The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next few days.

Schiadoram nodded and said, "Let them spend a few more days together. This may be the most pleasant time for them to spend together before completing their mission."

Grantine's eyes flickered when he heard this, and then he asked, "Igniel, do we have to clear their memories?"

Igniel nodded. "Yes! In order to prevent accidents, we can't be careless in any aspect, so the memory must be cleared,"

Ji Long stopped talking after hearing this, but looked at the children in the mirror technique with some reluctance,


After communicating for a while, knowing everyone's preferences, the Heart Stone also recorded these scenes,

They waited for a long time in the same place, but didn't see Igneel and the others return,

At this time, Natsu said, "Forget it, don't wait for them, Wendy, you should be hungry, I will take you to find something to eat,"

Wendy heard this, looked at Tianlong, and said timidly, "But, Grandine,"

Natsu waved his hand after hearing this, "It's okay, we will go nearby, we won't go far, and we will be back soon,"

Gajeel nodded after hearing this, "Well, waiting here is not a solution, I don't know what they are doing, when they are "They will come back when they come back," Natsu patted his shoulder and said, "Don't worry, even if they don't come back, you still have your big brother to take care of you," As soon as this sentence came out, Gajeel snorted, Stinger and Roger laughed, Even Wendy couldn't help but smile, Then, under the leadership of Natsu, the little ones entered the jungle, Because of Igneel, there are no animals in this forest, Even if there are some insects left, they can't be eaten, And Natsu doesn't want to eat that thing, He took Wendy and the others to find some wild fruits nearby, These wild fruits were brought to him by Igneel before, and they can be eaten, Now they have just learned dragon slayer magic, So they can't use substances of the same attribute to fill their stomachs, And even if they can do this, It did not prevent them from eating other things.

After collecting a lot of wild fruits, Natsu took them back to the open space.

They sat on the ground, eating wild fruits, waiting for the return of the dragons.

But they waited until nightfall, and Igneel and his party had not returned yet.

At this moment, Wendy was a little anxious.

Seeing this, Natsu, Stinger, and Rogue all surrounded her and comforted Wendy.

Even Gajeel, after hesitating for a while, walked over and played games with Wendy.

Natsu sat on the ground and thought about it, then stood up and asked Stinger and the others to stay where they were.

And he went back to the jungle.

After a long time, Natsu came back again, dragging a large pile of dry firewood.

Thinking back to what Igneel said before he left, Natsu felt that they must have been delayed by something and could not come back for the time being.

And as their As the eldest brother, he naturally had to greet them.

On weekdays, he would snuggle up to Igneel when he went to sleep, so he didn't feel cold or anything.

There was no blanket or anything like that now.

He picked up so much firewood, so that his younger brothers and sisters would not get cold at night.

He built a fire in the open space, and Natsu used his magic power to convert it into flames and lit the firewood.

Then the little ones sat down around the fire,

chatting and chatting.

But as time went by, they slowly began to feel sleepy, their voices became smaller and smaller, and their heads kept nodding down.

Wendy was the first one who couldn't hold on and fell asleep directly.

Natsu told her to fall down, and hurried forward to comfort her and hug her.

Then he moved her to the hay that had been prepared long ago.

Looking at Wendy who had fallen asleep, Natsu smiled and raised his hand. He rubbed her hair,

Then he called Stinger, Rogue, and Gajeel over,

Let them snuggle together and rest on the hay,

As for Natsu himself, after they fell asleep, he closed his eyes, began to meditate, and practiced fighting spirit,

After feeling that the fire was about to burn out, Natsu would stop, add some firewood, and then start practicing again,

In this way, a night passed, and the next day, the sun rose slowly, and when the night retreated, the fire was still burning,

And Natsu's performance was also watched by Igneel and the others,

Grantine and the other four dragons also had a lot of concerns for Natsu.

Gajeel woke up first,

rubbed his eyes and sat up,

looking at the still burning fire and Natsu who was still practicing, he whispered "this guy,"

and at this moment, Natsu also finished practicing and opened his eyes, just in time to see Gajeel staring at him,

with a grin, Natsu greeted "good morning, little brother,"

hearing Natsu calling him like this again, Gajeel did not show any disgust or anything like that, but nodded in response,

soon, Wendy, Stinger, and Rogue also woke up one by one,

after greeting each other , Natsu took them to the nearby pond to wash up.

There were some fish in the pond.

Igneel would usually get some for Natsu to eat.

While Wendy and the others were washing up, Natsu also jumped into the water and started catching fish.

Although he was still a child,

but after the activation of the magic martial body and the successful cultivation of fighting spirit, his physique was pretty good.

Catching ordinary fish was naturally very easy.

Natsu dived into the water and soon came out of the water with a big fish.

Throwing the fish onto the shore, Natsu shouted, "I'll leave it to you. Don't let it run away."

Then, Natsu dived down again. When he appeared again, Natsu caught another big fish. This time, Natsu came to the shore with the fish. Two big fish and some wild fruits were enough for them to eat. After breakfast, Natsu took them to play around in the jungle. As time went by, they got along more and more harmoniously. Gajeel and the others called him brother more and more smoothly. Including Gajeel, Natsu's magic and fighting spirit made them feel ashamed. Igneel and the others still didn't come back. That dragon was not only responsible for their breakfast and dinner, but also urged them to practice in the past few days. He also shared some of his own practice experience with them. Until the fifth day, Igneel and the others finally came back. Seeing them come back, Wendy, Gajeel, Stinger, and Rogue all rushed over and hugged the claws of the dragon that raised them. They told them how much they missed them after they were separated for the past few days, and then asked them where they had been.

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