Horror: My Charms Only Work On Big Women

315: Stubborn Wheat-Colored Girl, The Allure Of Honey-Colored Thighs

Although the light was faint, it caught Ma Jun's sight instantly.

He was very clear about what this kind of light represented. It had appeared on Fanny and Deirdre before.


This is the unique light that represents the witch!

Ma Jun always wears a golden chestnut awn. This prop, which looks like a treasure hunting mouse, seems to have opened up a humanoid plug-in for Ma Jun on this continent.

Able to identify potential witches.

There is no doubt that the slim girl in front of her is also a treasure of unactivated blood.

Although the light on her body is far less than that of Deirdre, it is impossible for her to be a five-star witch with her own title.

Not even as good as Samsung Witch Fanny.

But no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. As long as the witch's unique ability is used properly, it can bring great development to the power of a territory.

Ma Jun looked at the slender girl in front of him.

Her skin is slightly dark, it should be the marks from working outside all year round.

The healthy wheat color adds a bit of wild beauty to her.

She has a well-proportioned skeleton and a perfect figure, with a slender waist exposed, and a shiny ornament at the position of the navel.

Not expensive stones, just cheap glass charms.

On the road where magic alchemy is prevalent, glass is not a rare thing.

Her facial features are exquisite, and her brow bones are slightly obvious, which makes her a little more heroic.

The whole life is full of vigor and vitality, revealing a unique attractiveness.

At this time, she was picking fruits at the fruit stand next to her.

Those fresh fruits were picked out by her, leaving some not so fresh ones.

The owner of the fruit seller seemed to know her well, and when he saw her actions, he expressed some complicated persuasion.

"Mogina, you don't need to choose so carefully, I will give you a cheap price.

The girl Mojina shook her head with a calm smile on her face.

"Uncle, we have already agreed to pick these fruits at a cheap price. You have taken good care of me, and I can't always take advantage of you.

The fruit merchant owner sighed pitifully.

Mojina carried the fruit and walked into the distance.

The mercenaries noticed Ma Jun's eyes and smiled knowingly.

"You go first, I'll be there.

Ma Jun parted ways with the mercenaries and followed Mo Jina.

After a while, Mojina stopped in front of a low house. This house was a bit dilapidated compared to other houses, but it was kept very clean.

Morgana pushed the door open and walked in.

Ma Jun took a look and saw that there was no one around, so he raised his hand and released the golden eagle.

On both sides of his body, golden wings spread out, and he flew into the air, hovering on the side.

From his angle, he could just see Mojina's movements through the window.

Mojina washed the apples she bought, and carefully selected the relatively better ones from a pile of not-so-fresh ones.

Then, she brought the fruits to the bed in the house.

An old man with a gray face lay on it.

The old man looked at Mojina kindly, and said in a weak voice: "You eat, I can't eat these anymore."

Morgana smiled sweetly.

"Grandpa, the doctor said that you must eat more fruits, so that you will recover quickly.

After serving the old man to eat, she quickly cooked some noodle soup and put it beside the old man.

"I'm going to work at night, if you're hungry, drink some yourself."

After finishing speaking, Mojina left in a hurry and rushed to the other end of the city.

Ma Jun folded his wings and continued to follow her.

Halfway through the walk, Mojina's footsteps slowed down.

She turned her head and looked straight in Ma Jun's direction.


"What are you still following me for? You've been following me for so long, what are you going to do!"

This careful girl has already discovered Ma Jun's follower.

"When did you find out?"

Mojina's eyes showed a bit of misery: "What do you think?"

"It's rare to see an adventurer like you, when you were walking on the street, those girls' eyes almost popped out.

Ma Jun couldn't help but laugh.

He had forgotten that.

Most of the adventurers are exposed to the wind and the sun, and each one is rougher than the other, but even though he is wearing an adventurer's attire, he can't hide his aura.

He didn't try to hide it either.

"Why are you following me like this? Do you want to court me?"

"Sorry, I'm not interested in you right now."

"It's not that you're not handsome enough, I have more important things to do, and I don't have time to entangle you."

Mo Jina's boldness made Ma Jun more interested in her.

Even leaving aside her identity as a witch, this girl herself is enough to fascinate people.

"I just think you are beautiful, and I just want to see you more."

"No other malice, please forgive me.

After listening to Ma Jun's explanation, Mojina frowned.


"Follow if you want, but remember, I will never have anything to do with you!"

Mojina turned her head and left, and Ma Jun was still following behind. When she stopped, Ma Jun couldn't help being more curious.

Where she is, is the location of the tavern.

Ma Jun's eyes flickered, what is Mojina doing here?

Soon, he got the answer.

The tavern here is very large, and there is a stage in the center specially used for performances, which is a bit like a nightclub.

In the tavern, there was a hustle and bustle, full of the smell of alcohol and inferior perfume.

Many excited men, as well as many women with honey-colored thighs were among them, teasing and laughing at each other.

Ma Jun raised his eyebrows.

660 This place... looks a bit informal!

Mogina walked into a passage on the side of the tavern, which seemed to be where the employees came in and out.

Ma Jun saw the people of the mercenary group. They got Ma Jun's deposit, and they had a lot of money, at least they could afford ale.

After such a short time, several people have been drinking with high spirits and a little drunk.

Ma Jun walked over, and the people in the mercenary group became even more excited.

"My lord, the wine here is really good."

"Women are also enthusiastic enough, I think I have fallen in love with this place."

"There will be a performance soon, and I heard that the performance here is very exciting!

"It's a special dance!"

As soon as the mercenary finished speaking, a burst of warm applause broke out in the tavern.

From the passage on the side of the tavern, a group of seven or eight girls with graceful figures walked out.

One of the most eye-catching is Mo Jina.

The clothes on her upper body were even shorter, completely exposing her slender waist, and the cheap glass ornaments reflected bright light.

"My lord, I heard that this dance will cheer you up for a whole day after watching it!"

"And...if you pay enough money, you can also let the dancing girl have a drink with you!"

The words of the mercenaries were very cryptic.

But Ma Jun speculates that if you spend enough money, it may not be as simple as sharing a drink...

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