Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 206 The Mourning Hall! (1 Update Please Subscribe Automatically)

"The snake was extremely huge, but it seemed to be a non-venomous snake. Everyone was probably panicking at the time, but they regained their composure after seeing the snake stopped moving.

"The leaders also laughed and said that I reacted quickly and had amazing arm strength. To be honest, I wasn't very strong, and I didn't know how I cut off the snake's head. But then I asked someone to lift the snake. It went down, but a worker said that the snake was a cauliflower snake and was edible!"

"I thought that the snake was big enough. If they could eat it, they would eat it. Let them take it. It is said that the group of people ate very happily that day."

Mr. Wang told what happened that day, and Jiang Ye asked after listening: "Who ate it? Did Lao Gao eat it?"

"I didn't eat it. Lao Zhang, Xiao Zhang, Lao Liu and Xiao Wu all ate it! Wu Aifu and Wang Jianguo also ate it!"

Lao Gao responded proactively at this time. Jiang Ye obviously felt that something was wrong and said, "Six people ate that snake that day, right?"

"Yes, the anchor...could it be because he ate that snake?"

"It's not yet certain, but there has been a folk saying since ancient times that domestic snakes cannot be killed. Some say that domestic snakes bring wealth, and you should be happy when you see them if you can't drive them away. Others say that domestic snakes are the incarnation of dead relatives. There are many theories Various, but no one has been able to verify whether it is true or not, so it is not possible to say whether it was caused by snakes. Moreover, it was already in ruins at that time, and it must have been demolished for a while."

"Yes, it has been demolished for a month or two, so it's not appropriate to call it a domestic snake."

"Mr. Wang, before that incident, did any relatives in your family pass away?"

Jiang Ye asked, and Mr. Wang thought for a while and said, "Look."

"When your relative passed away, did you go back to watch the funeral? Think carefully, did anything else happen that night? What I need is the truth, or maybe you didn't pay attention at that time, but you can think of it now. There is a problem.々.

Jiang Ye began to guide, and Mr. Wang fell into deep thought.

Slowly, scenes came to mind.

"The person who passed away was a cousin of mine. It's because of seniority. He was much older than me. He was already over 70 when he passed away. Because the mourning time here is relatively long, usually a week. I rushed back home on the third day. It was already evening when I rushed back. It was a sunny day, but the clouds at dusk were very red and thick, layered on top of each other. "

"I have been in the city for a long time, but my cousin's family lives in the village. The funeral hall is located at my eldest nephew's house, because my cousin passed away at my eldest nephew's house. Because I made some money, my family For close relatives, I built a house with a courtyard for each family, and the funeral hall is in the courtyard."

"After some worship procedures were over, I went to visit my cousin-in-law. Maybe it's because I helped a lot. Their family has always been grateful to me. So when I comforted my cousin-in-law, she kept holding on. My hand said that my brother shouldn’t leave, he really shouldn’t leave.”

"When I heard that, I just thought she couldn't accept it. After all, my cousin is only in his seventies, which is not considered a long life these days.

"Then what happened to your cousin?"

"I'm not sick, I just didn't get up after a long sleep, and then I left."

Jiang Ye hummed and motioned for Mr. Wang to continue.

"My cousin-in-law was very sad, and I kept comforting her by telling her that there was no way to resurrect a person after death. But she kept emphasizing the injustice of my cousin's death. Later, when the elders from the village came, I was busy greeting her. Because I'm afraid of being gossiped about, I'm always cautious every time I go back to my hometown, for fear of offending someone and being scolded for having a lot of money."

"Maybe it has something to do with my personality. Anyway, I didn't care too much about what my cousin said. It lasted until night. My cousin had taken good care of me in the early years, so I decided to keep a vigil for him that night. But I was not the only one keeping vigil. His own son and several young people in the village who wanted to get some money from me were all there. Many people were clamoring to play cards and mahjong, but I didn't participate. Although I didn't like being talked about behind my back. Dao Si, but that doesn’t mean I’m a fool.”

"They were playing cards outside, and I stayed by the ice coffin alone. I didn't know what happened at that time. Maybe it was because I was sick when I was a child. In the winter, my cousin carried me for more than ten miles to find a doctor. It’s something like that, so I really want to see him.”

"I lifted the black cloth covering the ice coffin and looked at my cousin carefully. At that moment, I realized that he was really old and he was so thin. He was no longer the same as when I was a child. He walked as fast as the wind. Looking at him, I couldn't help but feel like crying. My nose felt very sore. Looking at him, I talked for a while about the things he took care of me when I was a child, and I laughed while talking. "

"But just when I turned my head to the side and wiped my tears, I felt like I heard a sigh. It was like this, as if I had suppressed a lot in my chest, and it was not until that moment that I suddenly released the heavy... ugh A cry!"

"`々But the sound was silent. I thought I had misunderstood, and my heart skipped a beat. To be honest, I was a little scared at that moment, but after being scared, I felt a little guilty. The person lying in the ice coffin was my relative, he He is dead now. Although his face is very scary, how could he possibly harm me? So I have been conflicted in my heart, and I want to talk again, but in the end I can't help but cover the ice coffin out of fear. "

"But even after I covered it, I kept having the image of my brother lying in the ice coffin in my mind. The most important thing is that he seemed to have opened his eyes in that image. I'm so curious, really... ...I really wanted to lift the black cloth again to see if the cousin in the coffin had his eyes open, but in the end I didn't try because I knew it was disrespectful to have such thoughts.

"The more I suppressed it, the more curious I became. Throughout the night (Zhao's), I felt that my cousin lying in the ice coffin was not only open, but I also had a feeling in my heart that he was not only open. Even with his eyes open, his eyes are still moving."

"The deeper the night went, the more scared I became. It was probably around two o'clock in the morning. One time it was time to change the incense candles. At that time, the incense and candles were almost burned out together. I picked up the candle and stood I was lighting it in front of the mourning hall, and as soon as I turned around, my cousin-in-law, who was wearing mourning clothes, stood behind me with a strange look on her face."

"Her face looked very tired and tired at that time, but her eyes were round and round. The moment I turned around, she slapped me on the forehead. It hurt me very much, but I was angry with my cousin. When she couldn't get angry, I asked her what's wrong, sister-in-law?"

"My cousin's eyes were still wide-eyed, and then she snorted fiercely, hit my cousin's ice coffin three times with a walking stick, and then walked away with her waist bent."

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