Horror: My Charms Only Work On Big Women

561: This Piece Of Fat Must Be Eaten

Originally, Cao Fang's face was upright and majestic.

Seems like a kind and honest official.

But when that slightly sarcastic smile appeared, it added a bit of gloom to his whole person.

Behind him, two figures appeared quietly.

"Have you done the investigation, what is this kid's background?"

Cao Fang asked in a dark voice.

The two immediately bowed down with a humble attitude.

"We have checked, this kid seems to have popped out of a crack in the rock, and no one has seen him."

"Perhaps...he really came from Bogzhou City.

Cao Fang pondered silently.

"Big State City... Pig's House?"

His face became stern, and his voice was gloomy: "Even if he is from the Zhu family, so what?"

"The world has become like this, even if he is an important figure in the Zhu family, we are not afraid of him!"

"He has come to this piece of fat in Yuezhou City. If we don't eat it, it will be swallowed by others!"

"This is the way of the world where people eat people!"

Cao Fang raised her hand to order.

"Go, talk to Tsing Yi."

"Just say that there is a task for her, what should I do...you understand.

"Tell Tsing Yi that after the work is done, I can give her 30% of all the income!"

The two attendants looked surprised.

"Thirty percent? My lord, isn't that too much?"

"That kid has a good fortune at first glance, and he can buy it without even thinking about it when he enters the city. It's not too cheap to give Tsing Yi 30% for nothing, my girl."

Cao Fang snorted softly.

"You don't know yet, Tsing Yi has already been promoted to the third rank Bonebiter"||!"

"With her strength, coupled with the monster over there, to kill that unlucky kid, there is no cure!"

"If not...you go to deal with that kid?"

The two shook their heads and looked at each other.

Tier 3 Bonebiter!

I didn't expect Tsing Yi's luck to be so good!

Once promoted to the third rank, they will step into the ranks of the strong, which is far from enough for them to deal with.

The largest inn in the market.

It is also the busiest place in the whole market.

The inn is a magnificent three-story wooden building.

It looks very first glance from the outside.

Inside the inn, dragons and snakes mixed together.

There are monks, Taoists and laymen, three religions and nine streams, old people and babies, everything that one expects to find.

Survivors with a little strength in the vicinity all gathered here.

Even in the daytime, many people were drunk, making the entire hall of the inn noisy.

Under the warm snow, in the scene of the end of the world, most people choose to live and dream of death.

Under the condition of satisfying the basic condition of survival, release your inner desire as much as possible.

Even though it was a mess, when Ma Jun and the others walked in, they still attracted everyone's attention.

Wearing a green shirt, Ma Jun has a straight figure and a magnificent momentum all over his body.

His half-length hair was tied up with a jade headband.

That piece of jade came from Lu Kunhai's collection, and it was a piece of transparent black jade.

If it is placed in front of the warm snow, just a piece of jade can be exchanged for a large courtyard.

Qi Rong followed beside him.

A light veil was cast over the face.

Even if you can't see the face clearly, just looking at the fiery and graceful figure, and the white and delicate skin faintly visible outside is enough to drive these people who are addicted to desire crazy.

Not to mention Lu Shiyi, who also looks uncommon at first glance.

Several people came in together, instantly making the noisy hall quiet for a moment.

In the dark, many malicious eyes flicked around.

Feeling the various gazes, Qi Rong shrunk her body subconsciously.

She hurriedly got closer to Ma Jun, trying to hide herself behind Ma Jun.

Although she is very conflicted in her heart now, she wants to get close to Ma Jun, but she is afraid that she will let her husband down.

But facing such a scene, she still instinctively seeks a sense of security.

The waiter in the running hall came up, smiling all over his face, very enthusiastic.

Ma Jun chatted briefly, and booked the most expensive rooms without even asking the price.

By the way, he asked Qi Rong for some hot water to wash her up.

Qi Rong is grateful for Ma Jun's thoughtfulness.

She felt that she was going to be dirty to death, since she was born, she hadn't had such a few days without a bath.

Ma Jun directly threw out six or seven soul cores, and the waiter's eyes were straightened.

When the soul core shot, Ma Jun could clearly feel that many eyes became more intense.

Of course he knows the truth about not revealing money.

It is also very clear how far these people can sacrifice their lives for money.

However, these are for ordinary people.

With Ma Jun's strength, he completely (Zhao Nuo doesn't need to worry so much.

If you stand high enough, you can naturally be unscrupulous.

After a little display of financial resources, Ma Jun was treated more enthusiastically.

Qi Rong took Xiao Qing into the room.

Ma Jun did not choose to go back to the room, but sat in the hall, savoring the atmosphere of this doomsday carnival.

The waiter in the shop brought up all the food and fine wines in the shop, and Lu Shiyi couldn't wait to pour a glass, and drank it all in one gulp.

With the alcohol in his throat, he sighed contentedly.

''"Good wine!"

"It's much more mellow than that of Zhuozhou City, but a little less potent."

Ma Jun didn't answer his words.

His attention was attracted by a woman in the distance. .

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