The ghost conductor's words stunned everyone.

They didn't expect it to be so complicated. If they wanted to return to the real world, they had to go through three copies.

And the horror game copies here were so scary. After three copies, there might not be many people left, or even the whole army might be wiped out.

Ye Fan was also frowning, thinking about which copy to enter next.

Although according to what the ghost conductor said, they could freely choose the copy, but the names of these copies sounded like something to be trifled with.

Either Huangquan, bloody, or terrifying, they sounded scary, let alone entering them.

""Brother Ye, which copy are you going to?" Mu Xixi beside him asked in a low voice.

"I'm not sure now." Ye Fan shook his head.

"Why don't we go to a resort? It doesn't sound so scary."Mu Xixi suggested.

"Spa Resort?"

""Yeah!" Mu Xixi nodded.

"I'll think about it!" Jiang Chen did not agree directly.

Because the names of the other copies were so scary, this hot spring resort was probably not simple.

The main reason was that there was too little information, so Ye Fan did not dare to make a direct decision.

"Well, we agreed to help each other."

"Don't worry, I won't forget it."

But just when Ye Fan was thinking about which copy to go to, he suddenly heard the ghost ticket seller continue to say:"Now I have said everything I should say, you can pay the fare."

In an instant, everyone was dumbfounded. They actually had to pay the fare.

Ye Fan immediately had a bad premonition. I'm afraid something will happen again this time.

"What? Shouldn't you pay for the ride? Or do you want to ride a pirate car?" Seeing Ye Fan and the others' expressions, the ghost conductor sneered.

Under the ghost conductor's terrifying gaze, naturally no one dared to raise any objections.

""Excuse me, how much is the fare?" a man asked cautiously.

"Not expensive, only one dollar"

"One dollar!" Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But Ye Fan felt that it might not be that simple.

Sure enough, after the first person took out one dollar, the ghost ticket seller grabbed his neck and lifted him up:"Are you kidding me? What's the use of giving me your coins? I want ghost money, ghost money, understand? Ghost money in the horror game."

The man rolled his eyes and was terrified. He had just entered the horror game, so where was the ghost money ?

"I... don't have... ghost money……"The man said intermittently

"There is no ghost money, this is easy!"The ghost female ticket seller threw him back to his seat.

Looking at the man who was gasping for breath, she took out a piece of white paper with words written on it and said,"Since there is no ghost money, just write an IOU."

"When you participate in the horror game dungeon, the adults in the dungeon will pay you wages every day based on your performance."

"How much you can get depends on your ability."

"After you complete the dungeon, you can reimburse me for the fare."

"Remember, don't try to take another bus to avoid me. The bus you take back must be the same bus you took when you came here, otherwise you will die."

"do you understand?"

""I understand!" The man nodded quickly and said,"I am willing to write an IOU, and I will definitely pay you back for the fare when I come back.""

"That's fine, sign your name now." The ghost ticket seller handed the man a piece of white paper and a pen.

But when the man took it and was about to sign, he suddenly froze.

"Isn't it one dollar? Why is it ten dollars on the IOU?"

"So do you want to sign it or not?" The ghost ticket seller looked at the man with a dangerous look.

"I sign, I sign!"The man immediately became timid and wrote his name with a pen.

Because if he signed, he would lose money, but if he didn't sign, he would die.

"That's better!" Looking at the contract that the man handed back, the female ghost ticket seller nodded with satisfaction. She also explained strangely:"This is my normal process."

"After all, if you die, who can I ask for money? I am taking a big risk, and I can't let myself lose money."

""Oh, yes, yes, you are right!" Everyone nodded quickly.

""Okay, let's continue." The ghost ticket seller collected the fares one by one.

The people who followed were also very conscious, all of them wrote IOUs.

However, when the ghost ticket seller came to the rows in front of Ye Fan, a person showed a different situation. It was one of the people Ye Fan suspected to be an old player. When the ghost ticket seller collected the fare, the man reached out from his pocket and took out a somewhat worn and misty banknote.

Then the ghost ticket seller took the banknote and walked to the next person.

Ye Fan looked at this and was sure that this person must be the old player that Mu Xixi mentioned just now. I just don't know how many dungeons this old player has experienced.

But it shouldn't be too many, after all, if an old player who has experienced too many dungeons will not be matched with them, the newbies.

At this time, the ghost ticket seller also came to Ye Fan:"Pay or write an IOU?"

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