The battle was won, and the battle was won.

After dealing with these small fish, Erza shouted and rushed into the crowd.

With a set of sword dances, some small Karami fell down wailing.

Seeing their companions fall,

The long-range attack magic users in the crowd also began to attack.

As gorgeous magic arrays emerged,

the magic power of various attributes was amplified by the magic array and turned into energy shocks, attacking Erza.

Faced with these attacks, Erza Without any fear,

She stepped on her right foot and jumped into the air.

At the same time, the long sword in her hand disappeared.

As two magic circles emerged, a long spear appeared in her hand.

With a wave of the spear, all the attacks were defeated.

Erusa waved the spear and rushed into the crowd.

As the spear swept across,

the wizards of the Iron Forest were knocked back before they could react.

At this time, Erza changed her clothes again.

The spear was in the crowded place. It was not easy to perform.

As the magic circle emerged, the spear disappeared, and two short swords appeared in her hands.

With the short swords in hand, Erza's movements became more flexible and swift.

As her figure flashed,

Erza kept advancing left and right, ignoring the surrounding Iron Forest wizards.

In the back, some stronger wizards saw this and exclaimed, "This time it's a double sword."

"How can this woman change clothes so quickly!"

It is not difficult to hear their shock at the moment from the surprising tone.

And Erza in the field also completed the change of clothes again at this time, and a two-handed giant axe appeared in her hand, which looked extremely terrifying.

And the attack power of the giant should not be underestimated. Those who were chopped by her were all broken bones and flesh.

Lucy, who was watching the battle on the side, now understood what Habby meant by that sentence at that time.

And she also heard the conversation between the two people, so she murmured in confusion, "Change clothes?"

And as a commentator , Habib also said at this moment, "Magic swords are like Lucy's star spirits. They can summon weapons stored in another space at any time, and the situation of changing weapons is called changing clothes,"

After hearing this, Lucy praised, "It's amazing,"

And Habib said with a dark face, "Eluza's amazing place is just beginning,"

After hearing this, Lucy touched the key on her waist and said, "Okay, in this case, I can't be idle!"

Alive, Lucy took out Kaisha's key to open the Cancer Gate and summoned the star spirit.

Kaisha was also a very powerful star spirit.

Unfortunately, none of his abilities were brought into play.

As soon as he appeared, he asked, "Do you want to fight today, shrimp?"

Lucy replied, "Kaisha, show your best,"

While speaking, the members of the Iron Forest had already started attacking.

Seeing this, Kaisha rushed directly into the crowd, accompanied by the knife falling,

The weapons of those people were cut short one after another,

In addition, there is their hair. At this moment, all the people attacked by Kaisha have changed into Mediterranean hairstyles.

Keisha looked at those hairstyles and said self-indulgently, "I cut them really well."

Seeing this, Erza turned back and encouraged, "You did a good job."

And Lucy responded embarrassedly, "It's not that great."

That being said, Lucy gave herself a thumbs up in her heart and secretly said, "That's great. My favorability increased at noon."

As for Erza, she was also lost in thought because of Kaisha's ending.

She only heard her whisper, "But there are some problems with his ending. How could it be shrimp? At least he should say something like scissors."

Although her voice was low, it was still heard by Lucy and Kaisha.

They were also lost in thought, especially Kaisha. He looked at the scissors in his hand, showing a puzzled look, and fell into self-doubt.

Ignoring the others. Erza looked at the members of the Iron Forest in front of her, frowned and said, "However, there are still so many garbage, it's really troublesome, let's solve it all at once!"

As she said that, Erza closed her eyes and mobilized her magic power,

As the rosy red magic circle appeared under her feet and passed through her body,

A golden light completely enveloped her, revealing the beautiful scenery inside,

Looking at the ignorant people around the Iron Forest, they all showed pig-like images,

At this time, the commentator Habib spoke again, "Tong

Usually, when it comes to costume magic, you have to change your costume first and then fight, but Erza is different. She can change her costume while fighting, and change out armor that can increase her magic power."

"This is Erza's magic, and its name is Knight..."

Erza has finished changing her costume.

Looking closely, she is now wearing a very gorgeous armor with a pair of metal wings,

which makes Erza even more beautiful.

As she floats in the air, Erza whispers, "Fly! Swords!"

After the words fell, dozens of long swords appeared in front of Erza,

forming a circle around her. With magic power injected, these long swords began to rotate,

and at this moment, someone in the crowd has obviously recognized Erza, and he said in horror, "Erza, could this guy be the Queen of Eyes!"

However, what responded to him was Erza's "Circular Sword! "

The halo of swords rushed straight to the crowd below with Erza's swing.

As the sword energy flew, the small fish close to her were completely cleared.

At this time, there were only two people left in the field except Erza and her friends.

Seeing Erza clear the field with one blow, Lucy was also surprised and said, "It's amazing. So many people were knocked down with one blow!"

Among the two remaining people in the Iron Forest, the tall man saw this and said angrily, "Damn it! Let me play with you!"

As he said, he was ready to attack and rushed towards Erza.

And the green-haired fat man on the side said in horror, "No mistake, this guy is the strongest woman in Fairy Tail!"

At this time, one of his companions had been chopped away by Erza's sword.

Thinking of this, he ran out without looking back, shouting "Eluza! Erza! We chose the wrong person! "

Seeing this, Erza retracted her magic power, and with a flash of golden light,

In fact, after the armor was retracted, she changed into the one she wore everyday again,

Lucy's eyes lit up, and she exhaled two thick breaths from her nose, "So amazing! I've fallen in love with her!"

Before, she was full of admiration for everyone in Fairy Tail,

After seeing the strength of Natsu and the others, she was even more grateful that she could join Fairy Tail,

Seeing the heroic Erza at this moment, she was directly conquered,

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