After running into the woods, Naz began to search everywhere. But no matter how hard he looked, he still couldn't find the white egg with patterns in his dream. Just as he was searching, he suddenly thought of something. So he slapped his forehead and whispered, "What an idiot! Time!" That's right, he suddenly thought of the scenes in his dream, which should be some time away. He paid attention to the surrounding environment again, and finally began to return to his residence. After washing up, he went straight to the guild. After eating the free breakfast, he came to the task bar and began to check the tasks above. Although he could eat, drink and live for free in the guild for half a year,

But he still wanted to go on a mission.

Laxus was not completely defeated yesterday,

so he did not get any rewards from the system, so he wanted to take on some missions to see if the system would give him the same rewards if he completed the missions in the guild.

At this time, a man was standing in front of the panel.

Natsu did not remember the man's name.

He only remembered that everyone had been complaining about him at the party last night.

After joining Fairy Tail for so many years,

he had never taken on any missions, even though he stood in front of the mission bar every day.

He took a casual look and saw a mission on it, which he felt was very suitable for him.

There was a small village fifty miles away from Magnolia,

where hundreds of people lived. ,

On weekdays, everyone makes a living by farming,

But recently a monster appeared there,

This monster does not hurt people, but it harms crops,

The villagers have also organized some people to drive it away many times, but to no avail,

So they collected some money and came to Fairy Tail for commission,

In the past, the guild sent people to help them solve this problem,

This task was just posted this morning, and the reward is very low, only 16,000 J,

After looking at the details, Natsu took it off directly,

I came to the front desk and found Makarov, "Old man, I'm going on a mission,"

Makarov heard this, looked at Natsu, and asked, "Do you want someone to take you there?"

Natsu waved his hand and said, "No need , No need, the mission location, target, and requirements are all very clear, I can go by myself,"

Makarov, I also nodded and said, "Okay, then you should be careful,"

Originally, newcomers cannot take such missions related to Warcraft when they first join,

But the strength shown by Natsu yesterday made Makarov feel that he would not have any problems,

So he agreed,

When the missioner came to entrust, Makarov also asked clearly, knowing that the strength of the Warcraft was not very strong,

After waving goodbye to Makarov, Natsu turned and walked outside,

At this time, Gildarts walked in,

Looking at the task list in Natsu's hand, he smiled and asked, "Are you going on a mission so soon? "

Natsu smiled and responded, "Yes, although there are free food and accommodation, I still want to have my own residence as soon as possible,"

Here in Fairy Tail,

You can choose to build your own house,

There is a large area in the forest next to it that belongs to Fairy Tail,

You pay a part of the money and you can get a piece of land to build a house,

Of course, if you don't want to be so troublesome, you can also buy a house in the city,

Compared with the two, Natsu chose the former,

Because when he was bored, he found many drawings in the system mall,

As long as he buys the drawings, prepares the materials and the location,

After using the drawings, the house will be automatically generated,

Gildarts laughed after hearing this Ha smiled and patted Natsu's shoulder and said, "Okay, come on, young man."

Natsu also smiled and walked out.

After leaving the guild, Natsu followed the direction clearly indicated on the task list and started to rush there.

Fifty miles, at Natsu's current speed, it only takes an hour to get there.

So he didn't choose a means of transportation.

Instead, he supported himself with magic and ran all the way.


An hour later, Natsu arrived at the task point.

The whole village is located in a basin.

At this moment, most of the villagers are staying in the center of the village.

They are all looking at the old man in the middle with worry.

Only one of the middle-aged men asked, "Village Chief, is it true?

Will there be a wizard coming?"

The middle-aged man's question expressed the concerns of most villagers.

They have been farmers for generations, and there has never been a wizard in the village.

Therefore, there is not much money in the village.

The 16,000 J was collected by the whole village.

They also know that this amount of money is very little, but there is no way that this is the most they can take out.

At this moment, they are also looking forward to the arrival of the wizard.

Although the monster does not hurt people, it is more infuriating to harm crops than to hurt them.

While they were talking, Naz had already walked over.

Seeing that no one noticed him, Naz raised his hand and waved, "Excuse me, is this the village of Nojia? "

Hearing this voice, the villagers looked over there.

At this moment, their eyes were full of expectations.

But when they saw Naz, who looked like a child, disappointment flashed in their eyes.

But the village chief still replied, "Yes, little friend, this is Nojia Village. What can I do for you? "

After hearing this, Natsu's expression brightened and he said, "I'm right,"

As he said this, Natsu took out the task list from his arms, walked over, and handed it to the village chief, saying, "I'm from Fairy Tail, and I've accepted the task you entrusted me with,"

When everyone heard this, their expressions paused and turned into despair.

One of them murmured, "It's over, the crops are really over..."

"Money, or too little money,"

"Wuwuwu, I, I..."


Hearing these words, Natsu was confused.

The village chief's hands were also shaking at this moment. He handed the task list to Natsu and said in a sad tone, "Child, you, go back,"

Natsu did not take the task list, but looked at him with a puzzled look.

Just then, another person ran in from outside the village.

While running, he shouted, "Here it comes, the monster is coming again! "

When they heard his words, many villagers showed expressions that they wanted to eat his flesh alive.

Some of the young and strong men picked up the farm tools beside them and said viciously, "Damn beast! Let's fight it!"

Once this was said, others responded one after another.

They picked up sticks and prepared to rush out of the village.

Natsu was also confused when he saw this. He flashed to the front and raised his hand to stop everyone.

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