As for the question of whether this little girl was Chang Xiaohua, they soon knew the answer.

At night, when the player was chased by a dog and ran back, he also brought back a piece of news.

"This little girl's father's surname is Song!"

They didn't hear the little girl's name, but her father's surname was Song, so the little girl's surname should also be Song.

However, if the little girl's surname is Song, then she cannot be Chang Xiaohua.

And if she is not Chang Xiaohua, then who is she?

The players were all a little anxious after hearing the news. In the end, He Yuxin saw their panic and asked in confusion.

"Mission 1 has been completed, what are you anxious about?"

The completion of mission one means they have a way out. If their lives are in danger, they can exit the dungeon, so what are they anxious about?

The player was silent after hearing this.

What are they anxious about?

Of course I'm anxious for money.

People are always dissatisfied.

When it is very difficult to survive in the dungeon, all they want to do is survive.

But when survival becomes easy, of course what they want is further completion and money.

Not everyone is He Yuxin, who brings a lot of assets with them when they enter the game.

It's like everyone is playing a game, they are the Liver Emperor players, and He Yuxin is the Krypton Gold player.

He Yuxin ignored their desire for money, and they didn't know how to tell He Yuxin that they wanted money.

The two of them were stuck for a moment, but He Yuxin reacted on her own.

After all, she was not a real non-meat-eater, she just didn't react for a moment.

After reacting, she was embarrassed for a moment, then thought about it and gave them a heads up.

"You can check what happened when she fell into the water."

Falling into the water?

Isn’t this the little girl’s background introduction? Is there a mystery in this?

Not only those players, but also Xiu Gou glanced at He Yuxin.

Finally, Gu Wen, the youngest, asked weakly.

" did you know there was something wrong with falling into the water?"

He Yuxin's eyes wandered away for a moment, as if she was recalling something.

"Her brother is not young anymore. She looks thin and frail, but he must be quite old in fact."

The players didn't understand, so He Yuxin said with a smile.

"Her parents don't look like they have parental love. She's already so old, and it's time to 'sell' her."

Gu Wen understood instantly, and then said incredulously.

"No way, she looks so small!"

"Nothing is impossible."

This kind of speculation is unacceptable to these players, but they still don't understand.

"This doesn't prove anything."

"When jackals give up the meat around their mouths and continue to bark, be careful. They are building up their momentum. If the meat around their mouths is too fat and the money wolf barks continuously, it must be a sign of fierceness but a soft heart." He Yuxin did not He said this stupidly and then explained.

"That couple must know something. The drowning may not be that simple. This is a suspicious point. You should go and check it out."

A daughter who could be 'sold' for money, but the couple just cursed her instead of negotiating a good price for her. This approach was problematic for He Yuxin.

It's not that He Yuxin thinks in a bad direction, but that the couple really doesn't seem to have any feelings for their daughter.

Players have no hope. Firstly, they think this speculation is a bit ridiculous. Secondly, there is still a problem of being unable to communicate.

They could only passively listen to what the people in the town said.

They thought that the most difficult thing now was to find out who Chang Xiaohua was, but they didn't expect that at night, when the sun had just set and there was still some afterglow in the sky, a cat meow broke their 'comfort'.

Everyone followed the sound and saw a mysterious cat beside the ditch.

The cat's body was dark and smooth, and the way it sat there looking down was particularly cute...

Originally, it should be like this.

But in reality, I don’t know if it was because he turned into a ghost, but the cat’s meow sounded like thunder to them!

However, that's not all. When they met those golden cat eyes, they felt from the bottom of their hearts that they were being stared at by a big cat beast.

It wants to eat them!

This thought suddenly emerged and was so deep-rooted that it could not be shaken. Fear was growing, and almost everyone took a step back, wanting to stay away from the black cat.

However, their timid movements aroused the interest of the black cat. Originally it was still sitting, but now it stood up and was eager to jump down!

"Ah!!!!" A frightened scream scared the hearts of these players. It was Gu Wen. After all, she was younger and her mental endurance was not as good as other players. Seeing the black cat about to jump, she was frightened. I don’t know what to do.

Her feet became weak and she turned around and ran away, but the more she did this, the more she aroused the black cat's interest.

The black cat jumped down and landed lightly, then rushed over very quickly!

Just like the kick-off in billiards, the black cat is like the white ball, and the other players are like the other balls that run away after being hit, and suddenly there is a mess under the ditch!

He Yuxin's first reaction when encountering danger was to take out a weapon and hold the steel bar in her hand. The black cat's intimidating effect also applied to her. She should feel fear from the bottom of her heart, but in fact she stared at the black cat with a face. His expression was ruthless.

But before she could take action, she was picked up like a child and rushed up from the ditch wall very quickly!

Even though Sang Mingyang has the air of a pretty boy and looks like he's eager to be supported by a rich woman, in fact, he really didn't rely on others to survive.

The ditch was full of random souls, and the black cat couldn't catch them all, and howled with excitement, so the departure of He Yuxin and Sang Mingyang did not attract the black cat's attention.

The players were crying at the bottom of the ditch, and Gu Wen was the worst among them.

She was the first to collapse, the first to run, and the one with the weakest physical strength.

The physical strength of a senior high school student really cannot be expected. Even if she is afraid of the adrenaline rush, it cannot save her body that rarely exercises.

So she was caught up by the black cat and was knocked down in one fell swoop!

A cat less than one meter long knocked a person down easily, which is strange no matter how you look at it.

But the black cat is like a killer to them. They can't attack the black cat, and every attack of the black cat seems to weigh ten thousand kilograms to them!

The black cat pressed on Gu Wen's body and she couldn't move. Its sharp claws stretched out and pierced Gu Wen's back, causing her to scream in pain.

Cats have bad habits. They like to play with their prey, and the misery of their prey can also arouse their interest.

The beard trembled slightly, the black cat let out a breath, opened its mouth excitedly and dangerously, and bit Gu Wen's neck!

To die!

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