Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 41 Hands In The Mirror! (Please Collect And Send Flowers)

Zhou Kai's voice was filled with pain, but even more so was exhaustion.

That feeling of exhaustion that there is nothing you can do, that you have more than enough energy but not enough energy.

The audience in the live broadcast room did not expect that this originally romantic and beautiful love scene would suddenly become like this.

Even when people listened to Zhou Kai's words, they mistakenly thought that he had gone to the wrong set.

After all, Jiang Ye's live broadcast room is a live broadcast room that solves supernatural events, not a large-scale love variety show where people spread their love.

"Xiaoxue found out she was pregnant in November last year, but within just one month, she started to change. She became silent all day long, and then she would ask me some weird questions when she had nothing to do. At first we They all thought she was suffering from prenatal depression. She had always had low self-esteem in our family, so I took her to see a psychiatrist.”

"But when we went to the doctor, she was... she was..."

"What's up with her?"

"She beat the person and scratched her face until it was bruised. Of course, if that were the case, I would definitely not come to you. It was the dream in the afternoon that suddenly made me realize something."

This is the second time Zhou Kai talked about the dream he had in the afternoon. Jiang Ye nodded: "What did you dream about?"

"I dreamed back to last year, the week after Xiaoxue agreed to be my girlfriend. That day we went to the theater to watch a movie. I was sure I was a little cautious at the time, so I bought a late-night movie and watched it. After that, the factory closed early, so I had to live outside.”

"After watching the movie, I took Xiaoxue to find a hotel. The hotel we went to was called Haojie Hotel. I also saw a ghost that day. It was obviously not a holiday or a special period, but every hotel was full. Later, I almost gave up after walking around until I saw the Hero Hotel in the last alley.”

"I was very happy at the time, and the hotel's appearance was quite impressive, so I didn't hesitate to drag Xiaoxue in with me. I asked if there were any rooms, so I booked a double bed room. It's on the eighth floor, 807 this room.”

"After getting the room card, Xiaoxue and I took the elevator up. To be honest, looking back now, the corridor was really cold. I didn't think it was anything at the time. After all, it was almost the twelfth lunar month and the weather must be very cold. It was past two o'clock, and some of the tenants must have been asleep."

"Xiaoxue was looking at the door at that time, and I was standing behind her. Xiaoxue opened the door, and after the door lock clicked twice, Xiaoxue went in. When I was about to follow , suddenly I felt my collar being pulled. "

"As soon as I felt it, I instinctively looked back, but there was nothing behind me. I was surprised when Xiaoxue called me in. At that time, I didn't think much about it. I just felt a little strange, thinking that maybe I was watching the movie too late. I’m tired. Besides, Xiaoxue spent the night with me for the first time, so I really don’t want to think about other things.”

"You may all know what happened next when we got to the room. The two of us were tossing around until about three or four o'clock, and I fell asleep. I was so dazed that I didn't know how long I slept before I woke up, but I'm pretty sure it was too late at that time. It’s not bright yet, and it’s still dark outside.”

"When I opened my eyes, I saw that Xiaoxue was not there, so I looked towards the bathroom. Everyone knows that bathrooms in hotels are all made of glass, except for a piece of frosted glass in the middle. I saw someone inside, and I Call her Xiaoxue, what are you doing?"

"Xiaoxue said that she had a nosebleed, so she could just pat her neck. This is an old folk method. My parents did the same when I was a child. I got up at that time, thinking that it would be inconvenient for her to be alone, so I helped her pat her. One shot.”

"I walked to the bathroom and reached out to help Xiaoxue pat the back of her neck. But Xiaoxue's nose was still bleeding. It was so bad that I panicked and said I had to go to the hospital. Xiaoxue said that her nose was very sensitive and very sensitive. I get nosebleeds easily, even since I was a child, and she told me to go to bed quickly. She was afraid that I would catch a cold. As a man, there was no way I could go to bed, so I didn’t take Xiaoxue back until the bleeding stopped.”

"It was when I walked out of the bathroom with her. Now that I think about it, I feel chills all over my body. When I turned around, I glanced at the mirror with my peripheral vision. In the mirror, I saw a pair of black hands coming from inside. When I stretched it out, I was shocked, but when I took a closer look, the mirror was flat and there was nothing there."

Jiang Ye listened to his words and remembered the key feature of the hand in his mind. When Zhou Kai and Xiaoxue arrived at the door of 807, Zhou Kai felt his collar being pulled on the back of his neck.

In the middle of the night, Xiaoxue's nose started to bleed and she cleaned it. When she walked out of the bathroom, Zhou Kai saw a black hand sticking out of the mirror.

"Then what happened next? I don't think you just had a dream and thought you had encountered a supernatural event, right?"

"Of course, because every time I took Xiaoxue to stay in a hotel, she would run up in the middle of the night to clean up her nosebleeds. Just as I suspected that she had a mental problem, I also took her to the hospital for a full-body physical examination. The doctor told me that Xiaoxue was healthy and had nothing wrong with her, but he asked me to pay attention to her nutrition. It was only after that physical examination that I found out that Xiaoxue was pregnant. According to the date, she was pregnant after we had sex! "

"I was in a great mood when I found out that I was a father, so I didn't take care of anything anymore. Xiaoxue was also very happy at that time, and my parents took care of her like a baby for fear of getting bumped. Until one time when I went for a color ultrasound, the doctor said something. "

"What did the doctor say?"

"The doctor said this child's hands are growing really well!"

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