Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 53 Funeral Parlor! (Please Collect Flowers)

Jiang Ye did not expect that Sister Chen's husband would be a writer.

I never thought that I was a writer specializing in short ghost stories.

Chenchen said that after her father died, some papers would always appear in her schoolbag, and those papers contained many ghost stories.

"Chenchen, were those stories written by your father?"

"Well, I have seen it in my father's study. But now that I have bought a house, my mother and I live in another small house. Moreover, my mother has many books that my father collected before. All the magazines written by Dad were burned.”

"I don't understand why mom did that. Doesn't she miss dad at all? She didn't even keep a photo of dad."

The question on the phone was from a second-grade girl. Only Sister Chen could answer this question for her, not the audience in the live broadcast room, nor Jiang Ye.

"But then I met my father. On my birthday, my father showed up! Really, uncle, I didn't lie. That was the only birthday that I didn't have a cake in my whole life, and it was also the birthday that no one celebrated for me. Mom, she Without kissing me, my grandparents cried when they looked at me, and my grandma and grandpa also stood aside and secretly wiped their tears."

"I was so uncomfortable at the time that I hid in my room and cried. I missed my dad. I hadn't seen him for a long time at that time. I was crying and I didn't know why I suddenly fell asleep. When I woke up, When I arrived, I heard someone knocking on the window."

"Looking towards the window, I saw the candlelight, which was stuck on my favorite white swan cake. Dad was holding the cake and stood by the window and smiled at me."

"I was so happy that I called my dad and opened the window. The place we lived at that time was on the first floor, and we could easily climb out. Dad put the cake by the window sill, but he didn't say anything. He didn't answer anything I asked, he just pointed at the cake and kept smiling."

"Although I had a lot of things I wanted to say to him, when I saw my dad like that, I didn't ask anything. I made a wish on the cake. I hope dad can come back."

"Just when I finished making my wish and opened my eyes, my father was gone, and the White Swan's cake was also gone. I turned around quickly and saw my father walking away so far away... Wow Woohoo…”

Chenchen on the other end of the phone cried uncontrollably, and the audience in the live broadcast room sighed again and again.

However, the audience, who had just been moved by the separation between father and daughter, suddenly started to tremble when they heard Chenchen's voice.

"But...but when I looked at my father's back, he originally had his head raised and his chest raised, but for some reason his upper body suddenly folded down!"

"It's folded? What do you mean?"

"It's like origami. It suddenly folded in half, starting from the waist. In the blink of an eye, my father's upper body drooped. I saw him walking with his head falling next to his feet. I I also saw his eyes... He was in so much pain at the time, I wanted to save him... but he disappeared again! "

After listening, a picture immediately emerged in Jiang Ye's mind.

A man who originally walked away with his body straight.

But inexplicably, his body suddenly folded in half from the waist, and his upper body was unable to support himself and had to fall vertically towards the ground.

The impact this scene had on a little girl who was only in second grade was absolutely unparalleled.

In fact, this scene is likely to accompany her throughout her life.

Jiang Ye's expression became a little more serious and he said, "Have you seen your father since that time?"

"I've never seen him again, uncle... I'm calling you just to ask you to help me. Can you let me see him again?"

Jiang Ye thought for a while and said: "Uncle can't give you a definite answer for the time being, but uncle needs to know more things to be sure."

"Uncle, what do you want to know? I'll tell you everything I know. By the way... Do you think my father died because he wrote too many ghost stories?"

Will you die if you write too many ghost stories?

This is unlikely.

"Chenchen, do you remember any changes in your father before his accident? What was your father like the last time you saw him? Excluding the night of your birthday."

Jiang Ye asked, Chenchen started thinking, but after thinking for a long time, he said anxiously: "I'm sorry, uncle, can you give me some time? I suddenly can't remember, can you wait for me?"

Chenchen was afraid that Jiang Ye would hang up the phone because she couldn't remember, so he gently comforted her and said, "It's okay. Let's take our time and think about it."

"Okay, I think... I will definitely think about it very hard."

Jiang Ye replied hello, but unexpectedly, a weak female voice came from the other end of the phone: "Mr. Jiang, let me tell you. I have been thinking about it for a whole day, and I have been hesitating for a whole day about whether to say those things." But you seem to really care about us, mother and daughter. In that case, it’s better for me to tell you personally.”

Hearing Sister Chen's voice, Jiang Ye showed a smile on his face and said: "Sister Chen, it's useless to avoid many things. It might be better to face them head-on. I'll give you some time to prepare. Let's wait. Let’s talk later.”

"Okay, I just have to change my shift too, let's chat on the way."

Sister Chen did not hang up the phone, but wiped her daughter's tears, then took her things and left home together.

After arriving at the taxi company to pick up the shift, Sister Chen drove the car to a stop and then said:

"You already know my husband's occupation, so I won't say much. But to be honest, I don't know how to answer the question you just asked Chenchen. He is a manuscript writer, to be precise, he is not a writer. What a writer. But before the accident, he was indeed the backbone of the family. He was very diligent and hard-working, but I think it was because of this that the accident happened."

"Sister Chen, can you be more specific?"

Sister Chen on the other end of the phone took a deep breath: "I don't know if you understand, but people like my husband are very boring people in life. They don't like to talk much, but as long as they get into work In this world, there will always be all kinds of things in their minds, but inspiration will never be inexhaustible. Carvin is a word my husband often says. Before his accident, he had a very serious problem. He was submitting a new story collection for the magazine, but he found that he was short of stories."

"Then how did he do it?"

"He... went to the funeral parlor and worked in the Qingzhou City Funeral Parlor for a full month."

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