Horror: My Charms Only Work On Big Women

093: Learning How To Operate? It's Not Necessary, Just Try It Out

Ma Jun stepped into his room.

This small villa is exquisite and gorgeous on the outside, but the decoration on the inside has a wild style.

Animal skins hanging on the walls, murals about hunting.

Everything shows that this is a village inhabited by hunters.

Ma Jun doesn't care much about the living environment either.

"Welcome, my master!"

A milky voice sounded, and Ma Jun heard the reputation, and saw a beautiful kitten with white hair and blue eyes, looking at him politely.

"I am your butler."

"You can entrust me to do some chores.

"Such as trading the materials you get."

The kitten stood on its legs like a human being, and gave Ma Jun a respectful salute.

Its pink paws point across the room.

"Master, this is your storage room."

"You can now choose a weapon of your choice."

Ma Jun looked up and saw two huge cabinets placed in the room.

One blue and one red.

This should be a separate cabinet for materials and equipment.

Ma Jun walked to the side of the cabinet and checked the equipment in the cabinet.

As soon as he saw the types of weapons, he knew it in his heart.

Great Sword, One-handed Sword, Hunting Horn, Sledgehammer, Taidao

There are fourteen weapons in total.

All kinds of initial weapons came into view, and Jin Maling's heart began to beat thumpingly.

It was exactly the same as the Monster Hunter he was familiar with!

Wouldn't it be awesome if even the monster's weakness was the same!

Without hesitation, Ma Jun chose the weapon he was most familiar with, the Yin knife.

In the equipment column, what was provided to him was an LV1 iron knife.

Ma Jun was equipped with a Taidao on his body, and on his back, there was a slender blade with a cold glow.

The blade is about 1.8 meters long, and the blade is light and thin, which looks full of deterrence.

Ma Jun glanced at the property.

[Iron Knife LV1, Attack Power 26, Understanding, Sharpness, Attributes, Inlay Slot-]

Except for the 26-point attack, there is nothing left.

Ma Jun nodded in satisfaction.

That's enough.

Upgrading the iron knife in the early stage is the most convenient.

Compared with the other two initial weapons, the Belluna Taidao and Yuyun Taidao are much simpler, and they only need iron ore to upgrade.

Ma Jun glanced at the material box again.

He froze.

In the material box, there are ten pieces of iron ore and ten pieces of swallowstone!

In addition, there are funds of 10,000 copper coins!

Ma Jun is comfortable.

Why are you even sending upgrade materials?

In this case, he can directly upgrade the iron knife to the second level. If he cuts the previous tasks, is it still chopping melons and vegetables?

He immediately took out the copper coins and ore and put them in his backpack.

After entering this instance, the attribute bar and backpack have also become the default mode.

Each person has twenty backpacks.

Items can be stacked.

After taking out the iron knife, Ma Jun immediately walked out of the room.

In the farewell sound of the kitty housekeeper, he returned to Jieyun Village.

He walked east along the path of the village.

Boom! Boom!

The sound of wrought iron reached Ma Jun's ears, and he knew that his destination was coming.

A shop appeared in front of it, and inside the shop, a brawny man with his upper body naked was blacksmithing non-stop.

Ma Jun went up and asked.

"I want to upgrade my weapon, can I"?"

The strong man suddenly became excited.

"of course can!"

"All you need is to prepare the materials and money, and I will help you get it right!"

Ma Jun took out the iron knife in his hand.

"Help me upgrade this weapon."

The owner of the blacksmith shop quickly revealed the enhanced price list.

"Upgrading to level 2 requires 3 iron ores and 2000 copper coins. Upgrading to level 3 requires 5 iron ores and 5 larkstones and 5000 copper coins."

"Do you want to upgrade now?"

Ma Jun has no hesitation, in this game, equipment is a very important thing.

Sometimes, just a little bit of attack power is enough to decide life or death.

In the early stage, if there is a level 3 weapon, it will save a lot of time.

"Upgrade now!"

He gave the things out, and the strong man immediately hit the iron happily.

Sparks flew.

The iron knife quickly changed its shape under the hammer of the strong man.

The originally thin and white blade now has a bit more indigo.

It seems to have a cold feeling.

"All right!"

The owner of the blacksmith shop handed over the iron knife, and Ma Jun glanced at the property and nodded with satisfaction.

"very good!"

[Iron Knife LV3, Attack Power 58, Understanding 10, Sharpness, Attributes, Inlay Slot-]

After upgrading to level 3, not only added more than 20 points of attack, but also 10 points of heart.

Ma Jun can't wait to do the task.

At this time, the sound of knocking bells sounded in the middle of the village.

The voice of the white-bearded cat echoed.

"Hunters from afar, please gather at the entrance of the village.

The players came out of the room one after another and rushed to the entrance of the village.

When Ma Jun came to the entrance of the village with a freshly baked level 3 iron knife, all the players were almost there.

He observed it.

Each player chooses his favorite weapon.

However, their weapons are obviously not upgraded.

Most of them are made of animal bones, with a rough feeling of vicissitudes.

Ma Jun's radiant level 3 weapon is very conspicuous among players.

Soon, many players noticed this.

They were very curious, but they didn't rush forward to ask.

"..." Hunters, it's time for training. "

"As novice hunters, instructors will come and teach you [how to hunt."

"When you have learned all the courses, you can go to actual combat."

"You must study hard. In actual combat, monsters will not be polite to you."

After the white beard cat introduced, it took a step back.

A tall and strong man walked over from the side.

He clapped his hands.

"Brace yourself, rookie hunters!"

"Now, come and join my trial."

"Only hunters who have completed all the trials are eligible for actual combat!"

Not far behind the instructor is a faintly glowing portal.

The instructor pointed to the portal (Li Zhao).

"Now, go inside the door.

"Complete the transformation of a hunter!"

Xuanyuan Jing was the first to stand out and walked into the door.

Ma Jun saw that his weapon of choice was a sledgehammer.

It looks very domineering.

Ma Jun shook his head.

This weapon can be called a beginner's nightmare.

Many people couldn't hit the monster with a sledgehammer, but screamed after being bitten by the monster.

I don't know how Xuanyuan Jing's comprehension is.

Players enter the portal steps one after another.

Ma Jun was no exception, and walked in with the team.

White light flashed by.

In front of Ma Jun, a spacious platform in the style of an arena appeared.

The instructor stood by and spoke passionately to Ma Junwei.

"Come on, let's start learning from basic operations!"

Ma Jun was startled.

There was a subtle smile on his face.

"I think we can accelerate properly.

"How about... let's start the trial directly!"

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