Lin Soul walked to the back door, randomly found an empty seat and sat down.

   Compared with the running bus, the number of passengers in the bus is even rarer.

   Lin Hun made this bus, except for him and the driver, there were only three passengers.

   An old woman with gray hair and wrinkles, with a cloth bag for grocery shopping slung in her hand, she sits silently in the love seat in the front row.

   One is a middle-aged social animal with half of his hair bald. He is wearing a suit and is very bloated. With his head down, he is constantly mumbling about something.

   The last one is a girl in school uniform, Yin Ming. She is sitting in the back row, holding a book in her hand, and reading it carefully.

   The three of them didn't seem to have any problems at first glance.

   But in Lin Hun's eyes, the bodies of these three people were full of death.

   "These guys..."

   His eyes narrowed slightly, and Lin Hun's gaze became sharp.

   dominated the Ligui puzzle and made him very sensitive to these special existences.

   He can feel that none of these three are alive.

   "It's not a person or a ghost, it's an alternative existence."

   After careful observation, Lin Soul came to this conclusion.

   Compared to Li Gui, these three people in the car are obviously not fierce, evil, or strong enough.

   But they are not human, or they used to be human, but because of some accident they have become what they are now.

   Then why did they become like this?

   Lin Hun's eyes wandered, and soon he found something wrong.

   He found that the scenery outside the car window was rapidly becoming gloomy.

   The whole world seems to be covered with a layer of gray haze, looking old and gloomy.

   A faint blood hovered in the air, rendering the building outside the car like a scary photo.


   When he thought of this, Lin Hun was surprised.

   He suddenly thought of the hint brought by his eyes last night.

   The black disaster grade horror named photographer has already locked him.

  【You are sealed in the soul-gathering photo, your next life will loop endlessly in the scene of this photo. 】

   Seeing this prompt, Lin Soul activated his flash ability without even thinking about it.

   With a faint light, his figure appeared on the street 100 meters away.

   While on the road, the bus that was driving along with the nearby scenery seemed to have been taken away by something, and disappeared directly from the world without a trace, leaving only an empty ground. .

Chapter 14

so close!

   Seeing this scene, Lin Hun's forehead shed cold sweat, and his heart thumped wildly.

   If he reacts a bit slower just now.

   I am afraid that I have fallen into the trap of a black disaster photographer and locked into the photo.

   "The photographer... sooner or later get rid of this scourge!"

   adjusted for a while to calm his heartbeat.

   Lin Soul looked at the large piece of land falling above the ground, and he was not in the mood to go to work.

   Compared to pretending to be at the company, what he needs to do now is to enhance his strength.

   Otherwise, when the photographer arrives a month later, he really has no way to survive.

   "Black disaster level."

   White resentment, blood fierce, black disaster.

   This photographer is two levels higher than himself.

  To deal with him, this goal is a long way to go.

"Flashing this magical skill once a day is too small. I have to find a way to increase the frequency of this ability. The ghost's ability has not been tested. I must test it as soon as possible to understand the role of this ghost puzzle, and my body itself is different. For ordinary people, development exercises are needed."

   Thinking about what to do next, while walking towards home, Lin Hun took out his phone by the way and opened the lottery page.

   He has a future vision and can predict the rewards he will get in the next draw.

   He doesn't mind exchanging his 5-year birthday for a ghost puzzle or cursing item.

   Each reminder kept beating, the soul of Lin was distracted and used, and by the way tried to control the power of the ghost.

   As if the limbs were extending, the shadow under his feet instantly spread, enclosing a circular area with a radius of nearly fifty meters.

   As this area was wrapped, Soul Lin felt his own perception suddenly extended, instantly gaining insight into everything in this area, no matter the wall or other things could not block his perception.

   "Is this a ghost?"

   With a thought, a human figure stood up on a big tree 40 meters away.

   This humanoid shadow is the same size as Lin Soul, except that there is a big crescent-shaped mouth with a grin at the position of the mouth, which seems to be constantly laughing.

   This figure is a shadow stand-in.

   The awakening power of the forest soul shadow.

   Looking at his shadow double, Lin Soul felt a strange feeling in his heart.

   He complied with this feeling and manipulated.

