Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 36 The Devil Is Out! (1 More, Please Add To Favorites)

That figure with a small head is always around the corner.

The lights in the corridor came on and shone on her, but there was no shadow.

She was leaning against the wall, too far away to see what she wanted to express.

But judging from her body movements, it was not that she wanted to peep, but that she had some desire.

The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned when they saw this scene, although no one had learned how to interpret the hidden meanings of body movements.

But when that object is a child, everything seems to become much simpler.

She looked like a child who wanted to join the crowd but didn't dare.

The dance between the cleaning aunt and Jiang Hao was really unsightly, especially since Jiang Hao was far less physically coordinated than the aunt.

But maybe it was because of their funny dancing that the child giggled at the corner at the end of the corridor.

"Jiang Hao, increase the volume of Zheng Ze's phone to the maximum so that she can hear my voice."

"Anchor, she has no shadow, she is just that little girl!" Jiang Hao was actually very nervous.

Jiang Ye's voice was still calm: "I know, just do as I say."

Jiang Hao turned the sound to the maximum, and although the phone's microphone still had limited shade, the music was turned off by Jiang Ye.

"Little sister, can you hear me?"

Jiang Ye shouted towards the end of the corridor, but the little girl immediately retracted her head.

"Do you want to dance with that grandma and that uncle? You should like playing games very much, how about we play games?"

Jiang Ye coaxed her like a child, and the little figure that had been hiding appeared again.

"Come here, let's play games together, okay?"

Jiang Ye smiled at her and said again. The little girl hesitated for a while and finally walked over slowly.

Jiang Hao and the cleaning aunt looked at the small figure, but their eyes were full of fear.

Especially as the little figure approached, the temperature around him seemed a bit colder.

But the little girl didn't look at them. Instead, she stared at the mobile phone in Jiang Hao's hand. She was looking at Jiang Ye.

Jiang Ye always had a faint smile on his face and reached out to make a touching gesture.

But no one expected that the little girl would naughtily put her head into the phone.

How did she do it?

Who knows how she did it.

Jiang Hao and the cleaning lady saw with their own eyes that the little girl's head was gone, and their hearts trembled.

But soon, she stretched it back again, pouted and muttered: "You can't touch it, you're lying."

"Of course you can't touch it this way, but can you ask that grandma to help me touch your little head?"

Jiang Ye asked with a smile. The little girl took the initiative to rub her head on the cleaning aunt's hand and said, "I like touching my head the most. Dad used to like touching my head the most and said I was very good. Grandma, you didn't even touch it. Pass me."

The cleaning lady was stunned. In her mind, this kid was a nightmare and a devil.

He is the culprit who tortures her and her family all the time.

But when she heard her say such words, she suddenly felt that this girl was no different from those children.

"Grandma, you are always unwilling to play games with me. Many, many people are unwilling to play games with me. But I am obviously very good, why don't you all like me?"

When the little girl saw that the cleaning lady didn't move, she said something quietly.

Jiang Ye said to the cleaning aunt: "What children need most is pampering. Try to coax her like you would your granddaughter. Maybe many things are different from what we imagined."

The little girl frowned, as if she didn't understand what Jiang Ye said.

But the cleaning aunt still followed Jiang Ye's instructions and put her hand on the little girl's cold forehead, stroking it gently.

"Little girl, it seems that grandma has never asked your name, right? Can you tell grandma what your name is?"

"Xiao Yu."

"Hey, can you have a good chat with my brother on the phone?"

The cleaning aunt was also smart and passed the blame to Jiang Ye.

The little girl's shadowless body twisted, looked at Jiang Ye and said, "Do you really know how to play games with me?"

"Hmm, hide and seek?"

"Ang, dad said that if I can't find him in a place, I'll hide myself. Then, he will definitely find me. But dad also lied. I haven't seen him for a long time. And it’s so strange now. Many people can’t see me. Also, mom and dad, the person they are holding is obviously not me. I stand next to them and shout, but they can’t hear me. if!"

The little girl started crying as she spoke. Jiang Ye seemed to understand something and asked, "When did that happen?"

"It seems like a long time passed. That day I saw my father taking out a little girl who looked exactly like me from a pillar. He was so sad and cried so hard. But I was standing in front of him at that time. I shouted to him that it was not me, but he didn't hear me. Later, I saw that my father sent me to a very scary place, where there were many strange people, and they all gathered in a yard, but their relatives were actually there. Can't see them either."

"I was so curious, but I didn't dare to ask or say anything. I just saw my father holding the girl who looked exactly like me into a room, and there was a very weird uncle inside. That Uncle Wei is so terrible, he actually threw that girl into the stove and set her on fire!"

"She is such a big idiot. Why is she still sleeping with such a big fire? Isn't she in pain? But she is lying there motionless. Why do I feel so much pain? I cried and said to my father, Dad, I It’s so uncomfortable, please help me. But my father kept staring at the stove in that room. In the end, he put a lot of ashes in the box without even looking at me. He doesn’t want me anymore... he doesn’t want me anymore... Wuwuwu.”

The little girl cried loudly and said while crying: "He has been lying to me. I hid it many times, but he never came to me. He doesn't want me anymore, he really doesn't want me anymore... !”

PS: Brothers, start collecting!

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