After receiving the reward, Nazi also looked at her own attributes.

Name: Etrius Natsu Dragneel

Age: 17

Level: Sky Mage -6 Sky Knight - 6

Battle Points: 58136

Strength: 670

Speed: 750

Agility: 720

Physical Strength: 1680

Mental Strength: 960

Magic Points: 4680

Physique - Demon Body (activated) - Development Degree 36%

Dragon Body (activated) - Development Degree 52%

Magic Body - (activated) - Development Degree 48%,

Features - All attributes swallow, absorb, the more you fight, the stronger you become,

Items: Dimension Pocket Nightmare Set

Skills: Advanced Meditation Method Yanyang Douqi

Magic: Flame Red Carpet - 1 (3%)

Fire Dragon Slayer Magic

Fire Dragon's Roar - 5 (2%) Fire Dragon's Flame Elbow - 5 (7%) Fire Dragon's Iron Fist - 5 (29%) Fire Dragon's Sword Horn - 3 (4%) Fire Dragon's Wing Strike - 5 (17%) Fire Dragon's Claw - 5 (13%) Fire Dragon's Broken Fang - 5 (24%)

Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame - 4 (11%)

Dragon Slayer Secret - Red Lotus Blade - 4 (8%)

Red Lotus Phoenix Sword - 2 (9%)

Black Magic (Demon Body)

Black Flame Explosion - 5 (22%) Dragon's Roar - 5 (3%)

Space Magic (Human Race - Fusion Seed)

Space Wall - 3 (28%) Dimension Slash - 3 (3%)

Space Conversion - 3 (14%) Teleport - 3 (6%)

Space Teleport - 2 (5%)

Fighting Skills:

Pure Quality Yangyan-2 (19%)

Flame Dome-2 (36%)

Explosive Flame Step 3 (29%)

In the past five years, he has made great progress.

Currently, in the guild, only Makarov and Gildarts are higher than him.

Others, even Laxus, are a little behind.

Although his dragon power has been gradually developed,

But because of the Devil's Strike and Fusion Seed, he has not had any problems.

For example, minor problems such as dizziness in transportation.

Nodding with satisfaction, Natsu began to circulate magic power and practice fighting spirit.


Nothing happened that night. The next morning, After washing up, they returned to Hargeon, took Lucy's luggage, and then began to return to Magnolia.

Early in the morning of the fourth day, Natsu and his friends returned to Magnolia.

Excited, Lucy followed Natsu to the gate of the guild.

Looking at the Fairy Tail emblem on the top of the guild, Lucy still felt like she was dreaming.

Pushing the door open and taking Lucy in, Natsu shouted "I'm back!"

Everyone turned around and saw Natsu.

One of the men with two big front teeth said, "How is it? Did you find Igneel?"

Natsu shook his head and said, " No, the information is false, the so-called fire dragon is just one person,"

The man spread his hands and said, "Then don't blame me, I just told you the information I know,"

Natsu waved his hand and said, "It's okay, just go out for a walk, and this time I brought a new member,"

Natsu looked at Lucy on the side and motioned Lucy to introduce herself,

Just as Lucy was about to speak, the door of the guild opened again,

Gray, wearing a pair of beach pants, walked in,

When he saw Natsu, his eyes lit up, and he ran over and asked, "How is it, did you get anything this time?"

Natsu spread his hands and indicated that he didn't,

Gray said, "Well, I'll keep an eye out for you when I go on a mission,"

Natsu smiled and nodded, "Okay, I believe I will find Igneel one day,"

After a pause, Natsu asked again, "Where are the others? "

Gray replied, "Eluza and Wendy are out on a mission. Lisanna and the others should not be here yet,"

Just as he finished speaking, the door opened again,

Two people walked in,

They were Elfman and Lisanna,

Their eyes lit up when they saw Natsu,

They ran towards Natsu,

Lisanna greeted him happily,

As for Elfman, he petrified his arm and rushed towards Natsu, shouting, "Natsu, this is my 1,229th challenge to you,"

Gray, who was next to Natsu, heard this,

turned around and kicked Erfman with a whip kick

Elfman kicked him away,

The flying Elfman hit a table,

and knocked one of them down,

Then, a riot broke out in the guild hall,

Everyone started their morning classes for various reasons,

As magic circles appeared, all kinds of magic filled the hall,

Looking at this scene,

Lucy was also stunned,

Seeing this, Natsu took her and Lisanna to the side,

As for Happy and Gray, they had already joined the battle,

When someone hit Happy, he used his magic and threw him aside,

Then his body It expanded twice,

It looked like a blue tiger standing upright,

He did not use magic,

He just rushed into the crowd and punched and kicked everyone,

Seeing this, Lucy was even more surprised,

She asked in a daze, "Is this Happy?"

Natsu shrugged and said, "Yes, Happy is also a wizard, and he is quite powerful."

Due to Natsu's preparations before breaking out of the shell,

Happy's talent has also been greatly enhanced,

In addition, with Natsu's leadership, Happy's training is also very hard,

So that now Happy's realm has also reached reached the realm of the earth magician,

crushed a large part of the members of Fairy Tail,

As her eyes gradually lit up, Lucy took out a magazine directly,

The content of the magazine was the magician she wanted to date the most,

Looking at Gray who was unkempt in the field, he drew a picture on it directly,

Then she looked to the other side,

There was a man with orange-red hair,

This man was Loki, who had joined Fairy Tail in recent years,

At this moment, he was hugging two girls, looking very happy,

When he saw Lucy, he broke free from the arms of the two girls,

Quickly stepped forward and came to Lucy In front of Lucy,

he made a gentleman's salute, and then said, "Beautiful lady, can I invite you to dinner tonight?"

However, when he lowered his head, he saw the star keys hanging around Lucy's waist,

his expression changed, and he asked in horror, "You, you are a star wizard?!"

After Lucy nodded, Loki turned around and ran away,

he looked very embarrassed,

and Lucy was speechless when she saw this scene, and drew a big red cross on the page introducing Loki's information in the book again,

At this moment, Lucy felt quite emotional,

it turns out that meeting is not as good as hearing, this is what it means,

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