"Lucy" didn't finish her sentence. But Kanna knew what she was going to say?

In those days, the three Mira sisters went out together to help Elfman find a suitable beast soul.

After some efforts, they also defeated the Beast King.

However, when Elfman received the Beast King's soul, Some problems,

It is precisely because of these problems that not only Elfman cannot display the complete body of the beast king,

Even Mira, after that incident, can no longer fight with others,

After hearing this, Kana lowered her head and said "Mira, although what happened back then, you were all traumatized,"

"But that guy has been trying to move forward on his own, you should know that, right?"

"Lucy "After hearing this, he lowered his head, his pupils trembling a little,

The experiences of these years flashed through her mind quickly.

She said to herself, "Elfman, move forward..."

"I have to move forward too."

As she said this, she headed towards the outside of the guild. came out,

Seeing this, Kana quickly said, "Wait! Mira, don't come over, it's dangerous!"

However, "Lucy" did not respond to her,

Walked straight to the front, opened her arms, and shouted " Your target is me! Come and catch me! Please stop attacking the guild immediately! "

Inside the castle, Joseph and his group watched the scene outside through the peeping magic.

The people who were controlling the magic circle saw this, He asked, "President, that is..."

After hearing this, Joseph said with a gloomy face, "Give it to me Go away! You fake! "

"I knew from the beginning that Miss Lucy was not here at all, right?"

Hearing this, "Lucy" lowered her head in anger.

And it was she who removed the magic , she returned to her true appearance,

clenching her fists, Mira sobbed, "How could I, how could I be so useless?"


The scene changed, in the castle, Elfman was moving forward at full speed He ran forward and heard him shouting, "Man Elfman, even if it costs me my life, I must protect the guild!"

However, just as he ran forward, he felt something wrong under his feet. So he stopped and looked back.

At this moment, the ground he had just stepped on twisted.

Then, the green-haired Thor came up from below.

Looking at Elfman, he said, "Salut,"

Elfman frowned and whispered, "So it's the four elements!"

As he said that, he untied He unbuttoned his coat, took it off and threw it aside. However, he was full of fighting spirit and didn't know that one of the people he wanted to protect the most was already caught by the castle giant. Just now, Mi A green magic circle appeared under Ra's feet.

Amid her screams, she disappeared from the spot.

When she reappeared, she was already caught in the hand of the giant.

This was Joseph. The punishment for Mirajane,

He just said, "I hate you, little girl, for lying to us. You will die slowly and take a last look at your friends before you die.

Kana was anxious when she saw this. "Mira! "

Macao also said with an ugly face, "Damn it, you actually did such a thing,"


In the castle, the four elements who stopped Elfman introduced themselves, "My name is Thor, please be polite, Call me Mr. Thor,"

Elfman clenched his fist and took an attacking stance and said, "You came just in time. I will let you tell me how to stop the giant!"

As he said this, he raised his hand and said in a low voice "Beast Arm! Black Bull!"

A magic circle appeared at the fist,

as the magic power was injected, it began to move downward,

until it penetrated his entire arm,

as the magic circle disappeared, Elfman's arm It expanded more than twice its size,

and black hair grew on it, completely covering the entire arm.

Seeing this, Thor swayed and asked, "Can you fight with just your right hand?"

"It seems that the rumor is Really?"

Hearing this, Elfman angrily said, "Stop talking nonsense, you little brat! "

As he said this, he tiptoed and rushed towards Thor.

He was very fast and arrived in front of Thor in the blink of an eye.

He punched him.

Seeing this, Thor dodged quickly.

El Furman

The punch missed and hit the ground.

Under this punch, the ground was broken like tofu, leaving a big pit.

After dodging the attack, Thor said provocatively, "I heard that you almost killed your sister when you received the beast soul."

Hearing this, Elfman's movements paused for a moment.

Thor seized the opportunity, raised his hand, and whispered, "Sand Dance!"

As soon as the words fell,

a yellowish-brown magic circle appeared,

a tornado formed by sand and gravel blew towards Elfman,

This kind of magic is mainly used to disturb the opponent's sight,

When Elfman raised his hand to block the sand and stones, Thor had come behind him through the earth dive,

and raised his hand and whispered "Rock Concerto!"

The ground where Elfman stood, when his voice fell, broke into pieces, and sprayed directly upwards like a fountain,

Elfman, who had no time to dodge, was also hit and flew into the air,

He waved his hand to knock the broken stones away,

Elfman jumped back a few times, landed on the ground, and stabilized his body,

Seeing this, Thor spoke again, "Non Non Non, Salut,"

After saying that, he dived into the ground again.

When he reappeared, he was right under Elfman's feet.

He stretched his body like a ribbon and wrapped around Elfman's arm.

Elfman looked down at him and said, "You are such a disgusting guy!"

He grabbed a part of Thor's body and started pulling.

After hearing that, Thor smiled and said, "Non Non Non, I said Non three times in a row to let you know it's useless,"

At this moment, his body became like rubber, which could be stretched at will. No matter how hard Elfman tried to pull, it was useless.

So he shouted, "Get out of here! Thor is late!"

After hearing this, Thor was also angry and said, "You should call me Mr. Thor!"

As he said that, he twisted his body and then punched Elfman in the face.

At the same time, he withdrew his body.

Elfman also flew backwards in response.

After stabilizing his body, he whispered, "I didn't expect this guy to be so strong."

At this time, Thor began to reveal the pain in Elfman's heart again, "I heard that you once accepted the failure of the magician with your whole body, and the whole person lost control, huhuhuhuhu..."

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