Seeing him so angry, Lucy quickly said, "I don't know about this either." Gray took a deep breath and said, "I'm so annoyed. Who is it? For what purpose did he bring Deliora?" Hearing this, Natsu said, "Let's wait here." In their puzzled eyes, Natsu said again, "Wait until the moon comes out." Gray suddenly realized, "Yes, the curse on the island and Deliora must be related to the moon. It's definitely not wrong. Didn't that guy just say that the moonlight will start to gather soon?" Lucy nodded and said, "That's right. I don't know what will happen. What exactly do they want to do with the moonlight? It's really curious." Just like that, they Decided to stay here,

So, they each found a place to rest,

Natsu came to the corner, sat down, closed his eyes and began to practice,

Happy and Lucy also sat down beside him,

Looking sideways at Natsu, Lucy said, "Natsu, this guy, he never forgets to practice,"

Happy nodded and said, "Well, because Natsu once said that he has a lot of things to carry, so he must improve his strength as soon as possible,"

Lucy murmured after hearing, "I don't know what he is carrying,"

After saying that, Lucy looked at Gray who was sitting in front of Deliora,

At this time, Gray lowered his head and murmured "Ulu,"

His mind quickly emerged The scenes of the past came to mind,

But the scene of him practicing with Wulu when he was a child,

The northern continent has snow all year round, and the ground is basically white all year round. That place is also the area with the most ice wizards,

And his master Wulu is the best among them,

At that time, Wulu had two disciples,

One was him, and the other was his senior brother,

As he fell into memories, Gray closed his eyes,

As for Lucy, she chatted with Habby for a while, and then fell silent,

After a while, Lucy said, "This kind of waiting is really boring,"

Habby responded after hearing it,

And at this time, Lucy seemed to have thought of something,

She looked happy She took out a key,

As she injected magic power, she slid the key and whispered, "Open it, Lyra Gate! Lila!"

As the voice fell, the gate between the two worlds opened,

A star spirit holding a harp appeared in the air,

She waved excitedly and said, "Oh, long time no see, dear Lucy,"

Lucy also greeted her, "Hi, Lila,"

Lila came to Lucy and said with some dissatisfaction, "Hate, you only call me once in a long time, Lila also wants to come out and contribute more, Lucy is really mean,"

Lucy retorted, "What mean, who told you to only be called out three days a month,"

Lila was surprised and said, "Is that so?"

Hearing their conversation, the harpy on the side complained, "Another weird guy appeared,"

At this time, Lila had already asked, "Okay, what song do you want to hear me sing today? "

Lucy replied, "Any song is fine, you decide,"

The harpy on the side raised his hand and said, "Then I want to listen to songs about fish?"

Lila was stunned after hearing this, and then did not respond to the harpy, but said, "Then, I will just sing something casually,"

Seeing that Lucy and Lila ignored him, the harpy lowered his head and said, "Mira sings very well, she always sings fish songs to me~"

Just as the harpy's voice fell, Lila began to pluck the strings,

A soft piano sound began to echo in this underground square,

The harpy was surprised at first, then closed his eyes and began to listen attentively,

The piano sound continued for a while, and Lila spoke,

Accompanied by the soft piano sound, her sweet voice made The happy showed a more enjoyable expression.

The singing and the piano sound complemented each other, like a stream flowing through a mountain stream.

The happy completely relaxed.

The same was true for Natsu who was practicing. He couldn't help but completely relax his mind.

The movement of magic power also accelerated a little.

Even Gray, who was standing next to him, had a gloomy expression that became much more relaxed.

But this relaxation did not last long.

Soon, the scenes of practicing with Ulu appeared in his mind.

He gritted his teeth and tried hard not to let the tears flow out. His body began to tremble slightly.


Seeing this, Lila also stopped,

Lucy asked, "Gray, what's wrong with you? Lila is indeed good at singing people's voices, but..."

The harpy on the side was also a little overwhelmed and said, "Gray actually cried,"

As for Gray, he retorted, "I didn't cry,"

Seeing this, Lucy quickly turned back and said to Lila, "Let's sing some happy songs, Lila,"

After hearing this, Lila asked, "Hey, why didn't you say it earlier,"

As for Gray, he was a little afraid to listen, so he quickly said, "What if someone hears it and comes in, Everyone should be quiet,"

Hearing his words, Naz stopped practicing,

He came to the consciousness space and opened the system panel,

He came to the mall and quickly looked for something,

He clicked the search button and entered a few words,

After a long time, he finally found what he wanted,

Soul collector,

According to the records in his memory, to use Absolute Ice, he needed to convert all his soul magic into cold air and condense it into living ice magic,

If this is true, then Ulu's soul must still be sealed here. Dalio In the ice cube pulled by the pull,

As long as her soul is collected, there must be a way to revive her again,

Perhaps she will be in another life form after resurrection, but as long as he still exists, he can make up for the regrets of many people,

The soul collector can collect and condense souls,

In addition, this collector also comes with detailed instructions for use,

After reading it, Natsu felt that it was indeed feasible,

So he immediately chose to buy it,

His battle points also decreased by 50,000 in an instant,

Although it was painful, he didn't think much about it,

As the battle points decreased, the system back There is also a collector in the bag.

It is only the size of two palms, like a lamp.

Some tiny runes are carved on it.

In the center of the lamp, there is a round crystal. The crystal is transparent. There is a magic circle inside it, which is running slowly.

At this time, the underground space began to tremble violently.

The harpies who had fallen asleep also woke up because of the vibration.

A purple magic circle appeared at the top of the cave.

As the magic circle was running, a purple beam of light shone on Deliora's head.

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