Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 309 The Crying Child Gets Candy!

No one responded to Lao Yang.

At this moment, Lao Yang looked even more crazy!

From his love for his little daughter, it can be seen that he is a very good and competent father.

But it was precisely because he liked his daughter so much that he felt a heart-wrenching pain at this moment!

"Fang Qin, come out, come out!"

Lao Yang roared, and his shouts could be heard throughout the room and throughout the live broadcast room.

"Mr. Yang, calm down."

"How can I calm down? How can I calm down? She is dead, dead! She never looked at me when she was alive. I am her father!"

Lao Yang said with tears streaming down his face.

But immediately he seemed to have thought of something, and knelt down to Jiang Ye: "Mr. Jiang, I beg you, you must be a powerful person, right? Can you bring Xiaoxi back to life? I don't beg you. How long, I just want her to know that she has a father while she is alive!"

"Dad, please don't embarrass me. I have been dead for many years. How can I come back to life? I never believed that my father didn't want me. Xiaoxi is very sensible. He would comb his hair when he was very young. When I got older, I could still wash clothes and cook. Later, when Xiaoxi went to school, he always came first in the exam. Many people always teased me, saying that I was a child picked up by my mother without a father. Xi is actually very sad. Shen Xiaoxi knows that a good child will not fight or quarrel with others. "

"Dad, if Xiaoxi is still alive, are you willing to recognize me? No...without dad, Xiaoxi is really...really not happy at all!"

There is a saying among the people that crying children get candy. Jiang Ye didn't know why he suddenly thought of this sentence.

But this sentence kept lingering in his mind. Maybe he didn't want a child at an age who should be coquettish and willful to be so sensible.

Although an adult is a mature human body, in fact adults cannot be said to be fully aware of the world.

A sensible child enjoys more parental care than a child who is coquettish and willful.

Although parents will always say that sensible children are good outside, as long as the coquettish child cries, the things in the hands of the sensible child will often be given to the crying child.

Because she is sensible, she must make more sacrifices and compromises if she is sensible.

This sentence seems a bit inappropriate to use on Xiaoxi, but if you think about it carefully, why is it inappropriate?

She was so sensible that she had to learn to wash clothes and cook at a very young age.

She is sensible, so much so that she asks herself to take third place every time she takes an exam.

Even if Xiaoxi grows up in the future, it will only be good for herself and not bad.

But she is dead, she is dead!

Rather than such a sensible Xiaoxi die, many people have a ridiculous idea in their hearts, that is, they would rather Xiaoxi not be so sensible.

At least that way, they won't feel sorry for this sensible child.

Lao Yang was the one who suffered the most. Although he and Xiao Xi did not have any feelings for each other, there was a blood relationship between them.

Looking at his unrecognizable daughter whose body seemed transparent, Lao Yang still knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Jiang Ye.

"Mr. Yang, I am not a person who is unwilling to help others. But Xiaoxi is right, she is dead, and has been dead for many years. This is her soul, not her body. Even if she is found Her body still cannot be resurrected. All I can do is other things."

Jiang Ye said, Xiaoxi's face once again returned to its original delicate appearance.

Xiaoxi felt the changes in herself and smiled sweetly at Jiang Ye: "Thank you, brother."

"You're welcome, Xiaoxi, I'll give you something else."

Jiang Ye said, moving closer to the room, and continued to smile: "Xiaoxi, have you seen that candle? Go and hold the candle."

The candle was right in front of Xiaoxi. She stretched out her hand but still struggled to pick up the Nether Candle.

For some reason, after holding the Netherworld Candle in her palm, she slowly felt a kind of strength that she only had when she was alive.

Although Lao Yang didn't know the function of the Netherworld Candle, he knew that after Xiaoxi picked it up, his body seemed to become much fuller.

He was very happy and knelt down gratefully to Jiang Ye again.

Jiang Ye asked him to get up, and then his eyes fell on Lao Yang's wife: "Mrs. Yang, how do you feel?"

Mrs. Yang's eyes were also red. She wiped her eyes slightly and said bitterly: "I don't have any feelings, I just think it's very difficult for this girl. Her mother is really cruel. Lao Yang's economy was so bad ten years ago The conditions have improved. The child said that she was sick at that time. Why didn't you bring her to Lao Yang for treatment in the hospital? How arrogant was she? She would rather drag the child to be buried with her than see Lao Yang again? "

"Lao Yang, please tell me the truth. When you left your hometown and came to Chengjiang, did you really not know that she was pregnant with your child?"

Jiang Ye actually wanted to ask this, but it was inappropriate for him to ask. It was obviously more appropriate for Lao Yang's wife to ask.

Lao Yang took a deep breath: "I was only twenty years old that year. Fang Qin was not my childhood sweetheart. I met her in the county town. Our hometown had no development at all at that time. It can be said that even if we lived in the county town People here are still poor. I am a man, and I don’t want to live a mediocre life. I want to go out and make a career. Fang Qin is from a public institution, so she is like a proud peacock from the beginning. At that time, I actually hoped in my heart that I could be worthy of her, "So I decided to go out and try my best."

"When Fang Qin heard my idea at first, she just sneered and mocked me for daydreaming. Maybe she never thought at that time that I really wanted to succeed, so when I told her again and again, And two days before I left, she came to me and told me to break up. She said that I couldn't give her what she wanted. It was of no use to me to keep her, and she should have decided to leave in two days. I (Wang Zhao) stayed in my hometown for another month."

"I almost spent that month begging her, but in the end I came to Chengjiang after seeing that I couldn't win her back. At that time, all I could think about was that I was poor, because my parents had passed away when I was in my teens. They have passed away one after another. I am the only one in the family, and even the house I live in is leaking. I think my family is really not worthy of a girl from a public institution, and I want to work hard in other places."

"Later I arrived in Chengjiang and tried to contact Fang Qin, but she never answered my calls. She just told me not to bother her. She already had a new life. At this point, I began to forget her. After I became successful in my career, I met my wife and had a daughter. I never thought that Fang Qin would be pregnant with my child, and I really never thought about changing it at all!"

"But now I suddenly understand, I understand why she was so opposed to me leaving my hometown..."

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