Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 68 Make Me A Doll! (First Order Requested On 610)

Aunt Aying followed Jiang Ye obediently and walked towards the mother's grave.

The grave was in the woods, and only the third mother was buried. The people from Caojiawan paid for the burial.

As for Laoguai, his body was not buried here. Instead, the village sent a few people to dig a hole and bury it.

It is said that there is a long, long distance from Niang San's cemetery.

What they were afraid of was that after death, Laoguai would still not let go of the three girls and would come to torment them.

When we arrived in front of the tomb, there was no monument.

The population of Laoguai's family was not prosperous, so naturally all the relatives and friends ignored them for a long time.

That is to say, this mother-in-law had a good reputation during her lifetime. Otherwise, let alone the grave, maybe no one would care about the grave if it was dug open by wild beasts.

However, Jiang Ye frowned when he arrived at the grave.

His frown was immediately caught by the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Anchor, what's wrong? Is there any accident?"

"The anchor can catch evil ghosts from thousands of miles away, but now I can't see any ghosts in front of this grave. Is it possible that they are not here?"

The audience in the live broadcast room really guessed that if the ghost of the third mother had not been reincarnated, then he would be able to make the three of them reveal their true colors as soon as he got close to them.

But, they didn't.

Aunt Aying looked at the three earth tombs in panic, pointed to the remains of the incense candles in front of the tombs and said, "I'm not lying to you. I lit these candles and incense in the past. Look at that black mark where I was..." The paper was burned in front of their graves. Yes, I admit that I accidentally spit on the grave bag, but we can't compare favors with each other, right?"

What she said is still correct. I have been coming to worship for more than ten years in the past, but I didn't come to worship this year and accidentally spit. Logically speaking, I shouldn't be weird.

"No matter what, just say a few words to them and ask them not to pester you."

As Jiang Ye said, Aunt Aying could only worship and murmured the name of the old lady.

However, Aunt Aying hadn't even finished paying her respects, but someone came up from the bottom of the mountain, and there were many people coming up.

They found it by following the light in Jiang Ye's hand. When a middle-aged man saw Aunt Aying, he seemed to be relieved and said: "Aying, you're okay!"

"You bastard who has eaten too much shit and lost his conscience, I almost died just now, Ming Ming Ming... you almost lost sight of me!"

When Aunt Aying saw her husband, Cao Laojin, her grievances seemed to burst.

Lao Cao was also among the crowd and hurried to Jiang Ye's side and asked: "Brother, are you okay?"

"No, bro, you went up the mountain to find Aunt Aying? How did you know she was here?"

"It's my eldest brother. Not long after you left, Lao Jin came to me and asked me to help him find a girl. Then my eldest brother said that Mrs. A Ying had planted herself as a carrot in the mountains.

When I heard this, I thought of Aunt Aying's appearance just now, as if she was really planting carrots, and she just thought she would not buy them.

With so many people coming, there was inevitably a lot of noise.

Lao Cao's eldest brother fell behind the crowd, still holding a big chicken drumstick in his hand and gnawing there.

When he saw Aunt Aying, he grinned and said, "Silly Aying who grows radishes."

"Who are you calling stupid? You are the stupid one. You are carrying a torn schoolbag and I don't know where it came from. Look at how beautiful you are!"

Although Aunt Aying was extremely aggrieved, she was very sharp-tongued and scolded her so much that she dared not speak.

But Jiang Ye thought of the schoolbag at this moment and asked, "Brother Cao, come here."

Boss Cao, who had some intellectual disabilities, walked up to Jiang Ye with the schoolbag on his back.

Although this schoolbag had been torn off before, he regarded it as very important.

Jiang Ye thought about it and took it out of his backpack. When he found some snacks, he put them in Boss Cao's hand.

"Can you tell me where you picked up this schoolbag?"

Boss Cao pointed deeper into the dense forest and didn't know what he saw. Suddenly his face changed drastically and he shouted: "Afraid, I'm afraid...

As he said that, Boss Cao ran wildly. Jiang Ye was holding his schoolbag, but his schoolbag was torn off immediately as he ran.

Lao Cao followed and shouted loudly, but Boss Cao didn't listen at all, and ran away yelling for no reason.

Someone followed Lao Cao and chased him. Aunt Aying dragged her husband and said, "Cao Qiang must have fallen into evil spirits just like me. Yes...he just fell into evil spirits. He was not afraid of anything before" tte1889. .....!"

Jiang Ye ignored them [but relied on the schoolbag to take advantage of the chaos and walked deeper into the dense forest.

The night wind is very cold, and it is even colder in the forest.

Jiang Ye carried his schoolbag alone and walked slowly.

The audience in the live broadcast room asked him: "Anchor, are you going to find that bitch?"

"Only when we find them can we understand this matter. The call from the ghost led me here, and I found out about Laoguai's family. I won't be able to figure out whether the ghost is wronged or there are some other reasons."

"..."That's right. Although it's not a human request, it can still call the host's live broadcast room. I'm afraid this ghost is not an ordinary ghost."

"The most important thing is that I don't understand one thing, that is, after the accident happened to Laoguai's family, why did all the flowers planted by the old lady in the flower garden die within two days?"

Jiang Ye said quietly, and the audience in the live broadcast room was stunned.

Ghosts seem to be omnipotent in everyone's mind. But in fact, Jiang Ye knows very well that most of the abilities of ghosts are to create illusions to harm people.

The flowers and plants are really withered, and the flowers and plants in the entire flower bed are dead.

Laoguai's family didn't have the ability to do all this at that time. Even now, they don't have that ability.

After saying that, Jiang Ye didn't say anything else.

He just hummed the tune of "Sister Carrying a Doll (Nord Zhao)" as he walked. His voice was quiet, but it made the audience in the live broadcast room a little unbearable.


The audience was about to say something, but suddenly another voice sounded in the live broadcast room:

"One day when my father was drunk, he picked up the ax and walked towards my mother. Dad, he chopped it down many times, and the red blood stained the wall. Mom's eyes were still looking at me, Kai!

"Then, daddy raised his axe, peeled off my skin, and made me into a doll...!"

These two lines were not sung by Jiang Ye, but there was a girl with an ethereal voice in the seemingly endless mountain forest, sitting on a treetop or a big rock and singing softly.


The wind blew into the dense forest, and Jiang Ye's footsteps stopped.

Not far in front of him, there were several figures hanging, their eyes... looking at Jiang Ye!

PS: Next chapter, zero point!.

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