   The next moment.

   His figure suddenly swapped with the shadow double.

   "Uh... isn't this the shadow clone of Jie?"

   Looking at the shadow double standing in his position just now, Lin Soul couldn't help laughing.

  Because he found that after the position swap between himself and the shadow double, the stamina consumed is simply not worth mentioning, and there is no cooling time for this swap.

   The only restriction is that this ability can only be used in ghosts.

   Putting away the ghost, Soul Lin jumped off the tree branch.

   The slightly chilled body quickly regained its warmth under the power of the source of life.

   Lin Hun looked serious.

   "As long as the power of the ghost puzzle is used, the body will be corroded by the ghost puzzle. This erosion can be restored to me, but if it is used for too long, it will still affect the body to a certain extent."

  The ghost puzzle is like a sharp double-edged sword, hurting yourself first when hurting others.

   If there is no special means, using the ghost puzzles again and again will only make the ghost more and more corroded to the body, and eventually the user will die from the ghost resuscitation.

   Lin Hun speculated that the ghost puzzle should be restricted in some way so that the erosion of life is not so serious.

   As for how to restrict, he is also not sure.

   "The first thing I think about now is how to develop my own power."

   After awakening through his eyes, hands, legs and blood, Soul Lin knew that his strongest trump card was his body.

   The organ that can be suppressed by even the ghost puzzle, if it can be developed to the extreme, it should be enough to cope with any trouble.

"The development of physical strength requires professional training, but if I get guidance from someone, it is easy to expose my body's abnormalities, and the current social state, the remaining living people are unknown, first go online to see if there is any training. Course it."

   This time Lin Hun did not ride in a car. After all, he had just been attacked on the bus once, and he had already left a shadow in his heart.

   Plus, he hasn't left home much in the first place.

   It took him more than ten minutes to return to his community.

   is still the same deserted.

  The community where Lin Soul is located seems to have become a dead zone, with no popularity at all.

   Walking in the empty human-shaped aisle, Lin Soul's eyes moved.

   He saw so many dead bodies.

   Several corpses were embedded in the trees on the side of the road through unknown means.

   Their expressions are terrified, and their expressions are distorted.

   It was obvious that he was greatly frightened and pained when he died.

   There are some corpses standing upright at the base of the wall.

   They face the wall, their heels are slightly lifted, and their exposed arms and necks are pale and blue, and they have been cold for a long time.

   There are still some bodies trapped in the car.

   These corpses are all struggling to lie on the window of the car, hysterically trying to break the window.

   But before they broke the window, they all died on the spot, bleeding from their orifices. .

Chapter 15

   A large number of dead people formed a scene like **** on earth.

   The strong breath of death caused Lin Soul's brows to frown slightly.

   He can feel that a certain horrible existence is being conceived by this breath of death.

   But when he calmed down to perceive it carefully, he didn't notice the existence of anything.

   also tried to observe with Future Vision.

   Soul Lin found that there was no change in his future vision.

he knows.

   I'm afraid this community can't stay any longer.

   "The community where I live seems to be the hardest hit area of ​​treacherous incidents. The number of deaths is beyond imagination. There is definitely a deep meaning in it, but I am not suitable for exploring this place now."

   Lin Hun is very calm.

   He didn't think he was invincible just because he possessed ghost puzzles and organ power.


   turned around and walked out of the community, Lin Soul walked in the other direction.

   He was looking for a safer habitat, and slowly waited for the arrival of night.

   "The identity of the first person has been determined!"

   At this time, in a secret meeting room.

   Several elderly people in formal attire sat around a large conference table.

   on the large display in front of the conference table.

   shows a handsome young man with a cold expression.

   The youth is not someone else, but Lin Hun.

   Below his head, there are lines of information about him.

  Name, age, hobbies, hobbies, life experience.

   dense and detailed.

"From the perspective of character experience, Lin Soul is a very ordinary young man, young and motivated, and capable, but he is definitely not top-notch, so why can he stand out among hundreds of millions of people and become the world's strongest player? Woolen cloth?"

   The old man who spoke was wearing a military uniform, with eyes that looked like a falcon, looking at Lin Hun's information, flashing a deep light.

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