Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 76 The Living Person In The Deceased Photo! (2 Updates Please Subscribe)

Xiaojun's words brought a picture to Jiang Ye's mind.

The customer seeking comfort came to a very small foot bath shop. He lay on the bed and enjoyed the comfort brought to him by the skills.

It's just that it was a craft that required both hands to complete, but in the end it was a human head poking the acupoints on his back with his chin again and again.

As that scene appeared in his mind, Jiang Ye couldn't help but sigh: What a jumping head!

"When my brother told me about this, everyone laughed and said he was bragging. If we really met him, would he still be alive to deliver food with them? There was no color in my face at that time. He got angry when others said he was bragging. He used his mobile phone to find out a piece of news. The news was about a foot bath shop owner who had her head crushed off in a car accident. When she saw the news, the "570" guy laughed even more. Brother, but I don’t know why I don’t find it funny, I even feel scared.”

"It's that feeling when a dark wind blows suddenly and makes your body goosebumps all the time. I was very scared, inexplicably scared. Even when I looked at the old man's back, I felt that there was something on his back. My head was jumping. After that, everyone received orders one after another, and I stopped bragging and gradually calmed down [until the order appeared."

Xiaojun finished speaking, but Jiang Ye didn't reply, which made Jiang Ye couldn't help but ask: "Then how did you meet her last night?"

"After I met the girl for the second time in Jinglan Community, I went to find the supervisor, and then went to another area to deliver. Although I always saw a figure wearing red high heels on the way to delivery, my latest The area I am responsible for is very busy, so I can barely continue working. ”

"But last night, after I finished my tasks for the day, I rode my bike to where I live. I live in a local residential building full of old houses. I can get there by riding an electric bike and turning into a small alley, but I turned the corner When I entered the alley, I saw someone burning paper under the building where I lived! It was already past two o'clock in the morning, and I couldn't help but feel a little thump in my heart when I saw someone burning paper."

"But I wasn't too scared. I just rode my bike and parked downstairs. After all, there is a local custom that if someone in the family passes away, they will burn paper and light candles in the middle of the night. And at that time, the landlord who lived in the same building as me His mother had also been seriously ill, and I thought it was the landlady who had passed away, so I parked the car and looked over to identify who it was."

"But when I looked carefully, I found that the woman burning paper looked familiar. Her hair was so long that it almost fell to the ground. I subconsciously looked at her feet, but she was wearing a skirt that could cover her feet. I I didn't see the red high heels, and I was laughing at myself for being too cowardly. But what I didn't expect was that "just as I was about to look away, she grabbed the Shisong cloth shoes next to me."

"The cloth shoes are from a long time ago. They are old cloth shoes with black tops and white soles that are very easy and soft to wear. She took the cloth shoes and hit them on the ground, and she was mumbling something while hitting her mouth."

"She looked so nervous at the time that I didn't dare to look any further, so I turned around and went into the house. But as soon as I turned around, I saw her raising her head out of the corner of my eye. As soon as she raised her head, I turned around again Go, she immediately lowered her head, and my eyes fell on the bottom of the cloth shoe in her hand, and there was a photo underneath. "

"That photo looked even more familiar to me as soon as I saw it, because that's me! It's a black and white photo, and I'm wearing a navy blue shroud in the photo. I'm only twenty years old, so how could I be photographed wearing a shroud? Photos? Those were taken by some old people as posthumous photos!"

"But I'm pretty sure that the person in the photo is me! She kept hitting me in the photo with the soles of her shoes, and she was mumbling faster and faster, just like a curse! Then she raised her head, all over her head Her black hair covered her face, but I could see her eyes through the parted hair. She was smiling at me, looking at me with a mocking smile!"

"I really almost peed at that moment, because her feet were exposed at some point, and a toe popped out of the familiar pair of high heels. The red color on the shoes looked like blood was flowing, and in my mind I was stunned for a moment and then I just ran away crying. I didn't even have time to ride my electric bike, so I hurriedly ran towards the temple!"

Xiaojun said that even though he was in the temple at the moment, he was still terrified.

Jiang Ye frowned slightly after listening to his story.

Many things in this world have causes and consequences, just like the Caojiawan Shoushan incident... because Shoushan's selection caused what happened next. Only when Gao Bo wanted to change the status quo that he suffered a mental breakdown. Later supernatural events. Going forward, everything Jiang Ye encountered had a very clear reason, but what happened to delivery boy Xiaojun seemed to have no connection at all.

The first time he delivered an order to Jinglan Community, he delivered a takeout to a dead person, and the dead person asked him to get a pair of red high heels from the delivery cabinet.

This is obviously targeting Xiaojun.

But Xiao Junyi was not a native of Jinghai, and he never went to Jinglan Community, nor did he have any interaction with the dead girl.

Why is she staring at Xiaojun?

Is it because Xiaojun looks like her boyfriend?

A reason that even seemed funny came to Jiang Ye's mind. When Xiaojun on the other end of the phone saw that he didn't speak, he said with a hint of tears: "Anchor, don't be silent. You are so quiet." I was very panicked. You said Bodhisattva Temple, can he really keep me safe? She even started to get a photo of me and beat the villain. Am I about to die? Is she coming to find me? Did I ask for my life?"

"Uuuuuuuah, I'm so wronged. I've never seen her before, and even after she died, I didn't even say a bad word about her. Why is she pestering me?"

Jiang Ye was also thinking about this problem in his mind. The dead 0.8 girl found Xiaojun's downstairs and beat up the villain. This matter has reached a very serious level.

After thinking about it, Jiang Ye said: "You should leave the temple now and go to Jinglan Community. Staying in the temple is also a way to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause. You can't just cut off your hair and escape into Buddhism, right?"

"I...I don't dare."

"You said you've seen my previous live broadcasts, so you should know who I am, right?" Jiang Ye said with a smile.

Xiaojun was stunned for a moment, and Jiang Ye said: "Okay, go to Jinglan Community and find the security guard there to understand the cause of the girl's death. Only by understanding clearly can you find out why she is pestering you. As for your Safety, what do you have to worry about in my live broadcast room?"

PS: No updates at night, updates during the day!.

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