Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 188 Why Is It Me In The Mirror? (4 More Updates Please Subscribe)



"It knocked once every time, one or two seconds apart, and then knocked again. I can't remember how many times it knocked. I only know that when the knock on the door rang, I didn't even dare to look up. Look back. I'm afraid that when I look back, there will be someone standing behind me."

"I lay directly on the bed and covered my whole body with the quilt. It lasted intermittently for a minute or two before the knock on the door stopped ringing. Moreover, after the knock on the door stopped ringing, not even the wind chime stopped ringing. It rang. I lay on the bed and felt my body shaking uncontrollably, but I didn't dare to show my head. I stayed like this all night, and then I woke up in a daze. When I arrived, I was the last one to leave. Looking at the wind chimes hanging on the door, I told them that it was not good to hang wind chimes in the room, as they could easily attract ghosts ~"

"They didn't believe it at first, and they were very brave. It wasn't until I found it out on the Internet that they went to take off the wind chimes. Just like that, I got up and went to work, and my mind was full of thoughts all day long. There is the presence of that shadow.”

"Looking at the sky getting darker, anchor... Do you know how afraid I am of the dark? Especially when the mall's broadcast reminds me that the business is about to end, I start to get scared."

"I never dare to go back so late alone again, but the other shop assistants left immediately when the time came. No one took care of the hygiene in the store. They... they all relied on me. That day At night, I just stopped caring about whoever wanted to do the sanitation, and whoever wanted to lock the door. Everyone was paid, so why should I do everything just because I was a new clerk who had just arrived in the store? ?”

"I went back that night. I didn't ride my bicycle again. I was afraid that there would be another figure sitting in my car. So I took a taxi directly, and the car stopped at the intersection because of the red light. The driver He was an uncle, maybe he felt bored driving the night bus, or maybe he saw a girl like me and wanted to tease me, so he started chatting with me about daily things. When the light turned green, he continued driving, and then followed me. Said there was a car accident at the intersection in front of me some time ago.”

"The one who died was a girl riding a bicycle. She was about the same age as me. He also drove by that night. The girl was crossing the road on her bicycle, but the driver of the garbage truck didn't pay attention to the traffic lights because he lowered his head to pick up his mobile phone. So I rushed over and the person was crushed under the tire and died on the spot!"

"When I heard this, I asked the driver if it was the intersection I just drove past. The driver said yes, it was that intersection. There was blood all over the floor at that time, it was so scary!"

"Although the driver kept talking, I actually stopped listening. I was wondering if the girl I met the night before was the girl who was hit by a car? So I looked back. When I looked back There's a car coming from behind, and it's also a scumbag."

"That car was going so fast. I was still staring at it when it passed by. But when I looked, I found something in the wheels of the garbage truck. It was a human head, that of a girl. Head!"

"Her head got stuck under the wheel and rotated with the wheel hub. Her eyes were wide open, and I shouted at that time. I said to the driver, Master, do you see if there is something in the wheel of that garbage truck? "

"The taxi driver looked at me curiously and asked where did the garbage truck come from? I said it was the one driving past now! The driver said there was not even a ghost on the road, where did the garbage truck come from, little girl Everyone has learned to use other people's words to scare people!"

"After listening to his words, I understood. Holding back the fear in my heart, I asked the taxi driver, "Master, where is the driver of the garbage truck? How is he?" The taxi driver said, "What can I do?" You are hurting yourself! When you hit the car, you were going too fast, and then you turned the steering wheel in a panic and accidentally rolled over, killing you inside.

"When I heard this, I didn't ask any questions. Not long after, the car stopped under the dormitory. When I got to the dormitory, I didn't care about anything and started searching for the car accident. But you know that when I searched for the car accident, What did you find?"

"Three people died! Not only the driver of the garbage truck, but the girl on the bicycle also crushed a taxi when the garbage truck rolled over. The driver of the taxi also died! There were pictures of them on the news. It’s the driver who was talking to me just now!”

"They are all dead, why are all three of them clinging to me?"


Xiaomei on the other end of the phone began to cry, and Jiang Ye comforted him: "Sometimes the dead come to you for sustenance, or they may be involved with you. Xiaomei, did you ask about the bag of things later? Have you gone somewhere?"

"On the bicycle?"

"That's right."

"Haha... It's because of that bag of things that she's still pestering me! The night I came back in a taxi, I found out about the car accident and I couldn't find anyone to talk to. I was so depressed I was so scared, so I called my mother. My mother later asked my grandma to call me. I told her what had happened. After hearing this, my grandma told me, "Girl, hurry up." Go to the police station and get those things back, you must get them back!"

"I asked my grandma why I wanted to come back. She told me that it belonged to the person who died in a car accident. Shouldn't it be in the hands of the police? Or it should be in the hands of the family. Why did it end up on the bicycle? ?You stupid girl, she finally got it out, and you were sent back to the police station. Who else would they be bothering with if they didn’t bother you? Remember, go get it now, don’t wait until the police send it back to you again. !”

"When I heard grandma say that, I got up quickly. But as soon as I got up, there was a knock on the door. I opened the door and saw the policewoman standing outside the door, holding the bag I sent over the night before. When she saw me, she still smiled and said, "Little girl, isn't this your thing? How can you say it belongs to someone else!"

"How could the photo album and cosmetics in that bag belong to me? At that time, I even doubted that the police officer sister was also dead, so I sent this bag over. But when I touched her hand, I felt the warmth. , I just believed she was a person.”

"When she saw that I didn't speak, she stuffed the bag into my arms and left. I knew it was too late for grandma to tell me what happened, but why did the police sister say that the things were mine? I opened the bag and opened the photo album."

The first photo in the album is of a woman sitting in front of the mirror doing her makeup. She was wearing a red dress and the wooden comb in her hand was halfway between her hair, but...why is it me in the mirror?"

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