Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 292 Late At Night, The School Toilet!

"Not long after he said it, I thought of something. Although I have only worked in the school for a year, I can always hear a name named Tian Liang. This person can be said to be the best in Tianwan Township in the past twenty years. He was a man of great influence, and he was a man of both black and white. But later, because he was too rampant, more than a dozen people in his family were sentenced to death.'

"I asked him if his name was Tian Liang, and the driver said yes, it was Tian Liang. He also said that Tian Liang at that time was really awesome. He came to Mercedes-Benz in the 1990s, but at that time It seems that everyone is called Ping Zhiqi. There are five brothers and a dozen cousins ​​in his family, and all of them have cars of this level, let alone that era, even now. In that era, each brother of a large family drove a car worth more than one million yuan, so it can still be said to be extremely prominent, right? What's more, the county above Tianwan Township is still a poor county. '"

"But when I talked about Tian Liang that time, I just listened to it as a story. The driver dropped me at the school gate, and he also went home, because his home is in Tianwan Township. When I asked later, it was even more coincidental that he My daughter is still a student in my class. People are very polite to me, because the students in our school are usually from the first grade to the sixth grade. In the end, they didn’t even want my fare. I forced him to do so. He only accepted it.”

"This is just an episode, but it was also that night that I learned that our school used to be the homestead of a family. I was even very curious about this person named Tian Liang. I think everyone would be curious, so I opened the Internet and searched After looking for this person's name and what he had done before, I realized that this person had been doing things that took people's lives seriously in other places. After committing the crime, all the key personnel were also involved. Even his family has been sentenced to death, and everyone has several lives on their hands."

"Especially when some articles describe in detail what they did, I really feel a cold feeling all over my body. Because they kill people, and what they like to do most is to torture people. Just like those news articles Li once said that one of the people Tian Liang killed in his early days was a girl. He first pricked the girl all over her body with needles, and then cut off her head with a knife and gave it to the boss who Tian Liang followed in his early days. Because of that girl. She is the daughter of the boss's archenemy.

"Seeing such a thing, I shuddered all over. I never thought that someone could be so cruel in this world, but I don't know why I read one report after another, even in a forum in our city There are also people who are exposing some of the things Tian Liang has done in the past. The people who died at the hands of their brothers include men, women, young and old. Everyone has a tragic ending. "I have read all the reports." I was very scared, but somehow I felt that Nayu and his family were still there."

"People always like to give demonic descriptions of some treacherous and evil people. For example, the locals on those forums said that Tian Liang did not reincarnate at all after his death, but remained in this world to harm others. In the past twenty years, Tian Liang's dozen brothers have killed many people, including the 317 incident 15 years ago, the Tianwan family massacre 12 years ago, and the shuttle bus incident 8 years ago, which killed Tian Liang's family. Later, it turned into a fierce ghost because of the disaster."

"Teacher Ning, what happened to you that night?"

Jiang Ye asked, and Teacher Ning took a few deep breaths and said: "I rushed to the school that night, and I was afraid that the school leaders would come to check again the next day. After all, staying in school is what I have to fight for. , they will definitely be angry if I am not here, plus several hours of driving and watching the news, I should be very sleepy, but I don’t know if it is because of what Tian Liang and his brothers said. I was so frightened by what I was doing that I couldn't sleep all night anyway. "

"But anchor, although I am a girl, I am not timid. Because my parents are very self-disciplined people, and they have been very strict with me since I was a child. I was able to cook and wash my own clothes when I was young. Most of the time, because my parents were busy, I would sleep alone at home, no matter how late it was. Later, when I went out to study, I was almost alone. But that night, I was really scared because there were so many houses in the school. The lights are not turned on. People often say that places like schools like to breed those things, just like hospitals, so I always feel in my heart that those people say that the Tianliang family is really still in the world? The key is Not long after reading it I wanted to go to the toilet.

"The school toilets have to go around the school building. I remember clearly that it was about two o'clock in the morning. In the past, I was not afraid. Someone used the flashlight on his mobile phone to shine on me and went there, and then came back calmly. I often sleep. Even on rainy days, I don’t hold back. I just go when I want to. But that night, I was always worried and wanted to hold back until the morning. I really couldn’t bear it when I got back.”

"I took a look at the time, gritted my teeth and went to put on my pajamas. At that time, except for my dormitory, which had lights on, all the teaching rooms and dormitories were pitch black. I used to I would take a look, and even imagine if there was really a thief coming to the school, and then I would burst out with all my strength to catch him with my own hands. But that night, I lowered my head and didn't look anywhere, walking very fast. I really just want to go and solve it quickly and then come back to sleep.

"Finally I arrived at the school toilet. I don't need to say what the school toilet is like. You can also know it. I am a girl and I can't be as convenient as a boy, but as soon as I squat down, I always feel There is someone in the squat toilet next to me. I can’t explain the feeling clearly. It’s just that my intuition keeps reminding me not to disturb someone next to me. Otherwise, the consequences of disturbing me will probably be my fault. Way to face it.”

"Then have you suppressed your curiosity?"

Jiang Ye asked at this time, but Teacher Ning's breathing became rapid and said: "I am too curious. Even though my reason keeps telling me not to look, I still can't help it. I lifted up my pants. Get up, stick your head and look aside slowly. '

"At that moment, suddenly there was a loud shout from the bathroom!"

"Someone made a noise!"

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