Soon, Deng Li, who had gone to the kitchen to deliver the menu, came back.

Because he was the only waiter, he couldn't stay in the back all the time.

""Hey, it's time to distribute dividends." After Deng Li came back, the account book in front of Ye Fan suddenly said.

Before Ye Fan could react to what the account book meant, he saw a ball of soul power floating on the menu in Deng Li's hand, and then it floated towards the account book with four yuan of ghost money.

Ye Fan was immediately surprised.

He worked hard to earn five yuan, but in the end he had to hand over four yuan. Even capitalists would cry when they saw it.

"Don't look around, kid. I can only get one dollar, and the remaining three dollars have to be handed over."The account book said after seeing Ye Fan's surprised expression.

Ye Fan was stunned. What a good guy. I didn't expect it to be like this. This is an industrial chain.

It seems that it is indeed as the female ghost ticket seller said. The current owner of the horror tavern is very keen to make extra money.

Deng Li, who was standing next to him, was crying in his heart. These five dollars are all his.

Suddenly, another ghost appeared outside the tavern.

"Welcome!" Mu Xixi hurried forward to greet

"Hmm!" The ghost ignored Mu Xixi and walked directly to an empty table:"Give me a jar of Yinli wine"

""Okay!" Deng Li hurried to the wine cabinet and stretched out his hands towards a jar of Yinli wine.

Nothing happened this time, after all, it was the customer who wanted the wine.

But when Deng Li handed the wine over, he aroused the dissatisfaction of the customer:"Are you going to let me drink it like this?"

Deng Li reacted immediately and hurried to the counter on the other side, where many bowls were placed.

But when Deng Li picked up a bowl, he suddenly froze in place.

A soul power directly hit his mind, making him dazed. His hand loosened slightly, causing the porcelain bowl to fall to the ground and break.

"It's over!"After coming to his senses, Deng Li's face turned pale.

Because he remembered that the accountant had said before that the things in the tavern must not be damaged.

"Hehe, I can make money again." The account book suddenly laughed.

Another voice came from the backstage:"If you break the porcelain bowl in the tavern, your salary will be deducted today."

As he spoke, the accountant came over from the backstage. It seemed that he had finished his business.

"Hurry up and pour wine for the guests." Seeing Deng Li still standing there in a daze, the accountant scolded

"Yes, yes!" Deng Li nodded quickly.

Although one day's salary was deducted, at least a life was saved.

Deng Li picked up a porcelain bowl again. Although he was also hit by a soul force this time, he was mentally prepared this time, so he did not let go of the porcelain bowl.

But his face became a little paler. It seemed that although the soul force impact was not fatal, it was not comfortable.

After getting the porcelain bowl, Deng Li ran back quickly.

As the wine jar was opened, a dark liquid was poured out, emitting a faint soul force.

And there was an eyeball floating on it, which had been deformed by the soaking, and it was impossible to tell whether it was human or beast.

But it was still blinking, and even looking around.

Such a horrible scene immediately made Ye Fan and the others feel uncomfortable.

The ghost did not show any abnormality and drank it in one gulp.

But after the wine was finished, the eyeball remained

"Keep pouring wine"

"Yes!" Deng Liqiang endured the discomfort and poured the wine again.

Seeing this, Ye Fan also retracted his gaze and recorded it in the account book: a jar of Yinli wine, one hundred ghost coins

"The handwriting is good." The accountant came over and glanced at the account book in front of Ye Fan.

"Of course, it's much better than what you, an old ghost, wrote." The account book shouted.

Ye Fan also put down the brush he had just finished writing:"Is everything arranged?"

"It's all arranged. Now we just have to wait for the painted-skin ghost to come. But this time it's not a simple matter. I had to waste a lot of time talking."The accountant complained.

"The old man has also made some money, right?"Ye Fan said with a smile

"Ahem, just some hard-earned money."

During the conversation, the second ghost drank bowl after bowl, and soon finished a whole jar of wine.

After finishing, he stood up and walked towards Ye Fan.

Ye Fan knew that he was here to pay the bill, so he said:"A total of one hundred ghost money, thank you for your patronage."

The ghost didn't say anything, put down the one hundred ghost money and left

"Go put the eye back into the wine jar, then fill it with water and seal it up."After the second ghost left, the accountant told Deng Li.

Ye Fan only noticed at this time that the eye was still in the bowl until the guests left.

It seems that the eye can be soaked in water to form Yin Qi wine.

In this case, this eye is really a veteran employee of the horror tavern.

Deng Li heard this and hurriedly did as the accountant told him.

However, after he came back, the first guest who entered the tavern was a little impatient.

"Go to the kitchen and ask me why it hasn't been ready for so long."The customer said angrily.

"Yes, please wait a moment, I'll be there soon."Deng Li ran to the kitchen with a bitter face. He had a lot of things to do. He looked at Mu Xixi and Ye Fan on the other side.

One only needed to say a few words when the guests came, while the other was more leisurely. He only said one sentence about work and spent the rest of the time chatting.

At this moment, Deng Li suddenly felt that it was so unfair.

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