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After they left, the hands spread out and then walked over with Gray.

After drinking a drink and eating dinner, they returned to the room and practiced separately.

In the following time, Natsu chose Some suitable tasks,

He carried them out alone,

The combined amount of several tasks left him with a deposit of tens of thousands of J,

Looking at his increasingly plump wallet, Laji was full of expectations for the future,

Another month passed, On this day, Makarov came back with a child again.

This was a little girl,

with long red hair and clothes that looked very thin.

She followed behind Makarov, keeping her head down. One of her eyes was covered with gauze, and she was obviously injured.

Looking at them all gathering together again,

Makarov introduced them, "This is Erza, and we will meet again in the future. We are all members of the guild, just like everyone else."

"This child has been severely injured, so please bear with me if there is anything wrong,"

Makarov was referring to more than just the physical injuries he had suffered. , and it was a trauma in her heart.

It had been many days since he met Erza, but the latter rarely spoke.

Everyone looked at Erza after hearing this, and saw that she lowered her head and said nothing. At this time, Makarov said to Erza, "This is Fairy Tail. They are all members of the guild and are our family. From now on, you don't have to worry about being displaced. The days of exile are over,"

After Erza heard this, her left eye flashed with light, she raised her head and looked at everyone, then nodded,

Then she lowered her head again,

Makarov Seeing this, he patted her on the head and said, "Come on, first I will print the guild emblem on you, and then I will tell you the standards for joining and leaving the guild,"

"After that, I will take you to treat your eyes,"

Erusa thanked him and followed Maka Rolf walked in.

Everyone saw this and did not disturb her.

They just looked at Erza quietly.

After the process was over,

Makarov said to everyone, "The welcome ceremony will not be held for now. Wait until Erza returns from treatment. Let's talk about it later,"

"Gildarts will be in charge of the guild for the next few days,"

If it were any other time, Gildarts would definitely complain, but at this moment he simply nodded and said, "Don't worry, President,"

Makarov nodded He nodded and prepared to leave with Erza.

At this time, Natsu stepped forward and said, "Old man, are we going with you?"

Makarov asked in confusion, "Why do you want to go with me?" ? "

Natsu chuckled. He smiled and said, "Solve some problems."

Makarov thought about it, then nodded and said, "Okay, then you can come along too."

So, Makarov took Natsu and Erza on the road together, They came to the carriage rental place in the city and rented a spacious magic four-wheeled carriage.

Let Natsu and the others stay in the carriage.

Makarov put the magic ring on his hand and mobilized his magic power. He started the four-wheeled vehicle.

When the four-wheeled vehicle started to move forward, Makarov explained, "The use of magic in the Kingdom of Fiore has reached a peak,"

"Playing has been integrated into people's daily lives. , has become an indispensable part,"

"In addition to this magic four-wheeled vehicle, there are other magic tools, which you will see later,"

Natsu nodded after hearing this, and then asked, "Grandpa , where are we going this time? "

Hearing this, Makarov showed a nostalgic look on his face and said, "In a forest east of Magnolia, there is an old friend of mine. Speaking of which, I haven't seen her for a long time. "

After hearing this, Natsu asked again, "Can she heal Erza's eyes?"

Makarov laughed and nodded, "Of course, she has a rare healing magic,"

"When we were on a mission, He was the one who treated us when we were injured. If anyone could heal Erza's eyes, it would be her."

Makarov was talking about none other than Polushka. And Natsu is also very curious about this person.

In his memory, this wave of Lucica is suspected to be the sky dragon Grandile.

This time he went there just to confirm it.


Makarov explained a lot to them, and Erza's eyes were full of hope.

She was a little girl after all, and she didn't want to have any physical defects.

Along the way, Makarov explained a lot to them.

And Natsu was not carsick at the moment.

The reason why the Dragon Slayer was carsick was because he had awakened the power of the dragon.

And since the appearance of the Fusion Seed,

Natsu's dragon power would be absorbed by the Fusion Seed as soon as it was awakened.

The same is true for the Devil Seed.

That is to say, even if Natsu's dragon power is fully released in the future, he will not be carsick in any means of transportation.


Time passed quickly, and at 10 pm, they came to a remote place in the east of Magnolia. In the distant forest,

There is a wooden house here,

There are many flowers and plants in front of the wooden house. With the arrival of the three people,

The door of the wooden house was opened,

An old woman came out,

Lao Ou has pink hair, tied behind her head with a headband with two crescents,

She is wearing a red cloak,

On the cloak, there are dragon teeth decorations,

After seeing the old woman, Natsu also mobilized the dragon power in his body to sense,

However, she actually felt a little bit of dragon breath on Polyusica,

And Polyusica was also attracted by Natsu at this moment,

She is indeed Grandile, but not the complete Grandile,

According to this world, She was just a consciousness,

Separated from Grandile's consciousness, re-condensed, and formed into a "person",

She also had a very deep memory of Natsu,

But in order not to affect the plan, she still retracted her gaze and pretended not to know Natsu,

She frowned and looked at Makarov. He asked, "What are you doing here?"

Makarov smiled a little embarrassedly, then pointed at Erza and said, "This is a child in our guild. She has some problems with her eyes, so I want to ask Polushica to see if you can treat her."

Polushica looked at Erza after hearing this,

After her careful investigation, she found that Erza also had a strong dragon power,

This dragon power was very pure, but she was very sure that Erza was not a dragon slayer,

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