Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 171 The Black Cat Is Dead! (4 More Updates Please Subscribe)

"Mr. Niu was very angry. He yelled at me and I didn't dare to look back. But I really saw a figure behind the iron gate of the small western-style building. I didn't dare to tell him when Mr. Niu yelled at me. He carried He ran and ran like crazy until he reached the village but did not return to my home.”

"I grabbed Mr. Niu's collar, trying to stop him and asking him where he was taking me, but Mr. Niu was running with me all night, and my grandparents didn't notice that I was missing. It wasn't until dawn At that time, Mr. Niu carried me to another mountain, and he kept pointing to the sky as if he wanted me to watch the sunrise. "

"I accompanied Mr. Niu to watch the sunrise on the top of the mountain. Although I didn't know what it meant, Mr. Niu wouldn't let me do it, and I didn't dare to leave. Just like that, it was dawn, and Mr. Niu looked at the sky in the distance. Finally, with a long sigh, I used a branch to write on the ground and asked him, Mr. Niu, what did you see last night?"

"Mr. Niu looked at me deeply, shook his head and smiled, saying, "Girl, Grandpa Niu won't tell you. You will never go to that small western-style building again, you know?" 1

"I nodded and promised Mr. Niu that I would not go to such a terrible place again. Not long after, Mr. Niu took me down the mountain. My grandparents stood at the door and did not ask why Mr. Niu took me away. Suddenly He came and left suddenly."

The letter stopped again. Although Jiang Ye was like the audience in his heart, he wanted to read the whole incident earlier [but the person he helped this time was a ten-year-old girl.

Although a little girl is involved in a strange incident, her relatives can tell the story for her. But Tong Ling is a silent girl, and what she experienced must be spoken out by herself in order to truly identify the problem.

In these three letters, Jiang Ye has actually discovered a very strange problem.

But he was still waiting for Tong Ling to finish talking.

After waiting for who knows how long, Ling’s letter finally came again.

"Dear Uncle Jiang Ye, my hand is so tired that it feels like it's about to break. But I still have a lot to say, so please wait for me. "I want to tell you everything this night. ”

"After a long time after that day, one day I saw my grandpa and grandma talking about Mr. Niu. I asked grandma what Mr. Niu was doing. Grandma told me that Mr. Niu was sick and they were going to visit. I didn't know Why do my grandparents want to visit Mr. Niu at night? I wanted to tell my grandparents in sign language that I would go too, but grandma wouldn’t let me. She wanted me to be alone at home and not allowed to run around.”

"Just like that, my grandparents went to visit Mr. Niu, and I was left at home. There was only one incandescent light on in the house, and the light was dim. I sat at the table and ate alone. After eating, I went to wash the dishes. After washing the dishes, I went to the room and turned on the light in the room to read. I picked up the mobile phone my father left for me and looked at the time. It was about nine o'clock in the evening, but my grandparents still didn't come back. "

"I was a little worried, but not long after I heard the sound of the door opening. The door of my house is made of wood, and there is a lock on the door. When it is pushed open, it clicks. When the door opens, I I also heard a cough, which was my grandfather’s voice. I thought they were finally back, so I quickly got out of bed and ran to the living room.”

"But there was no light in the living room, and I found that the door was closed. Only the moonlight from outside the house shone through the gap in the wooden door. Grandpa was not at home, and grandma didn't come back. I stood by the wooden door and was very curious. I also looked at There was a shout in the house. Although I couldn't call out my grandparents, I could make a sound and my grandparents would respond to me every time.

"But I shouted several times, but they didn't reply. The living room was dark, and from time to time only the mice in the house made a chirping sound. When I heard the noise of the mouse, I worried whether it was eating the food in the barn at home. So I looked for a flashlight and went to the barn. There were a lot of mice chirping, which was really annoying.

"I picked up the pole next to me and knocked on the barn door, but the mice were not afraid at all. They were still chirping. I shined a flashlight into the crack of the barn door and put my eyes on it. When I got to the door, the light suddenly illuminated a pair of eyes... those eyes were looking directly at me..."

"It's that cat, the black cat in the small mansion! The black cat died, and its body is in my barn. There are many mice gnawing on its body. But why are the black cat's eyes staring at it? Looking at me? It makes my whole body feel hairy.”

"At that moment I was frightened and ran outside subconsciously. I wanted to find my grandparents. I opened the wooden door and ran outside. I kept running for an unknown distance until I crossed the small wooden bridge in the village. . As soon as I crossed the bridge, it started to rain very hard. The rain hit my face so much that it hurt. "

々My eyes gradually lost sight, and I thought about running back. But as I ran, the wooden bridge disappeared. I only saw many people standing on the bank of the river, all holding umbrellas, and there were people punting boats in the river. I yelled over there, but those people seemed like they couldn't hear me, so I could only cry. "

"But soon, the people on the boat on the river salvaged something. It was an old man, but the clothes on her looked familiar to me. "That's my grandma!"

"Grandma was fished out of the river, but the person who was fishing didn't stop. He was still fishing. Finally, not long after, he fished out another person. That person looked very familiar. He was my grandfather!"

"Grandpa and grandma were fished out of the river (Nuohao Zhao). They are dead... Grandpa and grandma were drowned. But why no one saw me, I kept screaming, I want to go back Home…………………

"I sat on the bank of the river and kept crying, and the heavy rain kept falling. I was so tired from crying, and the rain hurt so much. Then unknowingly, it was like going to the small western-style building that night. I can't think of anything else. Came. I passed out, but when I woke up the next day, my grandma was sitting next to me, with medicine in her hand, and she scolded me with a stern expression on why I disobeyed and ran out. I followed She said that the black cat in the small mansion died in our barn. I was very scared and ran out to look for you. But when I ran to the bridge, the bridge disappeared, and then I saw someone carrying you and grandpa on the river. Pick it up."

"Grandma laughed when she heard what I said. She said... It's good if you fish it up. Nothing will happen if you fish it up!"

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