Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 316 The Owl’S Signal!

Xiaoqing is dead!

This is another ghost call.

"Xiao Qing."

Jiang Ye called out softly, but Xiao Qing didn't respond~.

"Xiao Qing?"

"I am here."

"Have you really never thought that you were dead?"


"You actually know that you are dead, right? It's just that you are never willing to accept your own death, right?"

"I'm sorry."

Xiaoqing spoke on the other end of the phone, and her aunt continued with a choked voice: "Xiaoqing, your grandma misses you so much. I was the first to go to that service area, and I was also the first I saw your body. My aunt took care of all your things. Later, your grandma followed your father and they all came to Luyang. I originally wanted to give them your mobile phone, but your grandma said that the mobile phone should be left with me. here."

"After you died, I always felt that you were in my home. But my aunt didn't dare to disturb you. She would bring out an extra bowl every day when eating. Every night, I would call you and ask you to take a shower. And Your grandma calls every night, even before dawn. She knows you are there, so she keeps talking to you. I can hear the phone ringing every night, but I can't hear you. What is."

Xiao Qing became very silent, as if she was still immersed in the thought of how to accept her death.

Until then, Jiang Ye made another call. After the call was connected, he heard an old voice calling: "Qingqing, Qingqing, can you hear grandma's words?"

"Grandma..." Xiaoqing shouted.

The old man on the other end of the phone may have gone through the sad period and just sighed longly.

Jiang Ye did not let the two of them continue like this, but said: "Old man, I am very curious, how do you know that although Xiaoqing is dead, he is still there? 17

"Have I, Xiaoqing, told you what happened in the village?"

"Well, Xiaoqing just told me."

"I may be the first person in the village who has seen that owl. Xiaoqing should also have told me about her second uncle, who is also my second brother. I was only sixteen years old at that time, and although I could do a lot of things, I could do a lot of things. , but I still don’t understand many things. On the night when my second brother had the accident, I kept seeing him standing at the door of my house without saying a word. Later, when we went to the river, The second brother disappeared inexplicably.”

"Then there is my mother. I was with my mother that night, and I kept seeing her lying on the bed. At that time, I was thinking that I had clearly seen them, why would they still die? This is the truth. , it took me many years to understand. It turns out that God has given me some abilities. I will have some premonitions when something happens to my relatives. My mother went to the mountain and hanged herself at the door. Second brother, that’s what he thinks.”

"Later on, some relatives passed away one after another, and I could always see them. It was only then that I realized that my eyes could really see things. The night Xiaoqing left home, She obviously got in the car, but when I opened the bathroom door at home, I saw her sitting there. She ignored me when I talked to her. When I saw her look, I knew what was going to happen. Something happened.”

"I wanted to stop this, but no one answered the call. This girl has been in poor health since she was a child, especially her heart. Then finally a call came and told me that Xiaoqing was gone. Alas. .... I really don’t want to have this ability. It’s too cruel. Why do I, an old woman, see it every time my family members die? What if I, an old woman, do something? I accepted it, my Xiaoqing is still in school………….

Jiang Ye's heart felt a little heavy, but he still maintained his rationality and asked, "Old man, where did that owl on the mountain come from?"

"That owl is very old. The day my mother died was the day she was found on the mountain. In fact, I saw it. It was standing on my mother's neck. Xiaoqing should tell you, no matter Was it my mother, my second brother, or the strange people in the village who died, they all had no heads. But when I found my mother on the mountain that day, I saw an owl standing on my mother’s broken neck. Go up. Its eyes are so bright, they stare straight at me and I can’t say anything.”


"As for its origin, I don't know, and I have asked some people, but they said there is nothing strange about an owl, it just exists. But they all say that those things are very spiritual, and when they hoot, people will have no food to eat. "

"What about the empress in blue?"

"The Empress in Tsing Yi is the ancestor enshrined in our village. It is said that the Empress in Tsing Yi was from the Ming Dynasty. She was a well-known good person in our area. Later, she was beheaded because she offended the government. People did not forget her kindness and gave her A temple was built.

"She was beheaded?"


"What about Xiaoqing? Was Xiaoqing's head still there when he died?"

"Xiaoqing's life may have been that short. She was fine, but she died because she had a heart attack and was not rescued in time."

Jiang Ye paused for a moment after hearing this, but soon he remembered another very important thing.

"By the way, old man, Xiaoqing said on the phone that the owl in the village has hooted again these days, right?"

When Jiang Ye asked, the old man said: "No, there has been no owl hooting in the village for many, many years."

"This is impossible, grandma... When we talked on the phone that night, you told me that there was an owl hooting in the village. And every time we talked on the phone after that, you said there was an owl hooting."

"No, I never said that."

Jiang Ye's eyes narrowed slightly at the words of the grandfather and grandson.

A picture also appeared in his mind. The old lady who missed her granddaughter dialed the mobile phone of her deceased granddaughter.

The phone is connected, how can humans and ghosts really communicate smoothly?

This is impossible, Xiaoqing is not that good at the moment. Although the old lady can see ghosts with her eyes, she does not have such ability.

So, when the two of them were talking on the phone, was there someone else next to them?

There is no way for Xiaoqing and her grandmother to contact each other by phone, unless there is a more powerful ghost nearby.

She was pretending to be grandma and telling Xiaoqing about the owl on the mountain, but grandma had no idea that Xiaoqing could not hear her words at all.

Xiaoqing also didn't understand what she said, and grandma couldn't understand it either.

All this is just the work of another ghost, which is sending owl signals to Xiaoqing!

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