Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 300 Killed With A Stick!

When he saw the head of the online ride-hailing driver, Teacher Ning was stunned.

Her mind was completely messed up, and she couldn't figure out why the online ride-hailing driver who was chatting and laughing with her and said that his children were in her class turned into a devil.

Jiang Ye was very quiet and didn't say a word, but looked at the man and woman carefully.

They are a couple, but there is no strong resentment between the couple.

Some are full of obsession!

"Teacher Ning, have you ever punished that child?"

No need to say much about who that child was, Teacher Ning reacted immediately.

"I...I hit her on the palm. That child was so naughty. She always liked to tickle other students. Once I couldn't bear it and called her out of the classroom and then hit her. I didn't punish her physically, and I didn't even think about calling the parents. I just told her not to do this again. But then her grandparents came to the school, and I asked her about the child's parents. My grandparents said they were working elsewhere.”

"Children in the school don't like to talk about their parents very much, because most of them are left-behind children. I have just arrived at the school and I don't know anything about the child's family situation. Are her grandparents lying to me? Are you her parents087? Are you dead?!"

Teacher Ning was shocked, and the online ride-hailing driver sneered.

But when he glanced at Jiang Ye, his eyes were suddenly filled with fear.

"Is that teacher Zhang teaching in the same class as you?"

"Yes, Teacher Zhang... Teacher Zhang is the class teacher! I also told him about that student. Teacher Zhang and his lecturer father led him to practice private practice. We will teach everything we can. If If you can’t teach me anything, just turn a blind eye. In today’s society, being wise and protecting yourself is the most important thing.”

"Has Teacher Zhang ever spanked that child?"

"He is a good old man, but he is very strict with students. I have seen Teacher Zhang hit her palms many times because her children were scratching other students during class time. Even once, Teacher Zhang was very angry and said that she must Her parents were asked to come, but the child’s grandparents were the ones who came in the end, and the child’s parents were still not revealed.”

"Then take a closer look and see how they died."

Jiang Ye's eyes became cold. The more the taxi driver looked at him, the more frightened Jiang Ye felt. Then he got off the wall and his body became intact.

"sorry Sorry......!"

He (adca) began to confess, and Jiang Ye stared at the still confused female ghost. When the latter felt the aura on Jiang Ye's body, her expression changed drastically.

"So aren't you going to say it yourself?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we...we committed suicide. We were working in the city, and accidentally killed someone. We were afraid of going to jail, and then we both jumped off the building. After our death, we regretted it and felt relieved. No child. So we decided to guard her. We were really wrong... In the past, we only thought that our children could bully others, so when we saw the teacher punishing our children. At that moment, I couldn't help it any more... and tried to kill him in various ways.

"Have you ever beaten anyone to death?"

"Yes, it's all because we both lived too arrogantly. We used to be very self-centered and couldn't bear the slightest grievance from others. When we were working outside, our husband and wife had conflicts with our co-workers over some trivial matters. Anyway, we just couldn't swallow it, and then we... The plan was to poison him. Later, the police investigated and found us. We didn't want to go to jail, so we just jumped off the building. Later, when we returned to our hometown, we saw that the child was pitiful and we decided not to reincarnate. Keep her at home."

"But adults, we really know we were wrong now. We shouldn't have taught children that way before, let alone kill people alive and then harm others. We are really wrong. Please forgive us, okay?"

Snake and scorpion couple?

There is a saying called, face depends on mind.

The couple's faces were very mean, especially the woman's eyes which looked extremely cunning.

Jiang Ye looked at them and said: "It's true that they are people who have their own people and no one else, but what's the matter with that watch?"

"That watch, the watch was bought by my wife... My wife liked it very much. After her death, my mother buried the watch next to her. Then, we used that watch to deceive people every time. , to create an illusion for them." After the man finished speaking, he lowered his head.

The female ghost glanced at her husband fiercely, and the male ghost said coldly: "Watch what I do. When I was alive, I advised you not to be too selfish. The boss of the processing plant is just because of financial difficulties. , he said that we should delay getting our wages for a few days. Others agreed, so why didn’t you agree? You insist on making trouble for others, and if they don’t let us go, you go and poison them. Even children, you teach them this way. After the child dies, if the child disobeys, you will kill the teacher. If you teach the child, you will kill him. Do you know that you are wrong now?"

The male ghost was scolding his wife. Although the female ghost lowered her head, her eyes were still cold as she looked at her husband.

But when Jiang Ye looked at the male ghost, he sneered: "Did he ask you to go there?"

The female ghost looked up. When the male ghost was about to say something, Jiang Ye gave him a cold look that stopped him from speaking.

"It doesn't matter if it's him or not. We did kill someone, and now we've killed someone again. But why did she and the dead old man beat my child? My child is my heart and soul, and I can't even bear to beat her. , you teachers can’t teach my child well but you want to punish her? It’s us who died, otherwise if we were alive, we would have to let him die with a ruined reputation!”

"Then what did you teach her?"

"Of course we teach her. She is good at home. Why does she like to fight and bully others when she comes to school? Or these teachers simply don't like my children, so they say that deliberately. If they can't teach their children well, they just shirk the responsibility. To the parents, "If there is such a cheap thing, then why do they have to be teachers? Do we still have to pay tuition?"

Jiang Ye frowned after listening to the woman's explanation.

What the female ghost said is so ridiculous and unreasonable, but if you think about it carefully, are there fewer such unreasonable parents in the world?

It doesn't seem to be a lot at all. There are always countless cases like this in the news. Many teachers even committed suicide because they could not bear the endless humiliation.


Who would admit that they are unreasonable?

Especially when they know that there are a large group of people with ulterior motives supporting them, even if they are wrong, they will feel that they are right.

Seeing the angry atmosphere in the live broadcast room, Jiang Ye felt disgusted in his heart. He hated people who were parents like this.

What's more, their nature is that they have no one but themselves, and are extremely selfish!

Only Teacher Ning looked at the student's parents with great horror.

Jiang Ye glanced at the ghost couple and said to Teacher Ning: "Do you know why you are still unsure about the information about the children's parents? Because the parents of these two people have no shame in saying that they are the children's parents! So, kill them with a stick. Bar."


The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned, but immediately a stick appeared silently and fell hard on the ghost couple!

PS: In the future, the chapters of the day will not be developed separately, and will be uploaded at once. . . .

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