""Well, big sister, please introduce me to other copies." Ye Fan said.

Although he was very tempted by what the female ghost conductor said, that he could exchange things from the hands of ghosts.

But now he has passed the stop, so he should wait for the next time.

And since he wants to exchange items, he must have capital.

So Ye Fan plans to go to Huangquan Pawnshop one last time and save up the harvest for a while.

Hearing this, the female ghost conductor nodded and continued:"The second copy, the bloody slaughterhouse"

"For you, this should be the most dangerous copy."

"Because if you are lucky in other copies, you may be able to survive, but in the bloody slaughterhouse, the mortality rate will be over 80%, and it is very likely that no one will survive."

"Because the rules in the bloody slaughterhouse are very simple and direct"

"In the bloody slaughterhouse, you will become a slaughterhouse employee, and your task is to provide blood food for the slaughterhouse every day."

"The source of this blood food can be soul beasts raised in slaughterhouses, or ghosts."

"But these are not easy to deal with for those of you who are just entering the horror game."

"Therefore, in order to obtain the blood food that must be handed in every day, you players can only kill each other."

"Players killing each other?"Mu Xixi couldn't help but shout out. Although she immediately covered her mouth, her eyes were full of shock and fear.

"That's right!" The ghost conductor nodded.

Because of Ye Fan, the ghost conductor was kind to Mu Xixi.

"In the bloody slaughterhouse, most or even all of the casualties came from you players."

"Then can we get any benefits from the bloody slaughterhouse?" Ye Fan asked

"Of course, although the bloody slaughterhouse is very dangerous, the benefits are also great."

"If you really have the strength, you can go hunt the soul beasts in the slaughterhouse. Eating soul beasts can improve your soul power."

At this point, the female ghost ticket seller licked her lips subconsciously. It seems that this soul beast is indeed a good thing.

Then the female ghost ticket seller shook her head again:"But those soul beasts are not easy to deal with, and it is difficult for newcomers to succeed."

"It is better to work hard, maybe you can take away the butcher knife allocated to employees by the slaughterhouse. Although it is only a low-grade second-level Yin instrument, it can also cause damage to ghosts of the wronged soul level."

Yin instruments again, this is the second time Ye Fan has heard of it, but the one Wang Hao took out before was a low-grade first-level one, and the one the female ghost ticket seller said was a low-grade second-level one.

So Ye Fan asked:"Sister, how are these Yin instruments divided?"

"The genitals are divided into three grades: low, medium and high, and each grade is divided into first, second and third grades. The higher the grade of the genitals, the stronger the effect it can produce."The female ghost ticket seller explained

"How do you judge the level of a ghost? Is it based on the amount of soul power?"Ye Fan continued to ask.

Although he knew the level of ghosts before, he only knew a rough idea and didn't know the details.

"That's right." The ghost ticket seller nodded and said,"Those with a soul power of more than ten but less than one hundred are collectively called wandering souls."

"This level of ghosts already have strong lethality."

"Those with soul power above 100 and below 500 are at the level of vengeful souls, and are relatively strong."

"Those with soul power above 500 and below 1,000 are considered evil ghosts. Ghosts of this level are extremely scary."

"As for the evil spirits, their soul power is more than one thousand, but not more than ten thousand."

"So starting from the evil ghosts, the difference in strength between ghosts of the same level is huge."

"Those with soul power of more than 1,000 are evil spirits, and those with more than 9,000 are also evil spirits, so you have to be extra careful."

"Ghosts of this level can already own their own businesses."

"As for the red-robed evil spirits, I can't touch them at my level. Anyway, each one of them is a local overlord."

"Thank you, big sister."Ye Fan nodded seriously.

The information the female ghost ticket seller said was very helpful to him.

At the same time, it also made Ye Fan excited, because in the previous few stops, Ye Fan had solved a box of soul power Huazi, and now he has reached the level of wronged soul.

【Level: Second-level psychic】

【Soul Power: 101/101】

【Props: 6 boxes of Soul Power Huazi (not including the ones on your body), 10 Soul Power Apples】

【Soul Farm has opened fields: Soul Grassland, Soul Apple Tree】

【Unlocked: ???】

【Gift package to be received: None]

Looking at the attribute panel in his mind, Ye Fan felt satisfied and full of security.

Moreover, if the soul power exceeds 1,000, he can become a fierce ghost. Doesn't this mean that he only needs five days to become a fierce ghost.

This made him further understand how powerful the product of his soul power farm is.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan regretted it a little. Wasn't it a bit expensive to sell the ghost driver and the female ghost ticket seller with those two boxes of Huazi?

But since it has been given, there is no way to take it back. I can only pay attention next time and not be so rich.

As for what level of ghosts the ghost driver and the female ghost ticket seller are, Ye Fan did not ask.

After all, asking about the other party's strength is a taboo, and it may cause misunderstandings.

Anyway, it is stronger than him now. In Ye Fan's perception, the soul power fluctuations of the female ghost ticket seller in front of him are very strong, but he can't sense how much it is.

This situation will only occur when the other party's soul power exceeds his.

Three-day summer promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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