Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 175 Night Exploration Of A Small Foreign-Style Building! (2 Updates Please Subscribe)

The old man talked about Mr. Wen with deep hatred in his eyes.

But hate turns to hate, and there is a strong sense of powerlessness hidden deep in those eyes.

The most famous person in this area is Mr. Niu next to Jiang Ye, but Mr. Niu himself is half-dead now. How can Mr. Wen, who is so fierce, be dealt with?

Jiang Ye had been recording their conversation on his mobile phone. At this time, Tong Ling stood at the door and shouted a few times. Although he didn't understand what she was saying, he saw her coming with noodles in her hand, so everyone knew what she meant. .

The noodles cooked by Tong Ling have a moderate taste, and Jiang Ye is not a picky person, so he eats them in big mouthfuls.

Mr. Niu on the side looked at it and said weakly: "I'm jealous, I'm jealous that you can eat noodles in such a big mouth."

"Tong Ling, bring it to Mr. Niu. Mr. Niu, I asked Tong Ling to prepare a bowl for you, so don't stare at me."

Jiang Ye said with a smile, and Mr. Niu smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I can't eat it. I can't eat it now. If the Tong family brother and sister-in-law don't leave, I guess it will be difficult to eat."

"As the old saying goes, you don't talk about what you eat. Mr. Niu only cares about eating, and doesn't care whether it can enter 03?"

Jiang Ye said with a smile and said nothing else. The bowl of noodles was delivered to Mr. Niu, and he stretched out his hands to catch it tremblingly. The fragrant smell of the noodles made him feel like he had a big appetite.

I took a handful of chopsticks and pinched it into my mouth. Hey... that noodle was good enough to pass through my throat!

"It's amazing!"

Mr. Niu exclaimed and slurped up the noodles in big mouthfuls. When he was about to open his mouth again, Jiang Ye said, "You can't speak after eating."

Mr. Niu's words were immediately rejected, and he immersed himself in eating the noodles cooked by Tong Ling.

After eating, Jiang Ye wiped his mouth, looked at Tong Ling and said, "Girl, come up the mountain with me."

Tong Ling nodded silently, and Jiang Ye glanced at the three old people in the yard and said, "You guys, just wait in the yard. I will come down with Lingkang soon."

After speaking, Jiang Ye pulled Tong Ling up.

Not long after, the three old people in the yard saw two figures, one large and one small, walking slowly on the mountain.

But it was getting dark, and Jiang Ye had already opened the live broadcast room and said to the audience:

"I have arrived at Tong Ling's house now, and I am taking her to the small western-style building. While climbing, I played some words from my chat with Grandpa Tong Ling. Everyone listened. , and you can understand the general cause of the matter.”

Jiang Ye──As he spoke, he played the recording and pulled Tong Ling up the mountain.

By the time we reached the door of the small foreign-style building, the recording had finished playing.

When the audience in the live broadcast room heard this, they were extremely shocked and said: "I didn't expect that so many things happened in this small mountain village. Wow... If I hadn't heard it with my own ears, I would have thought I was listening. It’s folklore.”

"There has never been a shortage of folk legends. From grandma's mouth, grandma's mouth, or grandpa and grandpa's mouth, there are always stories that we never get tired of hearing. But some are stories, and some are facts. Just like this This small western-style building, well...it's really fierce and lonely!"

Jiang Ye's words made the audience in the live broadcast room stunned for a moment, but soon Jiang Ye had opened the door of the small foreign building.

Walking into the yard, there are signs of dilapidation everywhere.

Jiang Ye just glanced at it and went into the house and opened the door.

When the door opened, the unprepared audience was shocked. There was indeed a black coffin placed in the living room facing the main door.

Just as Tong Ling said, the coffin was not very tall, but short and short. It was placed on two Eight Immortals stools.

But at this moment, the black cat was not there, and there was nothing under the coffin.

Tong Ling gestured, telling Jiang Ye that the black cat was indeed dead. Her grandfather took the black cat's body out of the barn and found a place to bury it.

As for where the fingers in the black cat's body came from, Tong Ling himself couldn't tell whether it was an illusion or reality.

Jiang Ye ignored it for the time being. In Mr. Niu's words, the coffin placed in the house was used by his father to ward off evil spirits in the house.

As for whether it can be suppressed and whether the coffin is really that magical, Jiang Ye really wants to find out.

Letting Tong Ling stand aside, Jiang Ye opened the lid of the coffin, but did not lift it completely. Instead, he looked at Tong Ling and said, "Do you want to reach in?"

Tong Ling's eyes widened a bit, obviously a little scared. In fact, Jiang Ye was just talking, but unexpectedly, Tong Ling nodded after hesitating for a moment.

Seeing that she agreed, Jiang Ye found something to help her step on.

Tong Ling slowly reached into the coffin and kept touching it.

But it didn't take long for her to withdraw her hand as if she was frightened, her face full of horror.

"What did you touch?"

The interpreter in the live broadcast room explained Tong Ling's sign language:



“It looks like she is wearing a pair of round earrings just like grandma, and grandma’s ears are gold earrings!”

Jiang Ye nodded with a smile, covered the coffin, and then shined the flashlight on the stairs next to him.

The stairs are also made of wood. "Jiang Ye pulled Xiuli up the stairs ten steps.




Jiang Ye and Tong Ling's footsteps clicked one after another, but when they were about to reach the second floor, Jiang Ye suddenly grabbed Tong Ling and said, "Let's sit here for a while."

Although Tong Ling and the audience in the live broadcast room did not understand what Jiang Ye was going to do, they were just like Jiang Ye, and their eyes and thoughts paused for a moment.

Jiang Ye sat on the stairs and tapped the stairs gently with his fingers.


Jiang Ye seemed to be tapping aimlessly, but the phone in his hand was slowly moving the lens, seeming to be taking a photo at the bottom of the stairs.

There was darkness at the bottom of the stairs, but when the camera was fully extended, a face with an upturned face suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room!

The face was pale, with a long tongue hanging out, and the eye sockets were bloodshot.

His head was raised high, with fear in his eyes.

Jiang Ye didn't even go to the live broadcast room, but he seemed to know everything and said, "Is it useful to hide?"

The live broadcast room was quiet, and everyone was shocked by the face that suddenly appeared.

The face slowly became normal, and he straightened up with fear in his eyes, and then walked up the steps step by step, stopping nine steps away from Jiang Ye, and bowed deeply Go away.

"Mr. Wen, the opera singer?"

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