mother was not afraid when she stepped forward. She knew that she had also become a ghost. When a ghost meets a ghost, isn't it just like meeting the sister she brought up?

He put his hand on Honggu's face and pushed back the strands of wet hair from her forehead, revealing a very pale but also very swollen face.

It's ugly and terrible.

"This face of yours was what you liked to look at before. How did it become like this? You, you made Lingling look like this too!"

Zhou's mother's words contained too many meanings. She felt guilty for her sister, but she also resented her sister for taking away the lives of her daughter and her family.

But Hong Gu raised her head, glanced at Zhou Ling, and said, "It's not me."

"How dare you make excuses? You were the one sitting in the car that day!"

"I said, it's not me! I have killed many people, but I have never killed you."

Honggu said in a low voice, Jiang Ye said: "Do you know what it means to lie in front of me?"

Hong Gu raised her head and glanced at Jiang Ye. A trace of fear flashed in her swollen eyes, but she still said seriously: "It's not me. I only killed the people who scolded me and insulted me! How could I Will she hate my sister? She has wanted to tell her countless times not to feel guilty because of my death. I was born to my parents but I was raised by her. How could I not know that she was trying to help me?".?"

"I am a thoughtful person. I just want to retaliate, and I have no reason to do so. Yes, my matter was ultimately caused by my sister telling her, but I am not that unreasonable."

Hong Gu's voice was low, and if you looked carefully, there was still water dripping from her body.

Her hands were like living people, as if they were always supporting her belly.

"But it was you we saw that night." Zhou Ling's husband said in a deep voice.

"Did you see my face?" Hong Gu asked.

Zhou Ling's husband was stunned for a moment: "Her hair covered her face at that time, and I only saw it vaguely. But she looked exactly like you, how could I have made a mistake!"

Hong Gu laughed at this time, although her laugh was hideous, but it was very loud.

"I ended up hurting a lot of people. I threw myself into the Yunshan River wearing my mother's wedding dress. I want to turn into a fierce ghost and make all those who laughed at me and insulted me pay the price. Why, why can they humiliate me like that? Yes, I am not clean, I am stupid... stupid enough to believe those friends who have always been like brothers to me."

"But I am not cheap, not cheap, okay? Every one of them is like a gentleman, looking down at me with their eyes that they think are extremely noble, telling me again and again that you are a cheap embryo, you are a rotten woman. When they said this, did they think that they were also killing people!"

"Don't they want me to die? Well, if I die and turn into a fierce ghost, then none of them can escape! I want them all to die because of their broken mouths, to let them know that it is my own business and has nothing to do with them. Anyone who says something must bear the consequences!"

"Dead, all dead, I killed them all. None of those who bullied me survived. When all Everyone was killed, but I found that I was not happy at all. I could have lived well, entered the university I longed for, and become a person with a promising future. Maybe it was because my sister had always protected me, so I always thought that people outside would love and protect me like my family, and everyone was a good person. "

"The real fault is actually my own. I always thought that nothing would happen, and even if the sky fell, I could protect myself even if I was a girl. Now that I am dead, I thought about taking revenge and then reincarnating. But I found that after taking revenge, I couldn't find the way to reincarnate. I have been staying in Yunshan River, and I have seen many people at the bottom of the river. They either died accidentally or were thrown into Yunjiang River by someone."

"When I saw them crying, I really wanted to live again, and even wanted to follow them, but I couldn't find the way after walking, hey... Hong Gu sighed, and Zhou Ling couldn't help saying at this time: "Auntie, didn't you really hurt me?"

"No, I really didn't hurt you. After you died, I actually saw you in the river, but I never dared to recognize you. And I always thought you died accidentally. "

"No, there was a woman in the car that day wearing the same clothes as you. Like you, she had her hair loose and sat in the passenger seat of the ambulance. She hadn't moved at all, and her hair covered her face so I couldn't see her face clearly."

"Then did you see any other features of her?" Hong Gu couldn't help asking, and then glanced at Yunshan River behind her:

"I haven't been reincarnated for decades, and Yunshan River is almost my home. I have never met a second person like me."

Jiang Ye had been watching the situation on the bridge. In fact, he had thought of something at this moment, and asked Hong Gu: "(Ma Zhaohao) Why do you cover your face with black hair?"

"In our hometown, I heard someone say that those people said that a cheap bastard like me should be stuffed with chaff in my mouth and buried with black hair on my face after death. But I just didn't want them to see my ugly face. Although I am full of resentment, I have never harmed anyone who has nothing to do with me. And I have been seeking ways to reincarnate for so many years, but I find that the resentment in me is getting heavier... I can't get rid of it. "Listening to Hong Gu's words, Jiang Ye sneered: "Then I understand, but she thinks that by doing this, the people below don't understand? Hong Gu, someone hates you to the bone! Hong Gu raised her head with a puzzled look on her face, but soon she seemed to understand something: "Is it her?" "It's her!" "When you killed her, you destroyed her face, right?" "Yes!" "That's her!"

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