After the ball hit the ground, Ballet Song temporarily lost the ability to move. Then they opened the door next to them. Looking inside, it turned out that this was the study. Looking at the bookshelves filled with books in the study, Lucy murmured, "I didn't know that the old man was a book collector." Natsu nodded, and then said, "Let's find the book first, Sunrise, a book with a golden outer cover." Lucy, Happy responded, and then they split into three groups and began to search. Not long after searching, Natsu found it. Holding the book in his hand, Natsu said, "I found it," Hearing this, Happy rushed over directly. As for Lucy on the stairs, Without even turning her head, she said, "Please, how could such an important book be found so easily? Can you be more serious?"

However, when she saw the title of the book, she suddenly jumped up,

jumped to Natsu's side and took the book.

Happy also saw the title of the book at this time, and he couldn't wait to say, "Quick, quick, burn the book, and then our mission will be completed, two million J."

Lucy heard the book and said, "No, there must be something in this book, let me take a look first."

Lucy looked at the cover,

Then she said, "The author of this book is actually Kaim. Saleo,"

After hearing this, Happy asked in confusion, "Kaim?"

Lucy hummed and said, " He is not only a wizard, but also a novelist. I am his loyal fan. I have read all his books. So this one is unpublished? "

After hearing this, Natsu smiled and said, "In that case, you should read it carefully. After reading it, we will decide whether to burn this book or not."

Lucy said "hmm" twice and nodded quickly.

At this time, Abar, who had been observing for a long time, also used earth diving magic to come to the study.

Jumping up from the ground, he laughed and said, "Wow, so that's it. You guys came for the sunrise."

Seeing this, Natsu turned back and said to Lucy, "You go read the book. I'll take care of this guy."

Lucy thanked him,

Then Holding the book, he came to the side.

As for Habby, he was complaining at the moment, "What's wrong with the floor in this room? Why can he be like this?"

Of course, Aybar would not answer this question. He snorted coldly and said, "I have been wondering what the wizards are looking for so desperately."

"So they are looking for this crappy book."

Hearing this, Lucy obviously didn't believe it. She whispered, "The client wants to destroy this book at the cost of two million, and even the owner Aybar said it is a crappy book. There must be something in it!"

As she said that, Lucy was about to open the book to read it.

When Aybar saw this scene, he was furious and said, "No, my things are not for a dinosaur girl like you to read! "

When Lucy heard the word "dinosaur girl", she was shocked again.

Seeing this, Natsu said to Happy beside him, "Protect Lucy, leave this guy to me."

Happy responded with a "hey" and then stood by Lucy's side.

Lucy also sat down directly, opened the book and started reading.

Seeing this, Abar was furious and said, "You actually attacked the book that violated my generation! Come out, Panichou brother! "

As the words fell, the bookcase opened from both sides,

Two figures, one tall and one short, walked out from the secret door at the back,

These two people were the bodyguards recruited by Abar, and they had defeated the people who came to seize the sunrise many times before,

The tall man greeted them, and then said in a contemptuous tone, "This kind of brat is actually a wizard of Fairy Tail,"

The other echoed, "Mom will be scared to death,"

While the two were talking, Happy looked at them, and after seeing the patterns on their clothes clearly, he He said, "That badge, it seems they are from the mercenary guild Nanlang."

In the mercenary guild, all members are not wizards, but knights who practice together.

The power they practice is not fighting spirit, but a kind of power that is the same as magic, called source.

In addition, the division of their realms is also connected with the fighting spirit that Natsu practices.

Natsu explored the attributes of the two brothers. They are both in the realm of earth fighters.

In terms of a single realm, they are not weak.

Natsu double

He clasped his hands and said, "They are just two weaklings."

Abal laughed disdainfully, "Southern Wolves are often hungry, so you should be aware of this."

Natsu snorted and waved, "Come on,"

Lucy saw that the battle was about to begin, and ran out with the book in her arms, followed by Happy.

Abal saw that Lucy had discovered the secret in the book,

So he said, "We will catch the girl, and this guy will be left to you,"

As he said this, he went underground again and chased after Lucy,

Natsu Seeing this, he did not stop it.

Although Abar is a wizard, his realm is not very high. He can beat Lucy, but he is unlucky to meet Happy.

The remaining two brothers responded and prepared to fight directly.

The short man holding a long-handled pot said, "Come on, Fire Wizard."

Seeing that Natsu was unmoved, he said, "You mobilized magic power when you defeated Ballerina."

"We brothers are very sensitive to fire wizards."

Natsu laughed and mobilized the dragon flame to fill it. All over his body,

Then, Natsu dodged and rushed towards him, punching him,

The man raised his hand to block the iron pot,

As his fist hit the iron pot, Natsu felt the iron pot absorbing his dragon flame,

At this time, the man also said, "It's a pity that the Fire Wizard is the one I am best at dealing with,"

As he said, he kicked the edge of the iron pot with his foot, and swung it hard, throwing Natsu out,

Another man rushed forward and punched Natsu,

Seeing this, Natsu raised his hands and crossed them in front of him to block this Hit,

However, this man was very strong and knocked Natsu back,

Break the door and fly to the statue of Ayval in the hall,

Natsu turned around and landed steadily on the tongue of the statue,

Looking at the two brothers who came out, especially the pot in the short man's hand, Natsu thought to himself, "Sure enough, it's a good thing, just right to strengthen the nightmare suit,"

At this moment, the tall man looked at Natsu and heard him say, "Fairy Tail people are just wizards, they can't stand up to our mercenaries who are combat experts,"

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