
   The figure turned into illusion and disappeared.

   The two first people who were blocking the door saw this scene with a daze.

   Where is the person?

   At this time, within Luan City, Soul Lin had appeared in an alley.

   At the same time he appeared, he felt a vague prying sight coming.

   But when he perceives it carefully, he finds that this sense of prying is gone.


   The soul of Lin who discovered this narrowed his eyes.

   He doesn't think that his perception has gone wrong.

   Then there is only one explanation.

   The guy who spied him has quite high-end anti-sensing ability.

   realized his perception, put away his prying eyes.

   "Is it a ghost town?"

   Lin Hun didn't know if his guess was correct, but he knew that whether this spy on him was a ghost town **** or not, this guy was not a good stubborn.

"be careful."

   After adjusting his mentality, Soul Lin began to move towards the city.

   Destiny looked at the dazzling reminder, let Lin Soul know the location of his target.

   What he has to do now is to observe the state of this ghost town while heading to the target location.

at this time.

   Time is approaching dusk.

   The setting sun on the horizon exudes a dim light like a clot of blood.

   makes the whole Luancheng seem to be immersed in blood water.

   **** and terrible.

   The houses in the cities are dirty and dilapidated.

   Coupled with the narrow and muddy dirt road, the place is full of weird and decadent taste.

   There is no one in this city.

   Or there are no ghosts.

   walking on the street.

  All there is is a dead silence.

   But if you look at these buildings, you will find that in these buildings, there are a pair of malicious eyes, gazing at everything outside.

   That kind of feeling is like a spider waiting for its prey to come, full of insidiousness and viciousness.

   "Are there ghosts in every building?"

   The blood mist lingering on his body merged with the blood shed by the setting sun.

   Lin Soul walked in the city, his eyes kept turning.

   With his powerful eyesight, he can clearly see the scenes in the buildings passing by.

   He could see that in these decayed rooms, all kinds of "residents" lived.

   Most of these "residents" are wearing ancient clothes, pale skin and full of lifelessness, and a pair of dark eyes staring numbly out the window.

   searching for their prey.

   In these rooms, there is a common feature.

   In the center of the room, a weird statue is enshrined.

   This statue is somewhat similar to a human, but it has a spider's head and is wearing an official uniform. On the chest of the official uniform, there are some weird mountains.

   A strange mountain with a distorted face.

   "This mountain is a bit familiar..."

   Seeing this big mountain, what Lin Soul had in mind was the huge face of the human face he saw when he descended into this world.

   That mountain should be the ghost giant among the four corpses mentioned in Destiny's Vision.

······Seeking flowers······

   And this spider-man is wearing an official uniform with this ghost giant peak as its totem.

   "Is it the subordinate of which **** corpse?"

   The power of the gods is unimaginable. Although the four great corpses seen by fate have become corpses, it does not mean that they have no consciousness.

   When the strength reaches a certain level.

   Death will be another continuation of life.

It is clear.

   This is the case with the four corpses on this continent.

   After their death, they not only divided up the four major areas of this continent, but also extended their tentacles to the unoccupied area.

   wants to get more territory.


   "It's not a ghost town, right?"

   After walking another distance, Lin Hun found that almost every household enshrines this idol.

   This kind of speculation was in his mind.

   "Is it charging for horror beliefs?"

   Looking at these idols, feeling the weird atmosphere in this city, and remembering the feeling of prying at the beginning.

   Lin Soul did not wrinkle slightly.

   He felt as if he had fallen into a giant finely woven net.

   is constantly suffering from the invisible influence and restraint from all around.

  The hunter who operates all of this is exerting a certain influence on him through some strange means.

   "It seems we can't waste time."

   Perceiving this, Lin Soul frowned slightly, and his figure flickered again and disappeared in place.

  As he disappeared, the originally quiet street suddenly became noisy.

   Numerous weird and twisted figures emerged from the buildings in the city.

   These are monsters with human heads and spider bodies.

   Behind them is connected a long spider silk inside the room.

   If you look closely, you will find that the place where this spider silk connects is exactly the base of the idol they enshrine.

   Through the connection of spider silk, an intangible thing is continuously flowing into the idol, passing to the invisible distance. Big.

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