Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 84 If Confession Is Useful, What Can We Do In The Eighteenth Level Of Hell? (4 More Updates

"Are you He Yuan or Qi Fei?"

When Jiang Ye said this, there was a lot of playfulness on his face.

But He Yuan looked at Jiang Ye in Xiaojun's mobile phone live broadcast room in confusion and said, "What do you mean?"

"You really don't know what I mean?"

"I am He Yuan, I am who I am, how could I be Qi Fei?"

He Yuan seemed to be confused, Jiang Ye looked at him and said: "Of course I know you are He Yuan, but you are a ghost.

"I was forced to death by Qi Fei. I also wanted to be reincarnated, but she wouldn't let me!"

"But you've eaten Qi Fei, why are you still looking for her?"

Jiang Ye's original question has already dropped an unspeakable bombshell to Xiaojun Xiaobai and the audience in the live broadcast room.

Now, he once again threw a bomb, which shocked everyone!

"What's going on? Why I suddenly can't figure it out!"

"The anchor asked He Yuan whether you were He Yuan or Qi Fei, and now he said that He Yuan had eaten Qi Fei. Could it be that he meant both of them?"

"Damn it, after He Yuan ate Qi Fei, did the two of them merge into one?"

The audience all exclaimed, Jiang Ye looked directly at He Yuandao: "To be precise, you didn't eat her, but she was actually swallowed by you, right? If you can't remember, You're up, how about I help you pull Qi Fei out?"

"What are you talking about, I don't understand, I really don't understand!"

He Yuan's appearance was not deliberately disguised, he couldn't disguise it at all in front of Jiang Ye. 150

But not long after he came in, Jiang Ye already felt something different about him.

It was precisely because of the weird intuition that Jiang Ye finally understood it after he said something.

"Xiaobai, do me a favor."

When Xiaobai, who was also shocked in the room, heard the shouting, he quickly replied: "Okay, you say it."

"Put your hand on the back of He Yuan's neck, and then you will know what to do.

Xiaobai walked up to He Yuan, who suddenly raised his head and stared at her, saying: "What are you going to do?!"

"Stand still and don't move. Aren't you very sure that you are He Yuan? Well, I will let you see clearly who you are.

As Jiang Ye said, Xiaobai had already arrived behind He Yuan.

He Yuan did not dare to move. Jiang Ye's intimidation was too great for him as a ghost.

Xiaobai stood behind He Yuan and placed his hand on the back of his neck.

As soon as he released it, Xiao Bai's expression immediately changed.

"how come?"

"What did you feel?"

"Hand, there is a hand holding my hand right now."

"Drag her out!"

Jiang Ye said, Xiaobai grabbed the hand that was also grabbing her, and then pulled her out desperately.

Xiaojun raised his cell phone to take pictures, and He Yuan's face was all twisted together at that moment.

"It hurts so much!" (chbg)

He Yuan screamed miserably, but a pair of pale hands had been pulled out from the back of his neck.

Then a bunch of long black hair emerged from the neck, and then a face.

"Help me...save me...!"

The woman who was dragged out shouted with a cry in her voice.

Xiaobai was still struggling to pull. He Yuan's screams and the woman's cry for help made the live broadcast room noisy.

But when the woman was completely pulled out, He Yuan lay on the ground as if she had collapsed.

The woman who was dragged out was none other than Qi Fei, the girlfriend He Pi was looking for.

After Qi Fei was pulled out, she hugged Xiaobai with a panic face and said: "Save me, save me quickly! He swallowed me up and tried to dissolve me all the time. He wouldn't let me reincarnate even if I wanted to. He is a madman!"

Xiaobai looked at Jiang Ye in astonishment and said, "How could this happen? Didn't He Yuan say...

"Don't listen to him, he is a lunatic. I drove him to death because I was angry, but then he became a ghost and tried his best to swallow me up, because he hated me...hated me I had been forcing him hard during my lifetime, so even after I became a ghost, he never thought of letting me go!"

