The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

Seeing that Natsu agreed, Igneel relaxed a little again.

As long as he kept Natsu and taught him the dragon-slaying magic, his mission would be half completed.

With those memories, Natsu knew what Igneel wanted to do, and he also believed in Igneel's dragon quality.

So he said, "Igneel, let's become sworn brothers!"

He saw in those memories that the original Natsu called Igneel dad,

but the current Natsu couldn't call him that,

so he made the first suggestion. He couldn't call him dad, but he could call him big brother,

and Igneel was one of the strongest people in the world,

although he would be promoted in the future. into his body,

But it can't resist that this is a thigh,

And Igniel was also stunned after hearing Natsu's proposal,

He asked with some doubt, "Swearing brotherhood? What is that?"

Natsu stood up, came to Igniel's side, and said, "A ritual in my only remaining memory,"

"Through this ritual, we can become brothers, and you and I will be the elder brother in the future,"

Igniel lowered his head and looked at Natsu, and his dragon face twitched.

Looking at Natsu's body shape, thinking of his age, and looking at himself, Igniel closed his dragon eyes, then nodded and said, "Okay, then swear brotherhood,"

Natsu was delighted to hear this, and then held a swearing brotherhood ceremony with Igniel,

After the ceremony, Natsu patted Igneel's dragon claw and said happily, "Big brother!"

Igneel's eyes trembled again when he heard it, and then he also shouted "Second brother!"

Natsu raised his hand and scratched his head when he heard it, saying, "Uh, why do I feel weird,, Big brother, why don't you just call me Natsu,"

Igneel nodded slowly and called "Natsu,"

Natsu patted his thigh and said, "Yeah, that's the feeling, that's right, hehe,"

Igneel was lying on the ground at the moment,

Seeing this, Natsu sat down directly on his dragon claw,

Finding a comfortable position, Natsu asked, "Big brother, can you tell me about this world? My memory seems to have disappeared,"

Although I have those memories Fragments, but Natsu still knows too little about this world.

Igneel didn't feel strange about what Natsu said. After all, he was a resurrected person, and it was not strange to have these problems.

So Igneel slowly said, "This world is called Eslandon,"

"There are many races in this world, humans, dragons, and so on. You can learn about them slowly later,"

"And this world is full of magic, and people's lives are closely related to magic,"

"Magic is also the mainstream of practice in this world now,"

Hearing this, Natsu raised his hand, interrupted Igneel, and asked, "Brother, do you mean that in addition to magic, there are other ways of practice in this world? "

Igneel nodded slowly and said, "Yes, there are martial artists, but practicing martial arts is too difficult, requiring high talent, and the consumption is too high, and ordinary people can't afford it at all."

"So, there are very few people who practice martial arts,"

Natsu nodded thoughtfully after hearing it and said, "Oh, is that so,"

Igneel said "hmm", and then continued, "The practice of magic is mainly to practice magic power,"

"And magic power is the first time it is transformed into a concrete force and presented when the air flow in our body and the air flow in nature merge together,"

"It is through mental power and concentration, and injecting one's own soul, that magic can be formed. ", "And the specific magic can be divided into many categories, you can also slowly understand this later," "As for martial artists, what they practice is called fighting spirit. I don't know much about this power. I only know that the practice of fighting spirit can improve physical fitness, and the destructive power of fighting spirit is no worse than magic," Hearing this, Natsu said with longing, "I don't know if I can practice magic and fighting spirit," Igneel smiled, and then said, "Haha, of course, in the next time, I will teach you magic, and it is a very advanced kind of magic," After hearing this, Natsu jumped up from the ground, looked at Igneel with a surprised face and asked

"Really? What kind of magic is that?"

Igneel nodded and said, "Of course it's true. The most famous name is Dragon Slayer Magic."

"People who successfully practice this magic are also called Dragon Slayer Magicians."

After hearing this, Natsu looked into Igneel's eyes and asked, "Dragon Slayer?"

Igneel nodded nonchalantly and said, "Yes, Dragon Slayer. This magic was originally developed to fight against the dragons."

"Using this magic, humans can also defeat the dragons, or even kill them."

After hearing this, Natsu said, "But, brother, aren't you also a dragon? How come you? "

Igneel stood up, smiled, and then said, "How can there be dragon-killing magic? I tell you, dragon-killing magic was originally taught to humans by the dragons, so that humans can protect themselves,"

"The dragons are also divided into two camps, those who are close to humans and those who hate humans,"

"Dragon-killing magic was developed by the dragons who are close to humans,"

After hearing this, Natsu asked, "Dragon-killing magic? Is it very strong?"

After hearing this, Igneel laughed and said, "Do you want to see it?"

After hearing this, Natsu stood up and looked at Igneel and said, "Of course!"

Igneel laughed again and then mentioned Natsu. Throw it on his back and say "Hold on!"

At this time, Natsu was above Igneel's head.

After hearing what Igneel said, Natsu raised his hand and grabbed the dragon horn, and then responded.

After hearing this, Igneel exerted force, flapped his wings, and flew up.

Feeling the pressure, Natsu lay down directly.

After flying to a certain height, Igneel flew forward.

Soon, they came to the top of a mountain.

It was very empty here, and there were no trees around. It was Igneel's classic. Rest here often,

After slowly landing, Natsu lay on Igneel's head and panted violently for a few times,

Then he slowly stood up,

Igneel lifted Natsu down and put him on the ground,

Then he said, "Watch out!"

After that, Igneel began to mobilize magic power,

The magic power gathered in his throat, and through the conversion, Igneel opened his mouth and spit forward violently,

In an instant, Natsu felt that the temperature around him rose rapidly,

An orange-red flame spit out from the dragon's mouth and flew towards a mountain peak in the distance,

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