Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 216 Utility Room!

"Mr. Lin, according to your opinion, does the incident that night have anything to do with the woman in white?"

"It must have something to do with her. It's a ghost. It's a ghost that pesters people to death. Although it's very difficult for children of that age to suffer grievances, especially the humiliating grievances. But how much courage do you have to muster to die? ?He jumped very resolutely at that time. Those students said that he jumped right away as soon as they started searching.

"As for the student who jumped off the building, did he ever refute it?"

"I refuted it, but the student who lost the money was particularly strong. Even Xiao Kuan once said that the child always liked to bully others in school, and the teachers could not educate him. Moreover, the child's family... Anyway, it’s a bit powerful. I think it may be because of this, the student who jumped from the building felt desperate, and then he jumped downstairs due to the temptation of the female ghost.”

"What happened to the student who lost the money? You said that the woman's hand was always on the student's shoulder, right?"

"Yes, I have been behind that boy all the time. As for what happened to that child, I don't know. Anyway, the test is the test. After the test, it is the school's turn to deal with them. And I took Xiao Kuan with me. When I got home, I asked Xiaokuan how the matter was handled [Xiaokuan said that the school’s top ten officials had not informed them, so they didn’t understand how the reconciliation was resolved.”

Hearing this, Jiang Ye didn't rush to ask any more questions. Instead, after thinking for a while, he said, "Then how did she keep following Lin Kuan?"

"It can't be said that she followed him all the time. After all, Xiao Kuan was basically not at home at that time except for holidays. Every time Xiao Kuan came back, I almost never let him sleep in my room again. Later, that room I demolished the room and turned it into a utility room.”

Lin Kuan's father said, Jiang Ye seemed to have captured something: "You said that Lin Kuan's original room was demolished by you and turned into a utility room, right?"


"Lin Kuan also died in an old wooden box in the utility room."


"After Lin Kuan's accident, you dug up those tombs in anger. Is there really nothing in those tombs? So many people died in the village, has no one ever said that? What are the origins of these tombs?”

Jiang Ye asked two questions in a row, and Lin Kuan's father sighed heavily:

"That's right, after Xiao Kuan's accident, I couldn't bear the pain of losing my son, so I went up to the mountain with a hoe one night. I chose the night to go there because the moon in the sky was very big that night. At that time, There are not many trees on the mountain, so the tombs on the mountain are particularly clear. I want to see if I can encounter that woman at night. If I can, I will fight with her. "

"But I didn't see anything after I went up the mountain. When I got to those tombs, Xiao Kuan also said in the recording that after the death of Granny Liang and Li Laosan, those tombs were renovated. There were also old people in the village who checked For a long time, I just didn't know where those tombs came from. It wasn't until I dug down with a hoe that I realized there was nothing there.

There was no word monument erected at that time, and there was nothing in the pit. All the graves I dug looked like this. At that time, I was sitting on the hill. ’

"Originally I was unwilling to do so. I wanted to dig up their graves and crush all their bones. I wanted to avenge Xiao Kuan. But when my enemy is a trap, no one can understand that feeling. ”

Lin Kuan's father had finished speaking, but his words only told Jiang Ye that Lin Kuan did not die in a coffin or be dragged by a ghost.

Even the few earth mounds that were originally mistaken for tombs turned out to be just earth mounds in the end.

How much of Lin Kuan's words are true?

"Mr. Lin, I have one last question for you. Lin Kuan's accident happened on the New Year's Eve in 2009. Is there anything strange about him?"

"No, everything about him is normal. I have never doubted that he has mental problems. I can guarantee this by patting my chest. But I can't explain why he ran into that box and why. I’m going to kill myself!”

"Utility room." Jiang Ye said three words at this time.

Lin Kuan's father, who had fallen into sadness again, was stunned for a moment and said: "Utility room?"


"Yes, if the tomb is just a mound, why would there be evil spirits there? I believe Mr. Lin Zhe had dug very deep into the ground at that time, right?"

"It's four to five meters deep."

"Yes, it's impossible to find a coffin four to five meters deep. Unless those mounds are ancient tombs."

"It's impossible, because when I went to dig those graves, many young people from the village rushed out. Finally, I sent machines to dig deeper, but there were still no graves.

"Since it's not those mounds, you once saw the female ghost under the bed in the utility room. Later, Lin Kuan died in the utility room. In other words, Mr. Lin, after you rearranged Lin Kuan's After living in the room, have you ever been to that room? Or late one night, did you go and observe again whether there was a woman in white under the bed? "

Jiang Ye asked, and Lin Kuan's father didn't hesitate too much. He replied: "No, I have never been there again. Even if I go, I always go during the day. I am also scared. As soon as I enter that room, I feel all over my body." It’s shady and cool.”

"In this case, is there a possibility that every night after Lin Kuan left that room, there was actually a woman lying under the bed?"

Jiang Ye's question made everyone tremble. If it was really what Jiang Ye said, then that room would be too scary.

"Finally, let me ask you again, in which year did Mr. Lin build that room or the original house?"

"It was my family's old house. It was built by my grandfather. Then it was passed to my father. After it came into my hands, I demolished it and rebuilt it. The foundation is always the same old foundation."

Jiang Ye hummed slightly after hearing this, and then asked a question that surprised everyone.

"Mr. Lin, your grandfather is Lin Kuan's grandfather. The cause of the matter lies in those tombs. Whether it is Lin Kuan's recording or your story, those tombs are extremely sinister. But, I If you remember correctly, Grandpa Lin Kuan's grave is right next to it, right? Since it's right next to it, let me ask you, starting from your grandfather's generation, has anyone in your family suddenly disappeared without a trace! Especially women!" .

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