Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 304 People Coming From The Heavy Rain!

"What happened to your wife?"

"After all, I have to work, and sometimes the factory becomes very busy when business comes, but what I'm most afraid of is customers coming over. When customers come, you can't just visit the factory and then let them fly back, right? You have to hire someone. After dinner, I might have to go out to play. By then it was already very late, and that time my factory received a big customer. "

"Because after a few times, we learned that the child's favorite thing is to act strange late at night. In addition, the client is really important, so I can only bite the bullet and accompany me. Maybe it's because the other party also knows that I am older. So I basically kept drinking. By the time I got to the second show, I couldn’t bear it any longer. I finally found a driver to take me home, but my wife was on the road. I called her. She kept crying on the phone. I knew something was wrong at that time, and the alcoholism disappeared instantly. I immediately asked my wife, what happened to my daughter? "

"During that time, all my wife and I focused on the child, so when she cried, I instinctively thought something had happened to the child. But what I didn't expect was that it would be my wife who got into trouble in the end. . She was so scared on the phone that she didn’t even care what I was asking. Anyway, she started crying loudly when she heard my voice, and she didn’t answer when I asked her why she was crying.”

"After a while, my wife told me that someone seemed to be at home. There was nothing unusual about my daughter tonight, but since 11 o'clock in the evening, there have been various weird noises in the house. My wife didn't take it seriously at first, but later she said she seemed to hear a little girl's laughter. The laughter was exactly the same as that of my daughter-in-law, who was obviously sleeping next to my wife, and she heard it. After laughing, he called my daughter loudly. My daughter didn’t open her eyes, but her body was moving and she was still breathing. My wife subconsciously thought of the thing that was haunting her, and she said she didn’t know where it was. I had the courage to come here, so I opened the door and went out.”

"Because I was not at home that night, my wife was extra cautious. She held her daughter in the hall and watched TV until she fell asleep in her arms, and then she took her to the room. Otherwise, she We were clamoring for that music box again. In fact, at that time, the couple already knew that something might have happened with that music box, so I actually bought a new one secretly. The music box had been packaged and burned during the day. But when my wife opened the door and went out, she saw the music box on the coffee table shining with light. "

"It was that kind of faint green halo that surrounded the entire music box. Then the music box automatically played the melody, and it still made the same tinkling sound. My wife didn't dare to walk over when she saw the light. But the little girl's laughter came from the music box again, the same laughter as my daughter's. My wife suppressed her fear and walked over. When the music from the music box started, the carousel above it would move. . There is also a little girl doll on the carousel.

"My wife was frightened by that puppet. She said that when she walked to the edge of the music box, the head of the puppet that was originally riding on the wooden horse turned its back without warning. She said that the little puppet She was smiling at her. I wonder if you have seen those enamel dolls? They are enamel dolls. When she turned her head, her face was always smiling, but under the green halo , is so eerie.

"When I heard my wife say this, I kept comforting her and told her to take her daughter away quickly and not stay at home anymore. But I didn't expect that my wife screamed loudly when I just finished speaking. . Then, then... the music from my wife's music box also disappeared, and it was like there was no sound for a moment. It took almost a minute before I listened again. To the sound.”

"Tick-tick-tick...tick, just like the raindrops falling on the eaves after a heavy rain. Then swish...swish, footsteps sounded, although I couldn't see the situation at home, But my intuition told me that the thing had come out and it was standing next to my wife. No one could know how anxious and panic I felt at that moment. I asked the driver to rush to my home as quickly as possible. When I got home, I found that there was no light in the house and everything was pitch black. I ran to the door, which was ajar. There were many footprints at the door, including those of adults and children... … I can’t count, I really can’t count how many footprints have come to my house! And the footprints are all stained with water, as if a group of people who came from the heavy rain ran into my house!”

々Although I was very scared at that time, my wife and children were all at home, so I had no choice but to rush in. Turn on the light, but it doesn't light up. All the lights in the house are out of order

I could only use my mobile phone to take pictures, and finally I saw my wife, she was lying next to the sofa. She was fine, so I picked her up and hurried back to the room. When I first entered the room, my daughter was sitting on the bed, rubbing her eyes as if she had just woken up. 11

"When I found out that my wife and children were fine, I cried... Really, what kind of ups and downs and hardships have I not encountered in all these years? I have never been afraid, but that time I was really afraid Oh. Just thinking that something might happen to my wife and children felt like my skin and soul were being ripped off. When I saw them all waking up, I left the house with them. I really didn't know where to go in the middle of the night. I was worried that they would follow me when I went to the hotel, so I had to go to a crowded place. So, I took my wife and children to an Internet cafe in the middle of the night.

"Because there are a group of young guys in the Internet cafe from dusk to dawn. Don't they say that young guys are full of yang and full of blood? I was thinking about what it would be like if they were there.

It should be better. "'

"Just like that, we stayed in the Internet cafe, and I stayed in the Internet cafe for two days in a row. But the anchor, I discovered another extremely strange thing in the Internet cafe. The one opposite me Next to a machine lined up against the wall, there was a young man there... He seemed to have been sleeping for two days and two nights, and I never saw him move!"

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