Horror: My Charms Only Work On Big Women

189: The Sword Test Group Of Monsters, A Real Man Must Face Up!

Yan Shanjun's blood splattered all over the ground.

Ma Jun stepped on the plasma, walked to the side of the still staring tiger's head, and picked up the tiger's head with his hand.

His gaze is cold, surrounded by a group of monsters, he has a tall and straight figure, with an aura like a fairy.

call out!

Ghost Wuyou turned around and hovered beside him.

The sword energy all over the body is clear.

It seems to have a kind of carefree drinking of the blood of the big demon.

The azure blue ice-cold and bright sun-like molten golden luster are dazzling.

Ma Jun is holding a tiger's head in one hand and a huge sword in the other.

From a bird's-eye view, all the demons and ghosts in the audience are in trouble!

"Who else wants to come to lead the death!"

Ma Jun shouted and asked in a cold voice, all of a sudden, the group of monsters died down, and everyone was terrified!

The power of Ma Jun's sword just now really made them feel terrified.

Yan Chixia couldn't help but admire Ma Jun's pride.

In the face of so many big monsters, how dare to attack!

In terms of grandeur, even if he asks himself, he will lose a bit.

The little rabbit demon's heart was pounding, and he almost lost the ability to think in his mind.

With her simple and pure mind, it is difficult to understand why a Banlangen spirit is so strong.

The majestic king, who usually treats them as slaves, couldn't hold out even one round under Ma Jun's sword.

She held onto her chest, and under the softness, it was a heart that was about to jump out of her chest.

This appearance of Ma Jun is really heart-wrenching. Although the little rabbit has just transformed, he is not human.

But instinctively felt that his legs were weak, and even his breathing became short of breath.

After a moment of silence, those monsters gradually reflected.

"He's definitely not a wampeskin!"

"Nonsense, the fairy sword has come out, he must be human!"

The white-eyed Mujiao Guichai shouted loudly: "Everyone, don't be afraid, the king's wedding party will be here soon!"

"Let's work together to take down this beast!"

"His status in the human race must not be low. We tied him up as the king's wedding gift!"

"At that time, the king will definitely reward us heavily!"

The cocoon ghost raised his arms and called out.

But did not get the desired effect.

Among these big monsters, Lord Yanshan can already be regarded as a top-notch combat power.

Even so, he still couldn't make one move under Ma Jun's sword.

They thought to themselves that they were no more resistant to beating than Lord Yanshan.

Perhaps under siege, Ma Jun can be taken.

But who goes first?

This is a very practical question.

If you hit your head, you will die first.

The monsters are not stupid, no one wants to send this to death in the future.

At this time, bursts of music from the underworld suddenly sounded outside.

The sound of silk and bamboo has a bit of a ghost.

Ma Jun frowned, as expected of a ghost getting married, even the music is so amazing.

Listening to it makes people get goosebumps.

The cocoons and ghosts are invigorated.

"Listen, the wedding party is back, it's the king!"

"The Lord of Black Mountain is back, why are you still staring blankly, how can a mere human being fight against the Lord of Black Mountain!"

"When the king comes back, he will definitely lose his temper when he sees you all so useless."

"Do you want to bear the wrath of the king!"

The big monsters loosened up.

Ma Jun's sword energy is astonishingly sharp, but the Lord of Black Mountain has accumulated power for many years, and his coercion has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Many monsters looked at each other in blank dismay, and seemed to have loosened their minds.

Ma Jun's attention was no longer on them.

All his attention was focused on the eerie sound of silk and bamboo in the distance.

In addition to the sound of silk and bamboo, there is also a sharp roar, floating from a distance.

"Fated to live three lives~"

"Keep Qin and Jin together~"

Among the roars, there seemed to be ghost cries.

Ma Jun frowned slightly.

Is Xiaoqian in the team at this time?

After all, she is a girl who has had in-depth communication with him, not to mention a very good experience.

Ma Jun still has some concern for Xiaoqian.

He snorted coldly.

No matter what, with him here, it might not be so easy for the welcoming team to go down smoothly.


Ma Jun scolded lightly, and the ghosts and gods came out straight through.

He needs to cherish time.

There is a time limit for the flying sword attribute that Guishen Wuyong is endowed with. Once the time expires, he can only go up and chop with the sword.

Seeing that Ma Jun was about to go out, many ghosts subconsciously wanted to stop him.

Yan Chixia, who was already at the side, jumped out.

"Hmph, I've seen you monsters not pleasing to the eye for a long time!"

"Look at the talisman!"

Yan Chixia bit her finger and drew mysterious traces in the air.

"Heaven and earth are boundless, and the universe borrows the law!

"Taiyi Eradicates Sins and Slays Demons!"

call out!

A golden and red light and shadow exploded in the air.

The streamer scattered away, carrying a fierce fire.

The ghost who was closer was burned by the anger, and backed away roaring in pain.

……… Ask for flowers…

Yan Chixia's flying sword shot out at the same time.

The most lovable Mucoon ghost who called just now, but his face changed suddenly.

"The Talisman of the Kunlun School!"

"The Promise Sword!"

"You are Yan Chixia!"

Yan Chixia glanced at the ghost, and snorted coldly: "You can recognize me, you have some discernment.

"I'll give you a treat later!"

Mujiao Guicha glanced left and right, then quietly backed away.

Yan Chixia is also an expert on the gold list.

It is rare to see him in leisure time on weekdays, but today he would go into battle for that young man.

Who the hell is that young man?

Many people have already started to retreat.

Only the name of the old demon of Montenegro is still supporting their courage.

Ghosts and gods are useless.


Ma Jun followed closely behind.

His extraordinary agility value makes his speed almost no lower than that of Feijian, so he won't be left too far behind.

Soon, he arrived at the entrance of the village.

Seeing the scene ahead, his eyebrows furrowed deeper.

"The dark soldiers cross the border?"

In front of his eyes, there are countless ghost soldiers whose figures change from time to time, sometimes illusory and sometimes solid.

In that huge team, the number of ghost soldiers among them may not be tens of thousands.

In the very center of the team is the Japanese governance light gauze soft tent.

If you look carefully, you can see a beautiful woman in a palace costume sitting in it, seeming to be weeping.

After all, he is an old driver.

Through some details, Ma Jun could tell at a glance that the person sitting in the soft gauze tent was none other than Nie Xiaoqian who had communicated with him.

At this time, the Yin soldiers in the distance have discovered Ma Jun.


"Dare to come and make trouble at the wedding banquet of Lord Heishan!"

As soon as a ghost with a headband on his head and a mourning banner in his hand shouted out, Ma Jun immediately pointed his sword forward and killed him.

The ghosts and gods useless sword trembled non-stop.

It seems to feel the surging fighting spirit in Ma Jun's heart at this time!

Left and right can return at any time.

What are you afraid of!

A real man is about to face up.

The deeper the practice of the psychic sword, the more Ma Jun's heart seems to be tough.

In case of indecision, he swung his sword.

This is the correct way to open a sword cultivator.


Ghosts and gods are useless in a blink of an eye

The face of the ghost holding the mourning soul banner changed wildly, and he roared: "Immortal sword!

"Quickly invite the king..."

Before he finished speaking, the sword light had passed through him!.

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