The inferior nature of human beings is vividly reflected in these non-human guys.

   "Kill him and **** the soul fragments of Zhou's sister-in-law!"

   "Kill him, avenge Uncle Zhou 213!"




   After discovering that there was a forest soul crystal in the forest soul, the paper people who were still cowering seemed to bless the courage.

   One by one, they took mechanically stiff steps and quickly moved towards them.

   resentment surged.

  The actions of the paper man stirred up a lot of resentment, forming a dark wave, rushing to the forest soul standing in place.

   Feel the coldness and malice of the oncoming forest.

   Lin Hun suddenly clenched his fists.


   The dark shadow spread from under the feet, and the shadow stand holding the sickle of hatred jumped out of the shadow.

  Under Lin Soul's control, the shadow double was like an arrow from the string, rushing to meet the paperman villagers.

   Next second.

   The knife light flashed.

   The first level of paper men rose to the sky.

   In the hands of the shadow double, the power of hating the sickle is even stronger than in the hands of hating the scarecrow.

   Under the blade of this sickle.

   These paper people with white resentment level strength are like real paper, easily torn into headless wreckage.

   The beheaded paper man, his soul was swallowed by the sickle of abomination.

   The body turned into rotten paper ash, and it continued to collapse.

  Because of the tight time, the shadow double did not perform soul beheading this time to create resentment crystals, but instead gave all these souls to the Scythe of Abomination for swallowing.

   With the increase in the number of beheaded paper men.

   The blade of the hatred sickle glowed with an evil black light.

the other side.

   Lin Soul's movements are not slow.

  Although he has no curse props, his double fists contain the power of indestructible grip. With every punch, he can punch a paper man through a big hole.

   The edge of the big hole was scorched black, with red embers glowing, as if it was about to burn in the next second.


   In addition to the power of the Indestructible Grip, Lin Soul is also stimulating the power of the ghost in the blood.

   It's just that he didn't release the power of ghosts, but used this power for himself.

   The heart is beating surgingly, and the blood releases the strong life force and the power of ghosts surging in the muscles.

   made Lin Hun's body surface a dense **** vein.

  With the enhancement of this ability, his speed is like an unmistakable cannonball.

   With the enhancement of these abilities, his power surpasses ordinary people and is extremely powerful.

   blasted out with a punch, the fist wind violently.

  The scorching indestructible power formed a scorching spiral air cannon (bfdd).

   blasted one paper man after another into a sieve full of big holes.


   punched through the head of a paper man.

   The paper man who had already suffered several punches finally couldn't bear the power of the immortal grip on Lin Soul's fist.

   deflagrated on the spot and turned into a flaming torch.

   His burning is like a fuse.

   directly ignited another paper man beside him.

   The flames expand.

   keep running.

   The ignited paper men turned into burning torches, bringing a rare brilliance to this gloomy village.

   But the flame will eventually burn out.

   twitched and fell along with the last paper man.

   All the paper people in the village have turned into flying ashes.

  【You killed all the paper people used in the festival and restored Dahuai Village to its normal appearance. The special scene: the deserted graves, officially opened! 】

   An icy voice sounded in my mind, and the invisible Morihan seemed to run through my body like an electric current.

   in Lin Hun's surprised eyes.

   All houses in this village decayed and collapsed quickly.

   became ruins one by one.

   These ruins stand dilapidated.

   Yingyingzhuo was in the dark.

   looks like a huge...tomb bag towering up one by one.

   "Is this the original face of this village?"

   stood in the middle of each "tomb bag".

   Lin Hun frowned.

   He could feel that the resentment in the air has not only been weakened by the disappearance of the paper man, but has become more intense.

   It seems that the disappearance of the paper man has awakened some more terrifying existence.

   [The starving ghost attacked you from behind, and you lost your right hand. 】

   The prompt to suddenly rise up surprised Lin Soul.

   He jumped quickly and passed the position just now.

  【The starving ghost attacked you from behind, and you lost your left arm. 】

   The prompt did not disappear because of his dodge, but because of his position change, the starving ghost who attacked him changed the attack position.

   "Invisible enemy? Or is there something wrong with my vision?"

   moved again, Lin Hun found that the hint of Future Vision had changed again, this time he lost his left foot.

   The soul of Lin, who noticed this, frowned heavily, summoned the shadow double, and stuck it behind him. .

Chapter 71:

  【The starving ghost attacked your shadow, and your shadow was very angry. It used the power of the ghost to temporarily make the starved ghost appear. 】

   At the same time that the shadow double was attached to his back, Lin Soul's future vision finally jumped out of a different reminder.

   Next second.

   He felt a pain in his arm, and a deep tooth mark has appeared.

   At the same time, the arm of the shadow behind him was directly bitten off.

   This long arm disappeared, but it didn't turn into a black thin-flow back to the shadow stand-in as usual.

   It is like disappearing into the void, without a trace.

   "Can you swallow up the tricky body attack? This starving ghost is too terrible."

   Ying Ying’s injury feedback caused Lin Soul’s arm to be injured.

   But Soul Lin didn't panic too much.

   Because while the shadow double was injured, he directly released the ghost.

   let the starving ghost show his true form.

   The slender body is adult-shaped, and the figure is extremely thin, but the belly is bulging like a ball.

   The skin is indigo blue, the limbs are unusually long, the hands and feet are thick, and the nails are sharp.

  On his face, there are no other facial features, only a big mouth that occupies half of his face.

   At this time, this big mouth is constantly chewing, and a trace of black liquid is constantly flowing out of the corner of his mouth.

   It was the arm of the shadow substitute that he chewed.

"caught you!"

   When an invisible enemy appears in form, the terrible degree of the invisible enemy is at least reduced by half.

   The hungry ghosts who were interfered by ghosts and appeared in reality from the dark side world are such examples.


   The heart beat, blood-red light overflowed from the blood vessels, causing Lin Soul to have countless complicated lines on his body.

   The power of the violent ghost and blood, so that Lin Soul's physical energy instantly soared to the limit state that it could bear.

   A small hole exploded in the ground under his feet.

  The ring-shaped air wave blasted out beside me.

   The soul of Lin at this moment seems to have opened the eight-door Dunjia Kai.

   The whole person releases infinite wildness.

   "Come to die!"

   The right fist was clenched, the power of moving the mountain exploded, and the power of the Immortal Grip burst out at the same time.

  A golden and green flame ignited on the skin.

   Stars and dots of energy crystals are constantly flying away in the flames.

   Although this punch used the power of moving the mountain and the power of the immortal grip.

   But this punch is not profound.

   He had reduced his strength by 30%, and the punch he blasted, although it had the power of slanderous destruction.

   But this kind of power is not as strong as it is completely physical.

   is not as large as the consumption of the full body.


   The surging heat wave made the starving ghost feel a deadly threat.

   He stopped chewing, opened his big mouth with three layers of fangs, and bit at Lin Soul's fist.

   The air is twisting.

   In the space in front of the starving ghost's mouth, a slight indentation occurred.

   The feeling is as if the space in front of the starving ghost's mouth was crushed by his big mouth.


   Before his mouth came close, a tooth mark appeared on the back of Lin Soul's hand.

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