Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 297 The Beginning Of Lao Zhang’S Madness!

Teacher Hao does not have many family members. His closest relatives are only his son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren.

Teacher Hao's son had no time to inform his relatives at home, so he took his wife and children to stay in front of the bed.

The old man is indeed dying. Fortunately, they met Jiang Ye tonight. Otherwise, when they wake up tomorrow morning, they may see an old man who has died long ago.

Jiang Ye looked at Teacher Hao and didn't say anything, but asked the family to spend their time quietly during this period.

Temporarily cutting off the voice on the other end, Jiang Ye continued to talk to Teacher Ning: "Teacher Ning, how do you feel now?"

"I, I don't know, anchor... is it because of me? Is it because I found you, and then Teacher Hao also knew that we were investigating Teacher Zhang, so he looked sad: Nine Days Dew" Is it going to happen all of a sudden?"

"Teacher Ning, I think Teacher Hao would like to thank you. She has indeed reached the end of her life, but we just happened to meet her. Without your call, Teacher Hao's son may have fallen asleep now and will wait until he wakes up. It was already the morning of the next day. No matter what she was thinking before she died, it is at least certain that no one wants to have no one in front of her bed on the last night. "

Teacher Ning understood Jiang Ye's words, so he didn't continue to blame himself.

After calming down for a while, Teacher Ning said regretfully: "It's a pity that Teacher Hao is leaving. If she were sober, she might really know why something like that happened in the school during this period. Teacher Zhang's death and what I have said Everything you encounter must be related.”

"Although it feels bad to say it, for Teacher Hao, death may really be a relief. And after she passes away, it will be more convenient for me to inquire."

Just as Jiang Ye finished speaking, you could see through the screen that Old City Hao's son in the video was already bursting into tears.

Teacher Hao left. After staring at his family for several minutes, he closed his eyes silently.

The moment she closed her eyes, a smile seemed to appear on the corner of Teacher Hao's mouth, and she left with a smile.

Seeing that Teacher Hao had died, Jiang Ye looked directly at her body. After recovering the voice on the other end, Jiang Ye said to the teacher's son: "I don't know if Mr. Huang trusts me. I can do something to make him happy." It will be easier for your mother to walk on Huangquan Road."

Teacher Hao's son nodded when he heard this, wiped away his tears and bowed to thank Jiang Ye. After temporarily taking his wife and children out, Jiang Ye shouted to the other end of the video: "Teacher Hao, get up."

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man's soul came out of his body.

She stood by the bed, looked at her body and sighed.

But soon, she also bowed to Jiang Ye: "Thank you. I thought I would die alone in bed tonight, but I never thought that all my relatives would die."

"Teacher Hao should have had a better life, so why did he choose to face it with that attitude? Is it really Teacher Zhang's death that caused you deep pain and regret?"

After his death, Teacher Hao has returned to normal. Although his body is still a little awkward, he can clearly express what he knows.

But Teacher Hao, who was bloodless in the video, looked around with fearful eyes at this moment, and then said: "Sir, Tianwan Primary School is a ghost cave! But that ghost cave has never appeared before. It wasn’t until last year that things started to come out and harm people.”

"Ghost cave?"

"Yes, that's a ghost cave! The original site of the school was originally the home of a wealthy man in Tianwan Township. Later, after that man died, the land was confiscated, and then a primary school was built. But in Gaina Tianliang's house In front of our house, that place was a graveyard!"

Jiang Ye didn't expect that the location where Tianwan Primary School was located would have been a mountain of ancestral graves a long time ago. After thinking about it, Jiang Ye became even more surprised.

Who is Tian Liang?

That was the man who once ranked among the richest in the city, and it was rumored that he was almost a man of both black and white.

It is impossible for such a person to build his own big house in such a place. Even if he really doesn’t understand Feng Shui, he will learn about it when building a house.

It seems that there is a deep secret in this.

"Actually, for the teachers of Tianwan Primary School, few people knew that the school was a graveyard a long time ago... I only found out about it later by asking some older people. After knowing these things, I I once secretly burned incense and worshiped in the back of the school. I begged them not to harm others because of my passing. Lao Zhang is already dead, and such a good person was killed by me!"

Teacher Hao suddenly started crying as she spoke. Jiang Ye looked at her, squinted his eyes and asked, "What happened to Teacher Hao before Teacher Zhang's accident?"

"Hey... Lao Zhang and I have been colleagues for many years. Our relationship has not been clear and unexplained over the years, but in fact we are like mirrors in our hearts. It's just that we don't have the courage. To face the world, and we are really old, so we just appreciate each other purely, and of course we appreciate each other emotionally. "

"Lao Zhang is a very gentle man. He loves literature and art. He likes to paint the starry sky, and every time he paints, he always likes to call me to help him get paint. He always likes to talk about his hair. He can't handle his irritable life, but who doesn't know that he is deliberately lying to me? If he really can't handle his life well, how can he raise his children and send them to study? "

"But I know in my heart that I dislike it, but in fact I also want to stay with him. He is sitting on the roof of the teacher's building in the school, because you can see the broadest starry sky from 3.4. He is painting, and I am watching He painted. But one night, I came late because of something. When I arrived at school, Lao Zhang was already sitting on the roof to express my apology.

I also bought his favorite food on the way. "

"But when I walked upstairs that night, something was definitely wrong with me from a distance. Because Lao Zhang liked to draw starry skies, most of the basic colors were blue or silver. However, as soon as I got to the top of the building that night, I drew paper The color in his eyes was scarlet. Lao Zhang's body was trembling. I saw something was wrong with him and walked over and asked: Lao Zhang, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"Old Zhang turned around suddenly. His face was so pale, and his eyes were even more blood-red. His whole face was distorted, and he yelled: Go, go quickly... There are so many people here. There are so many good people, let’s go quickly!”.

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