Qi Fei pointed at He Yuan angrily, but He Yuan seemed to be completely paralyzed, lying on the ground and laughing at himself.

"After he swallowed me, he always turned into me and killed people. He killed many people. His crime is unforgivable!"

Qi Fei's words seemed to reveal the truth behind the continuous occurrence of strange deaths in Jinghai City in the past few months.

He Yuan was still smiling, but his eyes suddenly became sharp as he smiled.

Although he was as weak as a human being, he still crawled towards Qi Fei step by step, saying: "What did you say? I turned into you and went to kill people? Baby, you really deserve to be the baby I love the most. ah!"

Qi Fei's eyes were very cold, and Xiao Bai subconsciously stepped back at this moment.

"Who is it if it's not you? I just like to be willful in front of you, but I didn't expect that you would be so vicious and want to ruin my next life!"

"Hahaha... Qi Fei, when I meet a woman like you, I am blinded!"

He Yuan laughed, but with a smile he added: "Yes, the grievances I felt as a human being completely turned into resentment after my death, and I wanted to take revenge crazily. After I swallowed Qi Fei, It gets even worse when I see those girls’ special couples, and I hate them and want to kill them all!”

"People like me can only be a beast in the next life, right? Haha, it's okay to be a beast, at least I won't have to worry about anyone anymore!"

As He Yuan spoke, Jiang Ye looked at the two of them calmly and said, "So, are you helping the King of Hell make a decision? Are you representing the King of Hell to judge yourself?"

Qi Fei's face changed drastically, and even his soul had a slight fluctuation at this moment.

Jiang Ye stared at her sharply and said, "Do you think the people in hell are fools, or do you think I am a blind man?"

Qi Fei stepped back suddenly, but Jiang Ye's eyes across the phone still frightened her to the extreme.

"He Yuan swallowed you, but why didn't you always influence He Yuan? He could be He Yuan, and he could also become you! It was even you Qi Fei most of the time! At least, what Xiaojun encountered It's you who's here, and you're playing cat and mouse to try to play him to death!"

"You are a jealous, narrow-minded, ugly, and cowardly woman. But death seems to have given you courage, making you a murderous weapon when you knew that He Yuan wanted to separate from you. He Yuan still refused after forcing him to death. Not enough. In the future, as long as those targets that make you jealous appear, you will still force them to death by any means.

"Because you feel that others don't deserve what you don't have, right?!"

Jiang Ye's question made Qi Fei truly frightened. He Yuan couldn't help but said: "No... it's not like that..."

"If you're still a smart loser, then shut your mouth!"

Jiang Ye glanced at him coldly, and the latter dared not speak again.

All Qi Fei's stubborn resistance fell apart at this moment, and he said in horror: "I was wrong, I shouldn't lie, I shouldn't kill. Yes, I was jealous, narrow-minded, ugly, cowardly, and my sin is unforgivable. Especially after I passed by When I was around him, I found that he was very timid, and I shouldn't have thought of scaring him to death. I apologize, please don't punish me, okay?"

Qi Fei cried and shouted at Jiang Ye, and even knelt on the ground to kowtow to Jiang Ye.

"If confession is useful, then what are you going to do with the eighteen levels of hell? Originally, I thought about letting the gods destroy you directly, but it seems that's not possible now. People like you have to go through all the eighteen levels of hell. Only then can the soul fly away. Look, God is angry!"


A thunder suddenly rang out this night, following the electric snake swimming in the sky above Jinghai City.

Qi Fei and He Yuan shrank into a ball in fear, and even Xiaobai was extremely frightened at this time.

"Go to the underworld quickly. If you dare to delay for even a moment, you will bear the consequences!"

After Jiang Ye finished speaking coldly, He Yuan and Qi Fei were swept away as if by a gust of wind.

Xiaobai looked at everything in front of him in horror, and even more horrified at Jiang Ye.

PS: There will be an update at 6pm, but there will be no update in the afternoon. .

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