The strength of magic is not only determined by its destructive power.

Just like Igneel, when he was teaching the dragon-killing magic, the roar of the Flame Dragon King he performed was very destructive.

But at this moment, Igneel was making his own dinner.

The orange-red flames completely enveloped the wild boar. Although the flames were burning, Igneel controlled the temperature very accurately.

While ensuring that the wild boar meat was fully cooked, But the boar meat will not be burnt.

With the precise control of magic power, Igneel separated a lot of magic power and condensed it into magic knives. He used these knives to pierce every pore on the wild boar's skin, cutting off all the hair inside, and then dragged them all out.

The long knife condensed by the flame is also like a real long knife. It is not only sharp, but also looks very solid.

I only recalled every action of Igneel,

I quickly began to think about Igneel at the same time. The method of these things,

Natsu was observing Igneel, who was also watching him,

When he saw the thoughtful look on Natsu's face, he nodded with satisfaction,

To become a powerful wizard, talent alone is not enough,

If you don't think and practice hard, the final achievement will only be average,

After finishing dinner, Igneel taught Natsu to read,

especially the dragon language,

This is very important for Natsu in the future,

After the sun completely set. The man and the dragon stopped. Igniel lay on the ground and let Natsu snuggle beside him.

After lying down, Natsu asked Igniel about his past.

And Igniel did not refuse to tell him some of the past that he could tell Natsu.

Until Natsu fell asleep and snored, Igniel stopped talking, covered Natsu with his wings, and then closed his eyes and began to rest.


In the next few days, Natsu has been practicing magic under Igniel's guidance.

Not only did Igniel's dragon-slaying magic become smoother,

his magic power also improved a lot.

Now he has officially become a magic apprentice.

Just two weeks later, Natsu fell asleep that night.

But Igniel Gniel suddenly raised his head,

A dragon language came into his ears,

He was very familiar with this voice, it was the voice of the dragon-Grantini,

After listening to the dragon language, Igniel wanted to speak, and saw a magic circle appear,

Then Igniel also uttered a dragon language,

After Igniel finished speaking, the magic circle disappeared,

Looking around, he lowered his head and lay on the ground to sleep,


Time passed, and another month passed,

During this month, Natsu and Igniel got along better,

Natsu's progress was also very great,

Now he is a level 2 magic apprentice,

And one day, Igniel tore off a piece of his dragon scale and added some strange things. Made a scarf for Natsu.

Natsu loved this scarf and kept it around his neck no matter how hot the weather was.

At noon that day, Igneel said to Natsu, "There will be several friends coming here. You have to get along with them well."

Natsu asked in confusion, "Friends?"

Igneel nodded and said, "Yes, friends. You will know when they arrive."

Natsu said "Oh" and stopped asking.

At the same time, some images flashed in his mind.

Not long after, Natsu heard the sound of wings flapping.

Looking up, he saw four Dragons with different head shapes were slowly landing,

and a child sat on the top of each dragon's head,

Seeing these dragons, Natsu's mind flashed their names,

Sky Dragon - Grandine,

Iron Dragon - Medalikana,

White Dragon - Perslogia,

Shadow Dragon - Shigeadora,

As the four dragons landed, Igneel also sat up,

The four dragons used magic to lift the children on their heads to the ground,

Only then did Natsu see clearly that there were four children, three boys and one girl,

Their names also appeared in his mind,

Gajeel Redfox


Stinger Ugulif,

Rog Cheney,

Wendy Mabel,

The five dragons gathered together and nodded to each other,

At this time, Igneel took the lead and said, "This is the person I chose, Natsu,"

The Celestial Dragon-Grandinie looked at the little loli Wendy gently and said, "Her name is Wendy, she is a very good child,"

At this time, Wendy was hiding behind Grandinie's front paws,

She showed her head and looked at the others carefully,

The Iron Dragon-Metallicana also introduced, "This kid is Gajeel, very naughty,"

Gajeel, hearing how Medalikana introduced himself, tapped the latter's claws with some dissatisfaction.

Seeing this, the white dragon, Perslogia, smiled lightly, and then said, "This is Stinger,"

The shadow dragon, Shikiadora, followed closely and said, "This is Rogue,"

Igneel nodded after listening to their introductions,

Then he lowered his head and said to Natsu, "Natsu, take care of your brothers and sisters, we will be back soon,"

After saying that, without waiting for Natsu's response, Igneel spread his wings and flew into the air,

and flew away,

Seeing this, the other four dragons told him They said a few words to the children they brought, and then followed Igneel and left here.

Seeing this, Natsu waved his hand, and then looked at Wendy and the others.

At this time, there was no Grandine blocking the way in front.

Wendy became more shy. She lowered her head and kept turning the index fingers of both hands in circles.

Seeing this, Natsu walked over, raised his hand, rubbed her hair, and said with a smile, "Hey, your name is Wendy, right? What a nice name. I am Natsu, you can call me brother from now on~"

Feeling the warmth from Natsu's palm, Wendy raised her head and saw Natsu's bright smile ,

So, she seemed to be infected, smiled gently, nodded, and called out "Brother Natsu,"

After hearing this, Natsu put down his hand, put his hands on his waist and said, "Well, you will be my sister from now on, I will protect you well,"

After hearing this, Wendy smiled again and said softly, "Thank you, Brother Natsu,"

Natsu raised his hand, nodded her head and said, "You're welcome~"

After saying this, Natsu looked at the other three people on the side,

At this time, they all looked more or less unconvinced,

Seeing this, Natsu raised his eyebrows and asked, "What? Do you have any objections?"

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