The roar of the fire dragon is a materialized flame attack.

The roar of the magic dragon is pure sonic magic.

Once it is performed, the magic power will gather at the throat and temporarily change the structure of the throat,

so that the roar of the dragon will be changed.

While roaring, the magic power will be increased. It will also form a special magic circle to enhance the attack of sound waves.

And this magic is the product of Natsu's demon blood.

So when it is cast, the momentum is also very huge, and it will have a special mental attack.

Igniel was also surprised that Natsu could create such magic.

At the beginning, the roar of the dragon could be said to be an all-round, indiscriminate attack, and the direction or target of the attack could not be controlled at all.

But with the proficiency, now it can compress the sound waves generated by the roar and attack a certain place.

In addition. As a magic produced by human blood in the fusion, the space system,

Natsu also used the reward card to develop two magics,

one defense, one attack,

but This one cannot be exposed to Igneel for the time being,

So it has not been trained properly,

Early in the morning of this day, Igneel received the news, and after looking at Natsu, a complicated expression appeared on Igneel's dragon face,

Because the time is up, the plan is about to start,

He took advantage of Natsu's inattention, raised his front paw, and tapped Natsu's forehead,

A small magic circle appeared on Natsu's forehead,

Then he fell asleep,

At the same time, in several other directions of this world. The same thing happened to Wendy, Stinger, Rogue, and Gajeel.

After they fainted, a dazzling golden beam of light shot up from the center of the world, and almost everyone on the road saw it.

After seeing the beam of light, Igneel and the other five dragons

quickly mobilized their magic power and formed a magic,

wrapping themselves and the children they raised in it.

As a dazzling light flashed, they turned into light spots and merged into the bodies of Natsu and others.

At the same time, Natsu and others disappeared from the spot.

When they appeared again, they were still in the same place. But it is not that time anymore.

The golden beam that shot up into the sky just now was a magic called the corona.

And now Natsu and the others have also been sent to hundreds of years later by this magic.

Lying on the grass, Natsu finally woke up after sleeping for a long time.

He jumped up and looked at the surrounding scenes.

Natsu stroked his chest and murmured, "Has it started?"

In the past five years, as Natsu's strength increased, he received more pictures in his mind.

As time passed, some fragments of those pictures happened in the near future.

He was more convinced that the things in those fragments would happen.

Including the disappearance of Igneel and the others, and where they are,

So at this moment, Natsu was not in a hurry. He looked around again,

Then he found a direction and walked forward,

For this world, the word was also very curious,

He walked and stopped along the way. When he was hungry, he picked some wild fruits and caught two small animals to replenish his consumption.

When he was sleepy, he just found a tree hole to spend the night.

He was the Fire Dragon Slayer Wizard. As long as he had enough magic power, he would not feel cold.

What's more, he still had Dou Qi.

With the practice of Dou Qi, his physique became stronger and stronger.


That day, I don't know, in the woods. After walking a long way, the one encountered a man.

This was an old man who was shorter than the one now.

He had a Mediterranean hairstyle, and all the hair on his head had fallen out.

And the remaining hair on his temples was now gray.

When Natsu saw him, he also found Natsu.

Natsu started to explore and saw that

this old man was none other than the current president of Fairy Tail, Makarov Doller.

And his realm had reached the second level of the Holy Magician.

At this time, he had just returned from the Council.

Seeing that Natsu's clothes were thin and he was not very old,

so he stepped forward and asked, "Kid, where is your parents?"

Natsu shook his head and said, "I'm looking for them.

Grandpa, have you seen a dragon, a red dragon? "

Makarov was stunned when he heard this, and then asked, "Dragon? The kind in the legend?"

Natsu raised his hand and waved, "It's not a legend. I have lived with dragons for many years. He is my eldest brother, called Igneel,"

Makarov showed an expression of disbelief on his face after hearing this.

Dragons, that is a creature that has disappeared from this continent for a long time.

He has lived to this age and has almost visited this continent, but he has never encountered a dragon.

So after hearing what Natsu said, he felt that this child might have taken the dream seriously.

And when Natsu saw his expression, he knew that he didn't believe it without Makarov saying anything.

So Natsu mobilized his magic power, ignited the dragon fire, and let it burn outside the body.

After so many years of practice, Natsu is now more and more skilled in calling dragon fire.

Moreover, when dragon fire manifests on the body surface, it will present the state of a dragon.

Makarov was also surprised when he saw this scene.

However, he was not surprised by the shape of the flame, but by the fluctuation of Natsu's magic power.

Some magicians who use fire magic can condense their own flames into various shapes after special training and enlightenment.

This is not uncommon.

At this time, he looked only eleven or twelve years old.

But the fluctuation of magic power has reached the level of a great magician.

This age and strength are the first time Makarov has encountered it.

Knowing that Makarov will not believe it easily. , Natsu mobilized his magic power to gather at his throat,

At the same time, a gorgeous orange-red magic circle appeared in front of him,

The magic circle is composed of many runes, but in the middle of those runes, there are dragon patterns,

Seeing this scene, Makarov's surprise turned into astonishment,

Because, he had seen in ancient books that humans can learn a kind of magic, this magic is called dragon-slaying magic,

And this dragon-slaying magic must be taught by the dragon himself,

The magic array diagram formed by the person who casts this magic will have a dragon pattern,

And at this moment, the magic that Natsu was about to cast issued a new diagram, which completely met this description,

With a "Fire Dragon's Roar!" sounded,

Magic power spurted out of his mouth, and through the transformation of the magic circle, it formed a dragon flame and attacked Makarov,

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