Horror: My Charms Only Work On Big Women

462: They Let You Develop Power, You Are Immediately Ascended

Ma Jun's words made everyone look up suddenly!

I don't know whether it's excitement or fear, I tremble all over.

They know that Ma Jun is powerful, arrogant and unruly.

But unexpectedly, Ji Jun didn't pay attention to the gods!

Is this the arrogance of their allegiance to the emperor in the future!

The matter has come to this point, and the situation has been decided.

Three days later.

The capital of the Starry Empire.

Wearing a full set of royal robes, Ma Jun stepped onto the Iron Throne step by step.

Under the throne, standing in the first row is Ma Jun's team in Twilight.

Exorcists, Twilight Guards, and most importantly witches.

In the second row are the four Dukes.

Strand had already been convinced by Ma Jun, Ma Jun told him to go east, but he would never dare to go west.

Duke Joaquin was also beaten so badly by Ma Jun that he didn't even dare to fart anymore.

There are still two remaining dukes, it is difficult to become a master.

When Ma Jun called them to come to the capital and said he wanted to take the throne, they all agreed with it.

Even if Ma Jun wants to take over their territory, they dare not say a word at all.

Further back, are the dignitaries of the Starry Empire. 107

They have already seen Ma Jun's iron-blooded wrist, as well as the strength against the sky.

I have already prepared in my heart.

But on the day of the coronation, when those witches appeared full of aura, they really realized it.

What is the chosen one!

As long as the witch activates her blood, her aura is very special, and basically everyone she sees can easily distinguish it.

Not to mention a five-star witch.

Evan and Ken blended in with the crowd, equally awed.

There is still a lot of anxiety.

They are worrying about a problem.

It is clearly agreed that if you want to develop your own territory and expand the influence of the territory to the city level, you can complete the dungeon.

But now?

Ma Jun directly defeated the country!

How to play this copy?

Isn't this fatal!

If the mission fails because of this, then the two of them have nowhere to go. (daaa)

But let them resist... They definitely don't have the guts.

No matter who, after seeing Ma Jun's ability, if he can still muster the courage to resist, it is probably out of his mind.

Ma Jun looked around.

He picked up the crown of stars that symbolized Wang Quan, and slowly put it on his head.

There was a roar of cheers below.

"Goddess bless Your Ma Jun!"

Celebrating the coronation of Ma Jun as king.

Ma Jun raised his hands and pressed down slightly.

People raised their heads and looked at Ma Jun with expectation in their eyes.

Waiting for Ma Jun's declaration.

After the general emperor is crowned, he will make a declaration.

Ma Jun smiled.

The tone was flat, but the words that were spoken accurately reached everyone's ears.

"From now on, the Star Empire will abolish serfdom!"

"No more slaves and lords!"

"I will promulgate new laws, and all the privileges of the church will be abolished!"


Ma Jun's words are astonishing!

Especially those rich and powerful, serfdom is abolished? What about the slaves, how can they become masters!

There is also the abolition of church privileges, what about the popes and high-level church officials who are usually high above the top?

Became Common?

If it weren't for Ma Jun's strong deterrence, someone would have jumped back.

Unfortunately, this is the Starry Empire.

All disobedient forces have long been destroyed by humanity.

Even if everyone's heart was shaken, no one dared to speak up to resist, or even dare to say a negative word.

Ma Jun's eyes are clear.

With a determined look, his tone became clearer.

"I will move the royal capital to Twilight City!"

"There is the burrow of the empire, and it is also the border of the empire.

"From now on, I will guard the crypt and the border. Unless I die, there will not be any monster that can endanger the lives of the people!"

"Other countries want to invade, but also step on my bones!"

"I will give you a better life, as long as you work hard, everyone can live in abundance and happiness."

"But...you have to remember one thing clearly."

"Your future happy life is created by yourself, not by some goddess!"

After Ma Jun's words, no one can remain calm.

Many little nobles have tears in their eyes.

Many people already know the power of Twilight City, and they firmly believe in Ma Jun's promise.

But none of them could have imagined that Ma Jun would abandon the capital and choose to guard the border and the crypt by himself!

This is the king!

They suddenly felt that the abolition of serfdom seemed nothing.

Following such an emperor, they have no choice, and they don't have to.

Evan and Ken were agitated endlessly.

The eye sockets are moist.

In the horror game, they seem to have seen the change of history!

The two looked at the energetic Ma Jun, only feeling envious.

Everyone is a player, why are you so beautiful!

Others are struggling to survive in horror games.

What about Ma Jun?

Here comes a change of dynasty!

A thought arose in both of them, if Ma Jun was a player, he would definitely be among the most powerful players in the horror game.

If there is a one in ten thousand possibility, he is a newcomer.

In that future horror game, no one will be able to compete with him!.

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