Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 192 The Reason For The Haunting! (2 Updates Please Subscribe)

Who is in front is not mentioned in the video.

But the front she mentioned was, to be precise, the front of the old lady sitting in the basket.

"Anchor, the video is gone."

Xiaomei responded at this time. The live broadcast room was very quiet, including Jiang Ye, who didn't speak.

But the person in front, the audience in the live broadcast room, thought, could that person be the person in the corridor before?

"Anchor, is Chen Ya crazy too?"

At this time, someone in the live broadcast room asked. I don’t know whether this sentence is accurate, but Chen Ya’s mental state was definitely unstable after her husband’s death.

If she was stable, she would not hide her husband's body in her home.

However, Jiang Ye was still waiting for news from the Luohu police. While waiting for the news, Jiang Ye looked at Xiaomei and said, "Have you really never met her?"

Xiaomei was stunned by the question and said: "No, I really don't know her."

"Think about it again, you were the first target she found, and then Ah Fen. Things come first, then come first. Besides Chen Ya who came to find you, have there ever been 930 other people who came to find you? "

Xiaomei shook her head: "I don't know. The only people I saw were the taxi driver, the dirt driver, and Chen Ya. She sat on the front of my car that night, and she knocked on the door again the next night. Yes, the wind chimes are ringing."

"Are you sure that the person who knocked on the door that night was Chen Ya? Why couldn't it be that man?"

"I, I don't know... Anchor, I really don't know!"

Xiaomei really couldn't think of anything and was about to cry.

"Then you should carefully identify Chen Ya and Chen Ya's husband Acan. I feel that there is a great connection between you and the couple. Take a closer look.

come out.

Jiang Ye said, Xiaomei could only hold back the anxiety and fear in her heart, and opened the video co-produced by Chen Ya and Acan. The more she looked at Xiaomei, a familiar feeling came to her mind. She scrolled forward and found a photo of Achan from the woman's cell phone.

When she saw that photo, Xiaomei's mind was like a shock.

"I...I recognized it, it's...that big brother, the big (adde) brother who helped me!"

Xiaomei remembered, Jiang Ye said: "What has he helped you with?"

"In January last year, I had not yet joined the workforce and was still in school. But one night when I was walking on the road, right...before I reached the intersection, the road was blocked because of... The trees are thick, so it is difficult for the light of street lights to penetrate, and it is also very dark on the motorway. "

"It was still early and I was walking slowly, but immediately someone suddenly chased me. He immediately snatched my bag and mobile phone. After snatching them away, I yelled, and then there was a man driving a luxury car. The eldest brother of Che chased me on the road. He helped me stop the robber, beat him up and called the police."

"There were people in his car at the time. He went to the car and told people, and then I went to the police station with the big brother."

"It's him, it turns out it's him. Why is my eldest brother dead? Is he sick? I almost forgot my benefactor. How could this happen? How could he change in just one year? It’s become what it is now!”

Xiaomei started crying, crying so hard that her speech was a little incoherent.

A person's appearance will change before and after death, especially those who died of illness. Most people who die from illness will start to lose weight slowly before they die [until the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry.

The difference between the video after Acan's death and his life was so great that if Xiaomei hadn't flipped to the previous video, she probably wouldn't have been able to remember it.

But when Xiaomei thought about it, she started to panic:

"Anchor, did I kill them? Just now Chen Ya said in the video that she recognized the ghost outside the door. He was the person that Brother Acan sent to the police station last year. Could he be the one who robbed me? The person who did it? He later jumped off a building and died, so he came to take revenge on his eldest brother and his wife!"

“When the eldest brother’s wife also died, then he…………… he started to come to me!”

Xiaomei's tone was extremely complicated, full of fear and deep guilt.

Jiang Ye looked at the live broadcast room at this time and asked: "Isn't it here yet?"

"Checking, Mr. Jiang, wait a moment."

"It's strange. When Chen Ya had a car accident, we came here to check. There was no one on the bed at the time, and we didn't even find the freezer!"

"Mr. Jiang, the matter has been investigated clearly. Chen Can did have heroic deeds of justice. The other person involved in the case at that time was a school girl, Xiaomei. The criminal suspect Zeng Dong was nearly 18 years old and was an idle member of society.

"After the incident occurred, he was imprisoned in the detention center. Later, he performed well in the detention center and was only imprisoned for one year. The reason why the sentence was light at that time was firstly because of the age of the persons involved in the case, and secondly, the family members also received small compensation at the time. Because of the understanding between Mr. Mei and Acan, he was sentenced to only one year before he came out in January this year.

"The reason for jumping from the building should come from his family and his personal reasons. He could not face the discrimination because of his criminal record, so he fell from the high building and died on the spot!"

After the other end finished talking about the matter, Jiang Ye asked: "Does Acan's death have anything to do with him?"

"If he is sick, he must have been sick before that incident. Oh, by the way, we found some medical records at Chen Ya's house after his car accident, um... I remembered, at that time Mr. Acan has been ill for some time, and when he was writing the transcript, he also said that he had cancer and needed to take medicine.'

"At that time, we heard that we wanted to publicize this good thing, but Mr. Acan refused. I really didn't expect that this series of things were all connected. In addition, when we came to deal with Chen Her parents, who were involved in the Ya incident, also said that they must find Mr. Acan, saying that this man was missing and might have gone abroad or something.

"But we didn't pay much attention to it at the time. Her parents also said that their daughter told them that A-chan would not come back for many years after he went abroad. In this way, after we contacted Mr. A-can several times without success, we gradually forgot about this matter. Unexpectedly, it turned out that Chen Yanutian had hidden his body at home. "

After figuring out everything, Jiang Ye said in a deep voice: "Now all of you exit Chen Ya's home. Remember not to move the body. Is he lying on the bed now or in the freezer?"

"In the freezer."

"Don't move, Xiaomei, you and your roommate, take all your things and go to Chen Ya's house...knock on the door!".

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