Horror: My Charms Only Work On Big Women

240: The National Teacher's Personal Biography? Only Worthy Of Me As A Servant

The lights are on.

Shendu has recently lifted the curfew as the Queen Mother's birthday is approaching.

Qianniuwei strengthened manpower patrols, so that people can come out to have fun at night.

The street seemed to be much more lively, and there were more and more stalls, children's laughter, and all kinds of cries mixed together.

Make Shendu's night look full of fireworks.

It seems to be the same as the Lantern Festival Lantern Festival.

Mo Ling is actually a lively person, although she usually has a straight face and looks very unreasonable, but every year during the Lantern Festival, she will take the initiative to apply to be on duty.

Usually, if she encounters such a situation, she will be very happy.

Except now.

She was sitting astride the horse, her posture was extremely awkward.

Every now and then you have to switch directions.

"What kind of mess is this Nuanxiang Pavilion thinking about all day long, can you wear this kind of clothes?"


Mo Ling was about to die of pain.

The delicate silky touch wrapped around her long legs, clinging to the skin, the strange feeling made her very ashamed.

Yet there was an eerie sense of comfort.

She recalled how she tried it on at the beginning, 15's face was so hot that she wanted to smoke.

Strong shame, so she can only vent this emotion to Ma Jun.

If it wasn't for Ma Jun forcing her to wear such a strange thing, how could she wear such a thing just as she obeyed Commander Tiansi!


Don't let her get a chance, otherwise

Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling bitter again.

Ma Jun returned safely from the Demon Sealing Cave, but the task given by the queen mother was not completed, and she still doesn't know how to reply.

Mo Ling was very distressed.

She even wanted to use a beauty trick to take Ma Jun down directly by taking the opportunity of being intimate with Ma Jun.

But she is also very self-aware.

It is said that Ma Jun is well-known in Shendu Goulan Fengyue, and he can be called a peerless hero in the red gauze tent.

Relying on her an innocent little girl...

Most likely she will be taken down.

Mo Ling walked very slowly, but still reached the gate of Jinxiao Yulu Tower.

Tonight, the huge Jinxiao Yulu Building seemed deserted.

As soon as Mo Ling showed up, the visitor from outside had already bowed down to greet her.

"Master Commander, Lord Ma has been waiting for you upstairs, please.

"Master Ma has booked a whole building just to entertain you tonight!"

Mo Ling's face froze, why invite her?

Tonight, I'm afraid she is the dish that was put on the table, and Ma Jun will eat it clean and swallow it in his stomach.

There was sadness on her face.

I can only force myself to comfort myself, the sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes, regardless of trivial matters.

Fortunately, Ma Jun is also a first-class good-looking, and in a short period of time he has made a name for himself in Shendu and has become the dream man of countless boudoir girls.

She's not too bad either.

When Mo Ling walked upstairs and opened the door, the scene in her imagination should be Ma Jun nestled against the red and green, in a mess.

But when the door slowly opened, the scene she saw nearly dropped her jaw.

Ma Jun sat at the head of the room with a relaxed attitude.

In front of him, there were several exquisite refreshments. At this moment, he was holding the wine cup and slowly filling himself with the wine.

On the balcony next to it, behind the veil, is Qin Xinyue's hazy figure, plucking the strings, making intermittent and out-of-tune syllables.

It was obvious that Qin Xinyue was so upset that she couldn't even play the complete song.

Mo Ling understood Qin Xinyue very well.

No matter who it is, facing such a scene in front of them, they will be in a mess.

This room is very bright.

It's not about the lighting.

In the room, once there are more than a dozen bald heads, Xia Du will definitely be very strong.

Beside Ma Jun, more than a dozen monks stood neatly!

More than a dozen people lined up on both sides, standing respectfully and neatly!

Being a monk is not easy.

Mo Ling recognized at a glance that this was the senior monk's robe of Wanfa Temple, and it was all worn by disciples of the Jing generation.

She still knows some of them, who often walk in Shendu, and they are all direct disciples of the national teacher Shijing.

Waiting for a big man who is rare to meet!

The direct disciple of the national teacher is the target of those dignitaries in Shendu, please come to the house, it is very face-saving.

But in front of the dignitaries, the monks who are extremely reserved and arrogant, but they are all respectful and serve by Ma Jun's side.

It is even more devout than the national teacher!

Mo Ling was dumbfounded.

what's going on

Ma Jun is indeed very strong, but he is only the third in the list.

People value him more because he is young enough and has unlimited possibilities in the future.

Why does he... make these eminent monks so pious!

Mo Ling didn't understand.

Ma Jun raised his head with a relaxed smile on his face.

It seemed that the shocking scene in front of him was nothing more than an ordinary little scene to him.

"Come on, sit down."

"This wine is the bamboo flower wine collected in the Jinxiao Yulu Building. It is made from the bamboo water that is about to become a monster, and the bamboo water that is produced on weekdays, plus the core honey of the flower demon. No one else can drink it.

"Come and try."

Mo Ling walked over with a stiff body, and sat down beside Ma Jun according to Ma Jun's instructions.

The battle in front of me was too scary.

More than a dozen personal disciples of Wanfa Temple stood in front of her.

Every one of them is a character who could be equal to her before, or even slightly higher.

Add a Ma Jun, nothing else, the sense of oppression is directly full.

What scares Mo Ling even more is, shouldn't these Wanfa Temple disciples deal with Ma Jun together!

The order of the national teacher is clearly...

She couldn't figure it out.

If it was said that Mo Ling was still a little bit upset just now, now she doesn't even have that little bit of care.

997 is cowardly and honest.

Mo Ling specially wore a long skirt today.

As soon as she sat down, the silk pantyhose was immediately exposed. The bright white pantyhose was put on that round and slender leg, showing more graceful lines.

People can't help but linger.

Mo Ling retracted her legs deliberately.

A little bit ashamed.

But Ma Jun didn't seem to care about it at all, he didn't even look at it. Those two long legs, which are famous on the beauty list, were like air in front of his eyes.

Mo Ling couldn't help feeling bitter again.

Some women are like that.

She would be offended if she saw it, and even more offended if she didn't.

Ma Jun poured a cup of bamboo flower wine and put it in front of Mo Ling. The wine had the fragrance of bamboo and the sweet fragrance of flowers, it was indeed a rare and precious thing.

Mo Ling was quite trembling, and had no intention of drinking at all.

"Keep playing, why don't you play!"

Ma Jun spoke suddenly.

With a plop, the figure behind the gauze curtain fell to the ground.

The curtain was lifted, and Qin Xinyue stumbled out with bare feet, her fair and tender face was covered with tears.

His eyes were full of regret and sadness.

"Lang Jun, I didn't mean to sell your news, I really had to..."

"I dare not disobey the order of the national teacher!"

She walked up to Ma Jun, fell to the ground wearily, and began to cry mournfully.

"Lang Jun, have mercy!".

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