Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 18 Knocking On The Tombstone! (3 More Updates Please Collect)

Lao Huang lowered his head and silently put the phone back.

He continued to walk and said as he walked:

"After Xiao Feifei passed away, many people in the village felt sorry for him. Some people called the police and arrested the woman. Later, a case was opened for investigation, but the verdict has not yet been decided. I feel sorry for Xiao Feifei's parents. Although he is not an only child, he was He is also the eldest son, and his hair will grow old overnight.”

"But it must have happened on the day when Xiao Fei flew to the first seven. The first seven I mentioned were counted from the day the forensic doctor said he died. That is the real first seven. I helped with the banquet at his house that night. Then I drank some wine and came to guard my fish pond.”

"Because it was four days after Xiao Feifei's death when we picked up the body, it hadn't been carried up the mountain on the first seven days, but the burial place had been found, which is where we just saw it. I was drinking at the time It’s not a lot, but it’s strange that I usually drink half a catty, but that day I drank at most half a catty and felt a little dizzy.”

"I walked up to the mountain, and there was a family in the village doing some errands. The deceased was an old man, but the burial place was a little far away from Xiao Feifei. When I passed by his house, I felt that something was not right. That feeling of chills on your neck. Really, it’s the kind of feeling you get when you suddenly walk under the air conditioner and turn your back to the cool breeze.”

"I'm not very familiar with that family, but I said hello at the time. After saying one more word to the eldest son of his family, I felt a little more panicked. At that time, we even talked about some things about Xiao Feifei, and the two of us sighed again and again. But I was thinking about the fish pond, for fear that someone would know about the funeral in the village and steal the fish. I left a few words and then walked to the top of the hill where I was standing. You guessed it, I saw it. What?"

Lao Huang didn't know whether he was trying to show off or something else, but he shook his body twice and scratched his arm.

Someone said: "Brother Huang, did you see Xiao Feifei's figure in the cemetery?"

"Yes, I must have seen Xiao Feifei. He and Xiao Feifei often drink together. In many places in the country, there is a saying that the first seven people are resurrected, so maybe they met him."

But Jiang Ye didn't speak. He looked at Lao Huang, who looked back at Xiao Feifei's coffin with some deep eyes. He said, "I saw a figure on crutches, not far in front of me. Place. He is wearing a shroud, a navy blue gown, but the white hair on that end is obvious."

"I don't know if you just noticed the ridge path from the top of the hill to Xiao Feifei's cemetery. It was the path he took when he got off the top of the hill. There were some graves beside the road. I saw him holding it in his hand. Every time the walking stick comes to a grave, it hits the tombstone a few times. "

"I could hear clearly the sound of him hammering the tombstones at that time, click... click click click... click click... It was a one-three-two knocking method. He would knock on every tombstone. That scene scared me at that time. I was dumbfounded, because I was familiar with that figure, and to put it more clearly, I just came from his house, but he was clearly lying in the coffin, and his body hadn’t even been cremated yet!”

"How did he come to the mountain? He is dead!"

Lao Huang's voice was trembling, but the eyes that followed him were extremely firm as he said: "Finally, he stopped at Xiao Feifei's cemetery. With his back to me, he did something there. "

"He... threw the cane aside, and then he... he just..."

Lao Huang's body was shaking more and more violently. He must be very scared at the moment.

Jiang Ye spoke up in time: "Brother, did you say hello to your family when you came out that night?"

This sudden question was a bit unreasonable, but Lao Huang's originally pale face suddenly regained some color. He nodded towards the live broadcast room: "Of course I say hello, after all, the fish pond is also a few miles away, and they come out every time." Still not very reassured.”

"Then when you saw the dead old man, what did he do?"

"How about I give you a demonstration?"

There are many details in Jiang Ye's live broadcast, just like the gag at this moment undoubtedly made Lao Huang a little more courageous.

He was holding the phone in one hand, and the other hand began to move.

Then suddenly he squatted down and made a hugging movement with his hands. While raising the left foot, the body leans to the right, while raising the right foot, the body leans to the left.

"Dancing master?"

"He's not a great dancer, he's crazy! There is something wrong with Old Man Qian's body. Before he passed away, his bones would always hurt. He would jump around when he was in pain. As time went by, he would jump like this a few times when he had nothing to do. . The people in the village were a little afraid of him at first, but later they said he was crazy."

"Old Qian didn't dance like that for long, and then he fell to the ground. At that time, a strange thought came to my mind, and I thought, could this old man be tired too?"

Lao Huang's words made the audience in the live broadcast room, who were originally looking extremely solemn, stunned for a moment.

This wonderful and weird atmosphere was made a little bit dumbfounded by his fantastic idea.

Even Jiang Ye couldn't help laughing and said, "Brother, your speaking ability is pretty good."

Old Huang was also a little embarrassed. He smiled coquettishly but immediately became serious: "Don't laugh, I really thought that at the time. Old Man Qian lay on the ground and made another move."

"What action?"

Lao Huang also lay down on the ground, his legs tightly together, and then he lifted them up and slapped the ground hard.

Seeing Lao Huang's imitating movements on the spot, Jiang Ye asked uncertainly: "Fighting?"

"Yes, thrusting! He lay on the ground and kept thrusting, and his feet hit the ground again and again, just like the fish in my fish pond."

As Lao Huang said, Jiang Ye thought for a moment and suddenly asked a weird question.

"Brother, are you afraid of ghosts?" Jiang Ye asked.

Lao Huang nodded repeatedly: "I'm afraid, of course I'm afraid. If I wasn't afraid, I wouldn't have seen you, the anchor, as if I had found a savior!"

"If you were afraid, then why did you stand on the top of the mountain and watch for so long that night?"

Jiang Ye narrowed his eyes after asking.

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